Bad Luck day

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Friday. Miyano huffed. Of all days this was also the thirteenth. He hated Friday the thirteenth! Everyone knew he was a black cat familiar. He fixed his tie on his uniform. Looking in the mirror he let out another long sigh. Why did he have to have classes today?

It was as bad as he suspected it would be. The moment his foot touched the hallway, kids squealed. They dodged, pushing their friends into his path, screaming about not letting a black cat cross their way, all the usual stupidness. He hugged his bag to him, bowing his head over it. That was until a long strong arm curved around his shoulders.

"Stop being mean!" Hirano's voice thundered down the hallway. He was too far away to be the one touching Miyano.

"Here, have a coffee." Sasaki's quiet voice reverberated through his small body as Miyano leaned against him.

His hands slipped around the cup offered to him. He noted that it hadn't been opened. Glancing up, he saw Sasaki had another cup in his hand. Had he bought Miyano a cup of coffee? Miyano smirked at this, popping the little tab up so he could blow on the hot liquid inside.

"Come on, let's get outta here!" Hirano stormed down the hall after taking hold of Miyano's sleeve.

The small familiar was forced to follow. Sasaki came along behind him. No one talked as they made their way through the crowd. Miyano wasn't sure what parted the sea of students more, the angry look on the blond face, they way he was stomping as he charged at everyone, or the fact that Sasaki had a deep glare on his own face.

Hirano led them to an empty room. He slammed the door shut once they were all inside. Tossing his head back he screamed out in frustration.

"Why are there so many idiots in this world!?" He yelled, leaning against the door.

Silently, Miyano sipped his drink as he thought that everyone out in the hall must have heard his cry. Hirano looked over at him. Miyano peeked up from the cup he was taking a sip from. Hirano sighed.

"You know I'm not one to break rules..." He began.

"Says they guy with dyed hair." Sasaki muttered.

He was silenced by a glare from Hirano. The blond continued. "... but seeing how these idiots are acting, maybe you should..." He was interrupted again.

"... turn into your cat form and I could carry you around all day!" Sasaki beamed.

This time Hirano smacked him across the back of the head. They glared at each other after Sasaki's quiet owe. Miyano chuckled. He set his cup down.

"I'm used to it." He stated.

"Most of the time I just keep my head down. It always blows over." He shrugged, a smile on his face.

"But knowing you guys have my back, that just makes me feel better." He admitted.

"Then, you want to stay?" Hirano asked looking uncertain.

"Yeah, I think I do." Miyano stated, forcing his chin up to look more determined.

"Alright then. We better get going or we will be late to first period." Hirano opened the door.

The hall was pretty empty beyond it. They all rushed to their classes. If Miyano knew just how bad things could have gotten, he may have agreed with Hirano about skipping classes.

He was fine with the gentle teasing of his fellow familiars. It was nothing serious. They would leap out of his way, or smirking, hold up their fingers in a cross fashion hissing at him. This was always done in a friend rivalry sort of way. Miyano, occasionally, smiled or laughed with them.

He had never attended a school where wizards were also classmates, until now. Elementary and middle school they were separated from wizards. Familiars were taught what familiars needed to know during this time. It was only as they became old enough to bond with their wizards, did they actually join a school where wizards attended. Therefore, this was Miyano's first Friday the thirteenth with wizards.

He noted that other cat familiars were experiencing the same treatment. As familiars went, it was just something they endured among their kind. It had never been anything malicious. The first sign came when Miyano went to enter a class room. It was his first class that both wizards and familiars attended.

He couldn't get through the door. Someone had put up a spell to keep black cats out. A wizard shoved him out of the way as he stormed inside the room. Miyano beat at the air between the door frame. He couldn't even hear what was being said on the other side of it. It was as if he was locked in a vacuum. His ears popped. As the late bell rang over his head, the teacher came up to him. He glanced down.

"What have they done?" he muttered waving a hand to dispel the magic.

Miyano had been leaning into the warding. He fell forward. Lucky for him, he had his hands in front of him. Just as he was about to hit the ground, a strong arm slipped around his torso. Sasaki pulled him back to his feet. The rest of the day just got worse. Wizard threw spitballs at him, his chair had wet ink on it, they set fire to his homework. Right before lunch, someone stole his, tossing it out the window. Miyano was near tears at this point.

He ran from the room not seeing where he was going. In his distraught manner, he inadvertently transformed. This happened to familiars who were unable to control their emotions. A familiar could only control their changes, if they had control over themselves. Miyano felt weakened by the antics of his classmates.

He darted between legs, hearing screams as he ran down the hallway. Up ahead he saw a door open, he darted inside. Curling up under the heater, he hid from the others. A voice spoke above him.

"Miyano?" it was gentle. His tail flicked.

"Hey, come on out, it's ok." Sasaki tried to reach under the heater to pull him out.

Miyano hissed, swiping at the hand with his claws. He heard Sasaki cry out in pain. This made him feel even worse. He curled up farther back. Sasaki laid down on the tiled floor. Miyano saw one eye peeking at him.

"Come on, I'll keep you safe." Sasaki held out his other hand.

"It's just me out here, I promise. I locked the door after I saw you run in." He told him.

Miyano inched toward the voice. Sasaki continued to talk in his clam soothing manner as Miyano climbed out from behind the heater. Sasaki picked him up. He went to rub his face over the soft silky fur. Miyano pressed both his paws on the others chest. He hissed.

Sasaki laughed. "OK, OK, but let me kiss your head!" He begged.

He leaned in to do just that. Miyano bapped him on the head. This did little to deter the human who was chuckling at him. Miyano pressed his paws to Sasaki's mouth. The wizard laughed harder.

"Alright I get it! You're just too cute this way!" Sasaki giggled.

Miyano slapped him again, managing to get out of the wizards grasp. He darted up to the window ledge. Arching his back, he hissed. Now that he could see the room he had ran into, Miyano realized it was the bathroom. Not only that, but there weren't any urinals. Had he ran into the girls bathroom? He wondered.

More importantly, was Sasaki hiding out in the girls bathroom? Miyano hissed again. Sasaki had stood up. He took off his jacket. Walking toward the cat he again spoke in soothing tones. Miyano wasn't listening to what he said. His eyes darted around the room looking for a way out. Until he could get a handle on his emotions, he was forced to remain in his cat form.

Just as he thought this, the weight of the jacket hit his back. He was swiftly picked up. The material bound tightly around him. Sasaki gazed down at him. Miyano hissed feeling betrayed.

"It's OK." Sasaki cooed.

"I'm just going to get you out of the building. I don't want you getting hurt." He added as he held the squirming cat tightly to his chest.

"Its OK, you're safe." He kept cooing in a soft soothing tone.

"WHY ARE YOU IN THE WOMENS ROOM!" Hirano bellowed.

Sasaki adjusted the bundle in his arms. "Is that Miyano?" Hirano asked in a more conversational voice.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what happened. I saw him run in there when a girl was coming out. I darted in after him, but locked the door." Sasaki said.

Hirano reached out to pet the soft head. He smiled down at the little cat. "Wizards can be cruel." He muttered.

"One of them might be his..." Sasaki let his voice trail off.

"Go, get him outside. Take him to your room. I will get his things and meet you there." Hirano ordered.

"Sure." Sasaki turned to head outside. He kept up a one sided conversation as he went.

He told Miyano just where they were in the school. In addition to the geographical updates he seemed to just babble about whatever was on his mind. He discussed how Hirano wasn't all bad, that the blond knew how to look out for his friends. As Sasaki talked, Miyano felt himself relax.

He felt safe here with the ginger. It was something he never considered before. He wouldn't be able to bond with a wizard who couldn't make him feel like this. Protected. Miyano's eyes blinked slowly. Each time they opened he found that Sasaki's face appeared to be getting closer to his own.

The world around the face changed. Sasaki told him they were almost outside. The sunlight struck his eyes. Miyano yawned. He flicked his tongue out. It scraped across Sasaki's cheek. This made the boy pause in talking. He gave the cat a smile that was brighter than any sun Miyano had ever seen.

Before they got caught outside of the academic building, Sasaki hurried onward. He dashed inside the wizard dorms. Miyano hissed at seeing the familiar staircase. Sasaki bypassed this. He opened another door. Walked about halfway down the hall, stepped onto what looked like a rug on the floor.

Miyano felt the air around him heat up slightly. Was Sasaki going to burn them? He wondered. He meowed out his distress. Sasaki quickly soothed him.

"It's a magical rug, sort of like an elevator." He explained as he stepped off of it. Sure enough they were already on the third floor.

Sasaki had to jungle Miyano slightly as he opened his bedroom door. The cat let out a soft mer wow sound as he noticed the room around him. Finally, he closed his eyes. Sasaki set him down on the bed, untying the jacket from around him. Miyano padded to the end of the bed, curling up in a spot of warm sunlight. It was near the desk.

Sasaki sat down in his chair, he reached over to scratch under the cats chin. Miyano purred until he was asleep. The knock on the door didn't disturb the cat. Sasaki went to open it.

"Awe, he looks content." Hirano noted.

"Will he change back?" Sasaki asked.

"Once he gets his emotions under control. Probably when he wakes up." Hirano offered.

"Keep an eye on him, ok?" he stated. Sasaki nodded.

Hirano set Miyano's bag down by the desk. He walked to the door, glancing back to see Sasaki with his feet up on the desk, leaning back in his chair next to the cat. He was gently stroking the soft fur. Hirano smiled at the sight. He closed the door quietly.

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