Autumnal Equinox

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Miyano ran a hand over his hair, smoothing it down. He wore a light denim jacket over a red long sleeved tee shirt. His black jeans framed his body perfectly. He decided on hiking boots since they would be out in the woods most of the night. Once he stepped out of his room, he felt a lightness surround him.

"Barrier's been lifted." Hirano stated as they met on the steps.

"Oh, right. Is one of the teachers here to collect us?" Miyano asked.

"Yep." That was all the crow familiar said.

Miyano followed the blond down the steps. His insides squirmed. The feeling of the goat man, the missing door, all of it had rattled him. His nerves were on edge, now he was to go wander around the woods to see if he found his wizard. It was all too much for him. Wanting nothing more than to transform, Miyano knew he couldn't.

Right now, there was a spell on all unclaimed familiars. They wouldn't be able to transform until they found their wizard or the spell lifted in the morning. Hirano tugged at his black jacket. He glanced back at Miyano as they came up to the group around the door. One teacher stayed inside, instructing the departing familiars on where to go. Another stood at the bottom of the trail leading into the woods, directing the students to stay on the path.

Miyano followed Tashiro as they ambled up the dirt track away from both sets of dorms. Glancing down to the wizard dorms, as they passed through the trees, Miyano didn't see any of the students.

"I'm sure they took a different path or went out before us." Hirano stated from behind him.

"They really didn't want us to meet up without teachers around." Miyano huffed. Hirano was quiet as they walked through the woods.

It wasn't long before they saw two more teachers. They acted like sentinels, showing the students were the path veered off. Miyano had never gone this way. As they crossed the space between the teachers, he felt a slight chill. He recognized it as a magical gateway. They had hidden the meeting spot well. Miyano continued on behind the other familiars.

"Why are you glowing?" Hirano asked behind him.

Miyano turned to see who he might be talking to. He met the stern gaze. Hirano pointed to Miyano's hand. There was a soft greenish yellow glow surrounding his fingers. It spread down toward his palm but didn't engulf it. Miyano shook his hand to try and clear the magic.

"They're here. Watching!" Hirano hissed.

He pulled out a pair of thin gloves from his pocket. Swiftly, he shoved one onto Miyano's hand. Miyano took the other to put on by himself.

"Do you think that portal was to locate me?" He asked, looking worriedly up at his friend.

Hirano shrugged. "Anything is possible." He admitted after a moment.

The first few familiars were exiting the trail up ahead. Miyano followed suit. He stepped out of the woods into a packed earth clearing. There was a large stone set before them on it was a perfectly drawn pentagram.

The light glow coming from the smooth dark line was the only light so far. As more familiars entered the clearing, more lights began to twinkle on around the stone. Miyano glanced at them.

"The wizards are here. I'm sure they are hidden by magic." Hirano said. His eyes went to the twinkling lights.

"Did you notice if a light turned on when you stepped out of the clearing?" he asked Miyano.

"Um, no, I was looking at the stone." Miyano muttered. Hirano shook his head.

"So was I. Every school is different." He watched the lights twinkle. More came on until the last familiar entered the space.

"I think the lights indicate how many matches there are here tonight." Hirano deduced.

"Oh, then I think your wizards here. I noticed that light twinkle on as you came up to me." Miyano offered, pointing to a light just off to the left of the stone.

"Hmm." Was the only answer he got.

Miyano was about to turn to look at his friend, but a shape appeared above the stone. It shimmered in a smoky haze before solidifying. An old man stood there. His grey beard nearly reached the glowing pentagram. He transformed into an ancient looking goat before coming back to the old man. He giggled.

"Greetings, children of the moon!" He bowed to them all. They all returned the bow.

"In a few minutes, we will welcome the wizards." His eyes scanned over the eagerly waiting students.

"If you connect to your wizard, inform the nearest adult or student coordinator." He waved his hand. Jiro's girlfriend and Kuresawa appeared standing in a line of people with red robes on. They were both claimed already. Miyano nodded to his friend.

"Tonight is a night of celebration! Let's enjoy the moon above us as we welcome in the autumn fair!" The man cried.

Leaves rained down around them. Many of the kids were looking up watching them fall, however, Miyano glanced around at the teachers. They were keeping a close eye on the students.

Something felt off. Miyano couldn't put his finger on just what it was. There was a vibration of sorts in the air. He guessed it could be all the anticipation of the students, but the teachers looked overly eager as well.

He turned to look at Hirano. As he did, the air behind the teen shimmered. Miyano reached out to grab his friend. His hand seemed to pass right through the others arm. Hirano looked back at him, shocked by what happened. Miyano called out to him.

"Behind you." He shouted, yet he didn't hear his own voice.

Instead, he heard a sort of singing. It was soft but hummed around him. Miyano tried to push it out of his head as he saw Hirano calling his name. Something was off, alright. Miyano needed to stop this. It was as if he was being pulled away from the ceremony.

"SASAKI!" He screamed his friends name.

Calming his ever racing heart, Miyano closed his eyes. He filled his mind with every image of the wizard he could think of. When a hand touched his arm, he felt a burning sensation. No, that wasn't right. Miyano was about to cry out again, but something else happened instead.

A soft glowing light began to form around him. In it, he sensed a peacefulness. He kept his eyes closed as he focused all his attention on the light. He pulled it toward him. Another hand touched his opposite arm. The burning stopped. The odd sensation of floating away faded. Miyano felt as if his world became anchored to that touch.

He placed his own hand over the fingers, holding him in place. A click, a snapping of the universe floated around him. He sensed, rather than saw, a connection forming. Miyano let out a soft sigh. Opening his eyes, he was looking into the glowing grey eyes of one Sasaki Shuumei. They were smiling! More than that, they seemed to grow before the boy.

Miyano couldn't tear his eyes away. Only one thought came into his head. As he watched Sasaki become more solid with each passing heartbeat, he smiled back.

"You came to save me." He whispered to the wizard.

"You summoned me here." Sasaki smiled.

Miyano glanced down at their hands. Were they touched, a warm feeling rose up from the spot. Miyano lifted his hand up. He stripped the glove off, using his teeth. With his bare hand, he placed it over Sasaki's. The wizard hadn't lifted his hand from Miyano's jacketed arm. As their bare skin touched a flaming red orange light shot up around them.

Miyano gasped. A binding heat consumed him. His eyes rolled back as he fought to control the fire within him. A rush of wind swooped around them. Miyano forced it back. He needed to only show his water ability! But the trees began to reach for him. Miyano tried to concentrate. He couldn't let them all see!

"Miyano, look at me!" Sasaki's voice floated in the rush of waves that filled the small familiar's ears.

He tried to obey. Forcing his head to look at the wizard. Sasaki rose tall above him. Their eyes connected again. Within them, Miyano saw the fire dancing as the wizard took control of his ability. Sasaki was stronger than he looked. He stood blocking out the others, the sounds, the cries that surrounded them. Miyano focused on the wizard. On his wizard.

"Sasaki." He breathed out the name as he gave himself up to the darkness.

He wasn't sure how long he was out for. When he opened his eyes again, there was a cool cloth pressed to his forehead. Something warm, but hard was under his neck. He twisted slightly under the false light. Sasaki stroked a hand through his hair. His smile covered his face as he looked down at the familiar.

"You've been hiding something important." He cooed softly.

"I, yes." Miyano went to sit up. Sasaki helped him with a guiding hand on his back.

The first thing Miyano saw was Hirano across a small span of ground from them. He could reach out to capture the limp fingers of the crow familiar. Kagiura held the lanky form against his lap as he watched the blond boy start to stir. Hirano opened his eyes to gaze upon the wizard above him.

"I finally found you." He whispered.

His head fell sideways as he looked at Miyano. Then, he flicked his gaze up to Sasaki. He grinned.

"I knew it had to be you two!" He smirked. Sasaki chuckled. Miyano shuffled his feet.

"We should go for a walk." Hirano stood up.

Kagiura leapt up to steady him. Sasaki got to his feet, holding out a hand for Miyano. The cat familiar took it. Silently they four boys walked into the darkness of the woods. As they moved away from the twinkling lights of other paired wizards and familiars, the darkness swallowed them.

"Would you mind, Miyano?" Hirano asked.

"Wait, you knew!" Sasaki gaped at him.

Miyano raised a hand. An orange/ red flamed danced around it. Kagiura yelped, hopping back away from it. He gaped up at the boy.

"But you're a water element!" He cried. His stunned gazed traveled to the wizard beside the familiar.

"Oh, is it because Sasaki is a fire element?" he pondered out loud.

"No." Hirano gazed at the wizard beside him.

"You're a shakra?" Sasaki whispered the term.

"Yes." Miyano spoke just as quietly.

"But, they don't exist anymore." Kagiura kept his own voice low. "They are all put to death as babies..." He muttered.

"Why though?" Hirano asked.

"Because they will destroy the balance of magical abilities." Kagiura uttered softly.

"Is that what they teach you in wizard school?" Hirano huffed. He glanced over to Miyano.

"Sasaki, being his wizard, you are going to have to protect him. There are people out there who want him dead." Hirano insisted. Sasaki nodded. He wrapped a protective arm around the smaller boy.

"I'll move him into my dorm come morning." He insisted.

"I wish to make a pact with them." Hirano turned to Kagiura. The wizards eyes widened.

"I will protect him with all of my ability. Are you on board with that?" Hirano demanded.

Kagiura glanced around at the three boys looking at them. He looked down. His mind racing. He had been taught since childhood that a shakra was an abomination that needed to be eliminated. Yet, Miyano was kind, caring. He helped out others. There wasn't anything mean spirited about the boy.

Raising his eyes up, he came to his conclusion. He nodded.

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