Chapter 26

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Hello, my fellow readers!!

I'm so sorry for not being able to update. Life has just been extremely crazy. Between hospital visits, a new job, school, and world travels it's been hard to actually sit down and write. But don't fret - I've been working on updating as much as I can.

I will try my best to update every week, but again, I make no promises.

Thank you all for being so patient with me!! It means so much!! Just two more chapters before we catch up with the Fantastic Beasts movie!! I hope you all enjoy :) Please don't be too shy to comment, vote, or even follow me if you so desire. Your feedback with my stories are greatly appreciated!!



The next two months had flown by; and before Rose knew it, the third task for the Triwizard Tournament was almost upon them. Not to mention that she and Newt would be graduating - it was all hard to believe. Rose had always looked forward to the day she would be graduating with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the others. But, graduating with Newt would be just as memorable.

Graduating meant moving on into the stages of adulthood, getting a job, making a name for yourself... but Rose couldn't do that. She was stuck. Stuck in a time that wasn't her own. She had been surprised she hadn't gone mad within the two years that had already passed her by. So, she could only wonder; what was in store for her after she graduated?

She couldn't get a job within the ministry. As much as she wanted to become a Magizoologist, she couldn't. Becoming a Magizoologist required being registered; and she wasn't, considering that this wasn't her time period. She had to steer clear far from the ministries sights as possible. She couldn't remain within the Black household either; Master Black had obviously forgotten that she, in fact, wasn't part of the family.

Though the Black's had come to love her, she knew that if she stuck around, she'd be put upon the wall within the Black main house back in London. She wasn't willing to risk changing even more of the past. Just her being here had made events change; namely the experimental Triwizard Games she was chosen to compete in.

Regardless of what was to come after Graduation, Rose knew that she wanted to surround herself with creatures. It was her life's passion. However, she promised Pr. Dumbledore that she would visit the school over summer breaks. In return, the professor had reassured the girl that if she ever needed anything, she was always welcome at Hogwarts.

Though this was Rose's main dilemma, it wasn't at the forefront of her mind. She was mainly worried about saying goodbye to Newt. As much as she wanted to keep in touch, she knew she would have to let Newt live his life. She knew they had a connection... they had kissed for crying out loud! She couldn't let him get any closer to her than he already was. She would only hold him back. The best thing for Rose to do was to drop off the face of the earth, as if she had never existed.

She was currently in her Champion clothing; black sweat pants, her long sleeve fitted yellow shirt, and black jacket that fashioned her last name in yellow. Nothing could really shake her from her thoughts; even the wide entrance that towered before her. Celesse and Kelmin were positioned on either side of her, facing their own open passageway.

Rose thought she would have freaked out by then, but, for once, she had too much on her mind. She was planning on throwing the last task to the tournament; but she wouldn't be able to tell if she would be ahead of them or not.

The third and final task was a man made maze. Instead of enchanted hedges that liked to rearrange themselves constantly, the three of them were stuck with a wooden maze. The maze led up to one of the old castles just outside of Hogsmeade; which was famously known for being an enchanted maze of its own. There was no doubt that the entire course was filled with traps and other surprises.

In the midst of her thinking, Celesse had been given her advantage, from the previous task, by being able to take a ten minute lead into the maze. At some point, the cheering of her name had snapped out her of her own mind. She had given a small smile, to at least act like she was confident. But she truly smiled when her eyes had landed on Newt, who was sitting front and center of the Hogwarts crowd.

Newt had given her a wide smile, two thumbs up, and had mouthed 'you got this'. It had honestly calmed her nerves and prevented her past memories of her last Triwizard Tournament to fade away. She would have fun, if nothing else. She would go through the maze for Newt, Harry, and Cedric. With a small giggle, Rose turned back to her starting point right before she was giving the signal to enter the maze. Kelmin would be entering five minutes after her.

Rose had glance back once more to look at Newt before she would completely disappear. His eyes had never left her figure, and she knew they wouldn't until she would be out of sight. Once in the maze, Rose had found herself facing riddles to get her through doors. She would have to answer a riddle with a spell - it was brilliant! School event, school criteria. Considering Rose knew more spells than most, she was finding her was through the maze easily.

Once through a door, she would have to complete a physical task. Swimming through an elongated blob of water while using the bubble head charm, conquering moving obstacle courses without falling to the mud pit below, which led to underground tunnels, and, yes, unfortunately she had to make her way through some of the indecisive hedges that liked to change their positioning before making it to the old castle stairwell that led up to the main entrance.

Rose had leaned over to catch her breath, glancing up the stairs that led up to the big double doors. The castle itself was a dark stone. It was clearly deteriorating as the stone outside had been worn away with time. There was no doubt in Rose's mind that she was going to have to be extremely careful where she would have to place her feet once she got inside.

She wasn't sure if she was halfway through or not, but she was already letting out a few curses under her breath about not being in shape for any of this. She had been in shape, back when she was constantly running from whatever Harry and the rest of her friends were usually running from, if only to save their lives. Rose pondered on the memories for a moment before placing her hands on her hips and giving the big door before her a glare, "I swear, if I have to run from a class five beasts or a person wanting my head, I'm going to go 20th century on their ass."

With a final huff, Rose made her way up the stairs. By the time she had made it to the door, she had heard a roar or cheering. Taking a glance behind her, she could see the place where she had started off. It was a good half mile away or so, but she could tell that the Hogwarts students were clearly glad to see her figure. Giving a giggle, she guessed they were able to see her due to her bright yellow shirt.

She hadn't heard any cheering before then, so she was guessing that she was the first contestant to make it this far. She gave a short wave over her head before turning back to the large doors. The doors themselves seemed to be incredibly heavy. So, with the flick of her wand, she levitated the doors, ever so slightly, and just enough to let her slip inside the structure.

Once inside, Rose lit up her wand, "Lumos." The light illuminated the room as she found herself standing in a medium size entry way. The castle wasn't exactly a castle as she had first thought it to be. It seemed to be more like a fun house. Entering the arch way before her, she found stairs that led up and down. Of course, further in, she had found traps that made the stairs into flat inclines. Other traps included trap doors, which she had fallen through, the closing of passageways, and even the triggers to some placed spells.

She had taken straight paths, lefts, rights, but she still didn't have any idea to where she was going. The instructions were vague: Find the Triwizard Cup and bring it back to the starting line. She was unsure as to if the cup was at the end of the maze, or within it. All that they were told was that they had to go through the maze and into the castle, if they so dared. Who was to say that the cup wasn't sitting outside somewhere?

With a heavy sigh, Rose found herself frustrated. She was so over guessing what could possible take her by surprise next; especially in the dark. Soon enough, she found herself at a door that was decorated; something unlike the rest of the doors within the castle. Three broomsticks were hung on the wall, clearly not covered in layers of dust. Rose had pulled on the handle to the door, but it had been locked.

The girl took a deep breath as picked up a broom off the wall. Surely, they were there for a reason. With a flick of her wrist, Rose unlocked the door, "Alohomora." The door quickly unlocked, flinging itself open, as an invisible force pulled her in. Once completely inside the room, the door slammed shut, and locked itself once more. There was no turning back. However, Rose had caught the hum of many tiny wings and the evil little giggles of nothing other than pixies. It wasn't long before she was being swarmed by the small annoying creatures.

Rose quickly mounted her broom as she pushed herself off the ground, swatting the small creatures away from her face. The room was more than big enough for her t fly within. The pixies remained hot on her tail as she maneuvered around the room. However, more pixies filled the room with each passing second. What was the spell Hermione used their second year in their defense against the dark arts class with their fake heroic professor. Oh! Right... "Immobulus!"

Within an instant, all the small little creatures were immobilized. Simply floating within the air. However, sense there were so many of them, Rose had to move quickly before the spell would wear off. Flying up toward the ceiling, Rose had found a door just above her head. The room held no others doors, so she knew she was heading upward.

Unlocking the small wooden door, she found herself flying out above the castle. Once the door had shut, Rose glanced around. Behind her, she had found the Triwizard cup sitting on a pedestal in all its glory. She had hesitated. Rose had remembered Harry telling her that he and Cedric had fought all the way up to the cup. Harry wished he had been selfish, for once in his life, and left Cedric behind to be taken by the roots of the vicious hedges.

Rose knew that there was no dark imminent threat; or at least none she knew of. She was just hoping the cup wasn't a port key. She would have sat down and waited for the other Champions to get there, but she wouldn't have a reason to tell them why she was throwing the last task. It would make her look suspicious. To make matters worse, she knew she had been spotted again when the students from afar had seen her house colors.

Taking one last deep breath, Rose flew towards the cup gracefully. "For Harry and Cedric," Rose whispered, "Win this for them." She was trying to reassure herself that this was ok. Hoping it wouldn't change the future too badly. Surely she'd just be able to pass this off as 'Rose Black' being part of her family tree. She couldn't spend time thinking much more before she took hold of one of the handles to the sparkling crystal cup.

Once for sure she knew the cup wasn't a port key, she zoomed off the roof and towards the finish line. The moment Rose had left the rooftop, Kelmin had busted through the small trap door. He had been momentarily confused before he realized he had only arrived too late. He had tried to fly after Rose, but being the Quittage Seeker she was, she wouldn't allow him to touch her.

The moment Rose had dodged another snatch attempt by Kelmin, she had skid down to the finish line. The Hogwarts students had gone nuts as the Durmstrang Champion had landed beside the girl, giving a small dejected sigh, though not completely hurt that he had lost, "Congratulations, Miss Black." Rose just smiled, giving the boy a handshake, "It was a pleasure to go up against you." Kelmin just chuckled before raising Rose's arm up in the air, signaling that she was the Triwizard Champion.

After all the commotion, interviews, pictures, and congratulations from her peers, Rose had finally made it back to her dorm. She had been exhausted. "Rose Black. The Triwizard Champion," Newt's voice had practically sung. Rose just smiled as she looked up to find Newt standing before her and leaning on the back of the couch. "First Hufflepuff Champion in history," Rose smirked. Newt laughed, "I can't believe it! You did it!"

Rose gave a small giggle of her own before bringing the boy in for a hug, "Thanks for letting me save you in the second task." Newt just laughed again as he hugged the girl back. It became quiet for a moment before Rose sighed, still within his arms, "Now all we have to do is get through graduation." Newt smiled, "It's hard to believe that we only have two more days together." Rose pulled away, a sweet smile on her lips, "And tonight, Newton. You're not getting rid of me that easy."

Newt chuckled, "Of course..." The boy had trailed off the moment their eyes locked; blue meeting blue. Something had shifted, though neither was sure as to what. Newt had sworn he had never seen a more beautiful creature in all his life. His best friend was someone so beautiful that, he honestly didn't know what to do with himself. Rose had felt her heart begin to pound in her chest as she felt the strongest urge to let their deepest feelings be known.

Newt's hand had come up to push the few strands of hair that had fallen into Rose's line of sight before coming to cup her cheek. He swallowed, his throat becoming dry, as he watched her eyes gaze into his before flickering down to his lips and back up again. Something within had given him the confidence to tell Rose how he really felt.

"Rose, I-" However, Rose had cut the young man off as she had leaned forward to capture his lips. The two had immediately melted into the other's embrace as their kiss had deepened. It expressed all the emotion that had built up sense the moment they had met each other. Newt had been timid at first, especially when they had pulled apart for air. They had glanced into each other's eyes again, this time a smile gracing both of their lips before they had dove right back in.

Rose's arms snaked around Newt's neck as his hands had come to rest around her hips. Passion exploded between the two of them as they had let their love for one another become known. Though no words were exchanged, they both knew that they were, in fact, in love.

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