Chapter 18

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Classes had started the very next day. Though everything was normally chaotic, it was even more so with the two other schools attending the castle this year. Of course, Rose was somewhat used to it... she had witnessed the Triwizard games once before. Newt and Rose had all the same classes, luckily, and managed to somehow get through the day.

    They were now within one of the halls where the Triwizard cup stood tall in all its glory. How they had ended up there was a complete mystery to Rose. She thought that maybe Newt was just excited to see who wanted to place their name within. It was interesting to see who was brave enough to do so. One person after another, fifth years or older, came to put their name in.

    "What do you think about it all?" Newt spoke up, watching as a Beauxbaton girl gave her name to the flames. "Think about what? The games?" Rose raised an eyebrow, continuing her homework, which Newt seemed to have forgotten about. "Well, this is a big deal," Newt chuckled, "Aren't you a tad bit excited? I mean, they have placed more rules in place to protect the participants." "The tasks will still be dangerous, mind you," Rose replied, still not taking her eyes off her work.

    Newt seemed to be hesitant. Rose could hear it in his breathing. Finally taking her eyes off of her finished homework, she glanced up to meet the boy's eyes. Newt glanced to the jewel littered gold cup before looking back to his friend. "Newt..." Rose seemed to know where the male Hufflepuff's mind was going, "No." "Why not?" Newt gave an excited smile, "Rose you would be amazing!"

    The girl froze, "M-me?" "Of course! You're very advanced with your magic," Newt smiled. "No, absolutely not," Rose scolded with a smile, "I don't need eternal glory. But if you want to put your name in go right ahead." Newt pressed his lips together in a giddy manner, "I kind of already did." Rose almost stopped breathing.

    She thought Newt wouldn't go up for such a thing. That he wouldn't want to do anything but observe. She had to scream at every muscle in her body not hug him tightly and beg him to tell her that he was joking. She had to use all her will power not to frown nor cry. She had to remember that Voldemort wasn't in this time and that they, for the time being, were safe.

    Rose forced a smile, "I hope you get your chance." The girl quickly gathered her things before quickly making her get away. Newt hadn't expected the girl to act the way she had, noticing the fear flicker instantly into her eyes. He quickly gathered his things and somehow managed to follow her. "Rose! Rose!" Newt called after his friend, weaving in and out of the bodies within the hall.

    He had caught sight of her a few times, but never really managed to catch up with her. She was heading to a part of the castle he normally wouldn't visit, as did anyone else. The crowd thinned to nothing as he soon realized Rose was running from him. He hadn't the slightest idea of what he had said, but he knew Rose was upset.

    He had turned the last corner, to strangely find a huge door vanishing on one of the castle walls. The boy was extremely perplexed. How could a room just vanish? Hoping he wasn't hallucinating, Newt made his way up to the wall, hoping something, anything would happen. He needed to desperately consult Rose on what was wrong. He had to.

    As if the castle read his mind, the doors appeared again, Newt hardly believing his eyes. He wasted no time entering the room. But what he found he wasn't quite expecting. Trinkets, furniture, and everyday items were scattered about in large piles across a vast room. How had no one known about this place and how had Rose come about it? Glancing around, as he began to move forward, he found many interesting things but dared not to touch anything.

    "Rose?" Newt called, hoping the girl would answer. He was greeted with silence. Giving a sigh, he willed his feet to move to begin his search for his friend. He remained quiet so he could hear Rose if she did make any noise, but she didn't; which made Newt's quest a bit difficult. He wove between the mountains of miscellaneous objects, keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of human life. It had taken him some time, but he had finally managed to find Rose.

    She had sat herself down on an old looking red couch that was facing the windows on the side of the room. She wasn't crying, but she looked very upset. The girl was playing with her robe sleeves and twiddling with her fingers; a nervous tick Newt had come to learn about the girl. Newt said nothing, taking a deep breath, and taking a seat beside her.

    They sat in silence for awhile. But Newt's thoughts on what could be wrong were nagging in the back of his mind. "Rose... Did I say something?" Newt asked timidly. Rose finally turned her longing gaze she had through the window in front of them towards her best friend. She sighed, "Promise me, if you're chosen, that you'll be careful." Her answer had surprised him. He had never thought that Rose could get so worried. He didn't completely understand why she was so upset, but knowing that she was extremely worried about him, to this extent, made him realize that she genuinely cared for him.

    He gave a small smile, nodding. "It's highly unlikely that I'd be chosen anyway. There are many others more qualified and talented than myself," Newt tried to reassure the girl. Rose just sighed, giving a small smile of her own, "Don't belittle yourself. In Hogwarts, anything is possible. You have every right to have put your name in that cup and you are very much qualified and talented enough to do so. I just don't want you to get hurt, if you're chosen. Just because the guidelines are tweaked a bit doesn't mean it's any safer." "If I am somehow chosen, I promise you I'll be extremely careful," Newt promised.

    Rose just giggled. He was happy to see her smile again, it had always made his day. She seemed to have been a bit under the weather sense school had started up. He guessed it was simply because the Headmaster was putting so much pressure on her to be an outstanding student and member of the House of Black.

    "Speaking of, anything being possible at Hogwarts..." Newt gestured to the room around them, "What is this place?" "This is the room of requirement. It only appears to those who need it most. It changes what lies within on the content of what one needs when passing or approaching. It moves sometimes too. Not many know of it," Rose replied, "This is the rooms true form. Everything that ends up lost winds up here." Newt glanced around before his eyebrows scrunched together in thought, "Do you suppose my scarf could be in here?" Rose couldn't help but laugh. The boy just smirked before letting out a chuckle of his own.

    The two chatted a bit longer before heading off to dinner. This time Rose had joined her house as she sat next to Newt, like normal. Dinner passed quickly as they soon returned to the common room, eventually coming to help Newt on the homework he was supposed to get done while sitting before the goblet of fire. After feeding their creatures, and giving them lots of love, the friends said their goodnights and headed into their rooms.

    The moment Rose's head had hit the pillow, she fell into a rather deep sleep. It had been peaceful. Though Rose was asleep, one could hear the sound of sand beginning to fall. It was a gentle sound that one could hardly hear above a whisper. As the girl and her creatures slept, the Time Turner from around the girl's neck began to softly glow as streams of golden sand began to float around within the air above the girl's head.

    In this particular moment was Rose thrown into the depths of her own mind. She had thought she was dreaming. "Symphony..." A female, motherly voice had called out to her. However, Rose didn't know if she had ever heard the voice before. "Symphony..." The voice called once more.

    Rose was standing on the edge of a desert, standing on the edge of a sandy cliff. Below the cliff, she could see the endless abyss of a creepy thick grey and green fog. She hadn't the slightest clue of where she was, until she glanced behind her. In the distance, she could see the pyramids of Egypt. She hadn't been to sure how she had gotten there, but was ultimately realizing that she was dreaming.

    As she was turning back towards the edge of the cliff, the ground started violently shaking. She kept her balance the best she could, while backing away from the edge. Before too much longer, Rose heard something she wasn't expecting in the slightest... The roar of a dragon. Without warning, a golden blur had flown up from the abyss beyond the cliff and lifted into the sky before coming to a graceful landing before Rose herself.

    Once the sand had settled was Rose about to see the dragon more clearly. The scales upon the dragon were, in fact, gold, but they also had a blue and green shine to them, exactly like the sands within the Time Turner. The dragon's eyes were a glimmering violet purple that vividly stood out among the golden scales. The dragon was absolutely beautiful. But just glancing over the dragon did Rose feel a strong connection.

    "I know you, don't I?" Rose asked, standing calmly before the dragon. "That you do, my child," The dragon replied. It had been the same voice that called her name moments before the female dragon had arrived. "You're the dragon my father fused me with... The Dragon of Time and Space. Once guardian of Egypt... Horatia, isn't it?" Rose asked. The dragoness bowed her head, "That is correct. Though I lie within you, my soul was sealed within the Time Turner around your neck. I cannot fall into the wrong hands."

    "Wait," Rose was beginning to put the pieces together, "You're the one responsible for bringing me to the past?" "I desperately need your help," Horatia, the dragon, simply replied. Rose was just about speechless, "Do you realize that if I help you, I could alter the course of time? My time?" "I am aware. But this is a chance to save the both of us," The dragoness simply replied.

    At the statement, Rose realized that Horatia was offering her something; an opportunity of a life time. She could possibly save her brother and sister, save them all from being tortured, abused, and experimented on... She could expose her father before he could even begin to make his first moves. However, the dragon wanted her help. Considering that she ended up captive, Rose could only think that the dragon was hoping she could escape the clutches of man.

    From what Rose had read, Horatia was a magnificent elegant dragon and was supposedly the last of her kind. The golden dragon could travel throughout time itself, warping space as she did so. She read that Horatia was supposed to be a calm and reclusive dragon that didn't necessarily harm humans and magic folk. This, of course, was due to being worshiped in the times during the era of the Pharaohs.

    But helping her change the past could ultimately get herself being nonexistent. Her life would not play out like it was supposed to happen. She wouldn't have the friends she had, she possibly wouldn't be enrolled in Hogwarts, and she would most definitely not be herself.

    "I can warp time and space child. I can allow you to keep your memories, to have you remain as you are now... just not genetically fused with my flesh," Horatia promised, almost begging. "I understand that you need my help for some reason, and I'm not sure if I should. I don't want my life to change... it's made me strong, who I am here and now. I can't just remember my friends without them knowing who I am; it would be too painful. I know you're offering me all I've ever dreamed and hoped for, but I'm grateful for what I have," Rose explained.

    The dragon said nothing as she continued to stare down at the girl. "I want to help... I do. But I don't want to risk altering the future," Rose whispered. "I can tell it's not just for your sake you say such things," Horatia gently replied back, "I can respect your reasons." "How come you didn't make yourself known to me sooner?" Rose wondered. "Though your charmed necklace suppresses your outward appearance, your fear of becoming me is stronger. You have suppressed my soul ever sense I brought you here," The dragon explained, "Furthermore, I've sent the both of us far enough beck in time, before my capture by the Ministry, so that we could possibly devise a plan of escape."

    Rose thought for a moment more. Maybe she could at least try and help the dragon escape. "What if I were to help you, to give you more time, but when the time is right, you return to my father so that everything in my time will play out the way things are supposed to be? I know that's asking a bit much, but if I'm not paired with you, during my father's experiments, I may die," the girl began to think out loud. "My memory with you is not the memory in this time, you would have to explain the situation... I'm not as understanding as I am now," Horatia replied. Rose ran her hand through her hair in frustration.

    "Give it time child, we will think of something," the dragoness promised, "We still have a few years before they find me in this time." "So you can't take me to that time when we come up with a plan? You can't return me to my time until then?" Rose asked. "My powers are limited. I can only grant five wishes that bend space and time itself. Getting us you so far in the past has been our fist wish," the golden scaled dragon explained, "Once the fifth wish is granted, my soul will disappear forever." "And one of those needs to be able to get me back home, as another will have to be to return to my age of when I arrived here," Rose sighed.

    "We'll think of something, my dear," Horatia promised, "Until we meet again." With that, Rose shot up in her bed, glancing around wildly, and panting heavily. She knew far too well that was she saw was too real to be just a dream. Glancing down at the Time Turner did she see the sands beginning to settle and cease their gentle golden glow. She could tell it was already early morning and that she would have a hard time trying to get back to sleep. Throwing back the covers, she pushed herself up to get ready for the day.

    Of course, the day went on, as cramped and chaotic as a normal Triwizard Game year would be. Surprisingly, she found that the day had passed by quickly as Newt had been antsy all day long. She had nearly forgot that later that evening Headmaster Black would be pulling the three participants from the Triwizard cup to find out who the Champions would be. Rose could simply glance at Newt and tell that he was hoping he could have the slightest chance as being picked.

    All the students had gathered into the hall, some against the walls as others sat in the window ceils. Many people crowed the benches to the tables as they all talked loudly amongst themselves. Newt, of course, was pushed up against her left side. It was so crowded that she was practically sitting in his lap. And being the awkward kid Newt was, he had an arm wrapped around her, preventing her from falling into the other person beside her.

    "So," Rose decided to make conversation, "Why did you want to try and be a Champion, Newt?" Newt hesitated, but answered anyway, "Well, I want to make my brother proud." "Make your brother proud or show him up?" Rose asked, flickering her wandering eyes to the boy. Newt held his breath, he should have known that she would have known that. "A little of both perhaps?" Newt managed to answer her.

    Rose gave a small giggle, "Just so you know, you're already brilliant; more so than your brother." Newt couldn't help but blush as he began to bit his bottom lip. Rose had already turned her eye back to scanning the large crowd. His eyes eventually followed as he soon found the students from the other schools.

    "Looking for someone?" He asked. Rose just shook her head, "No. Just wondering who might possibly be their Champions." Newt gave a small chuckle. Before long the Headmaster finally arrived, silencing the room. He didn't give a fancy speech, as Rose knew that the man wasn't one for giving words of encouragement.

    The blue fire from the cup soon turned red as the first name was spit from the flames. Headmaster Black plucked the small wrinkled sheet of paper from the air and read the name out loud, "Kelmin Larson!" The Durmstrang Academy went into an uproar as a strongly built boy with fair skin, brown curly hair, and brown eyes stood up amongst them. He soon headed to the back as the next name was forced out of the fire. It was undoubtedly a Beauxbaton, as the circular paper was a light blue and seemed rather frilly. Again, the Headmaster pricked the paper out of the air before reading out, "Celesse Martin!" The girls in blue burst into cheers as a rather thin girl with pale skin, long ginger hair, and green eyes stood up. Once the girl followed the other Champion did the hall become truly silent.

    Everyone was wondering who the Hogwarts Champion would be. Rose could feel the tension as Newt seemed to be holding his breath. This was it.

    The cup didn't hesitate to spit out the final name for the tournament as it fluttered down gracefully into the Headmaster's hands. The Headmaster glanced down, reading the name, as a small smile graced his lips. The man then straightened up, seeming rather proud before he announced the name within his hands, "Rose Black!" Surprisingly, most of the student body ended up applauding their new Champion, but Rose didn't seem to hear them. She was still in utter shock.

    Newt had turned to the girl, confused as to why her name was being called. At first, he was a bit hurt that she didn't tell him that she put her name in the cup. However, when he glanced over her shocked and, underlying, fearful expression, Newt realized that something wasn't right. And his thoughts were verified when the girl finally breathed out:

"That's not possible..."


Hello, My fellow readers!!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated these past two weeks!! My internet went out!!

I will start back up on posting my chapters every Wednesday/Thursday again :) If you like this book so far please don't be afraid to vote, comment, or even follow me!! I appreciate them all!! Also, thank you guys for being patient with me - It's greatly appreciated.

As always, thanks for reading!!


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