Chapter 11

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After Newt had begged his mum to let them keep the Niffler, and Rose promising to keep the little guy out of trouble, Mrs. Scamander gave in. Rose threatened to take away the ten gold coins she had recently gave the Niffler if he didn't behave. And, surprisingly, the Niffler did as the girl asked. Newt assumed that sense the Niffler was rather young, and Rose was giving the thing coins, it could have possibly labeled Rose as its new mother. For female Nifflers did share their treasures with their babies.

    Rose was given the guest bedroom and time to adjust while Newt helped his mum down below, putting the house back in order. The room Rose would be staying in was a soft yellow. Though the outside of the house reminded Rose of the Weasleys, the inside reminded her much of the Lovegood residence. She had been to Luna's for a short visit while she had been staying with Sirius. In the room was, of course, a bed, desk, nightstand, and dresser drawers with a simple vanity mirror.

    Rose pulled her creatures from her backpack to introduce the new addition to the family. Phlox didn't much seem to care for the new baby, staying put within her pocket, as Ravi didn't really have an opinion. As long as the little guy didn't bother him, Ravi would be fine with the new addition. Sweetie on the other hand loved everyone and everything, making friends with the little Niffler rather quickly.

    As her creatures played and lounged about on the bed, Rose finally decided to change into some casual clothes. She had always worn her school uniform because she wasn't too sure what was sociably acceptable to wear. Rose was used to wearing jeans, a fitted long sleeve shirt, and riding boots or nice flats. However, just going about London with Newt earlier that day, the girl realized that showing ones legs was probably frowned upon. The only time they wore mid-length skirts was at school, as it was mandatory for the girls to wear black leggings.

    Thinking a bit longer on the subject, Rose decided to sew herself a new outfit. She had bought the fabrics back in Diagon Alley for this exact reason. But as much as she liked sewing by hand, she would have to use magic just this once. She didn't want to leave her hosts waiting on her for too long. With a flick of her wand, Rose put together an outfit she thought would be tolerable.

    She had made a light, white, flowy, long sleeve shirt with a collar, a light brown leather skirt that came down to just above her knees, and a dark brown leather vest that buttoned up under her left breast, flowed down to the length of her skirt on her hips and behind, as a corset decorated her back (see pic above). Under her skirt, she wore her black leggings as she also mended together a pair of dark brown riding boots, lacing up the back instead of adding a zipper. To finish off her look, Rose took her hair down before pulling half her wavy locks back in a half up, half down style.

    Once satisfied with her look, and hoping she was within regulation for the time era, she decided to head down stairs. Ravi had taken to the pillow for a nap as Sweetie had fallen asleep while playing with the Niffler. Rose had thought the Niffler was asleep, but it had squeaked the moment she had headed for the door. The girl just smiled, thinking it best it wasn't the brightest idea to leave a Niffler unsupervised.

    With another wave of her wand, Rose stitched together a little bag to go over her shoulder, to act like a little pouch for the Niffler. Once it was ready, Rose nested the black wad of fur into her bag and walked out the door, Phlox on her shoulder. The girl made it a point to walk gently across the house. The floors were wooden, much like the Weasley's home, and she wanted to make as little noise as possible.

    "I still can't believe you brought a girl home! And a beautiful one at that!" Mrs. Scamander gushed downstairs. Rose just gave a smile, happy that Newt's mom seemed to like her so much, that and Newt was probably beet red with embarrassment. "Mother, please, we're just friends," Newt tried to reason. Rose just stood a little before the stairway, out of sight just in case someone decided to come up. "Just friends you say. I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you. Love struck; it's in both your eyes!" Mrs. Scamander smirked. Rose heard the sound of Newt taking in a deep breath, knowing he must have been a bit frustrated.

    The girl couldn't help but smirk. The conversation was a bit funny to the girl, though she would never tell Newt she overheard them talking. But it was true Rose had come to admire the boy, not just for being her hero, but just by being who he was. She knew good and well she could never fall in love with Newt, and if she did she would ruin everything in the future. But that didn't stop her from getting closer to him.

    "Mum, I'm not in love with her. You realize that's- a very strong word. She's my best friend... my only friend actually," Newt argued. "Better to have one loyal and true friend than fake ones, dear," Mrs. Scamander replied, "I'd take a fellow Hufflepuff over a no good Slytherin any day. That Leta was a waste of time. Which reminds me, why isn't Rose in Slytherin? She is a Black isn't she?" "Oh, no! Well, yes, but she was adopted by Headmaster Black," Newt answered, his voice turning a bit nervous. "Oh, so that man does have a soul," Mrs. Scamander commented. "He only took her in because her mother was a dear friend to the Black family. She has no other living relatives," Newt explained.

    "What of her father?" Mrs. Scamander asked. Newt hesitated as his mother had caught onto this. "Newton?" she pressed. "Well... um... He was sent to Azkaban, but he's gone too," Newt whispered. Rose didn't mind Newt telling his mother what she had told him. She felt like the woman would understand just as much as Newt did. In many ways, Newt took after his mother. "Azkaban? What on heavens for?" Mrs. Scamander began to sound worried. "Um..." Newt hesitated once more as his mother must have given him a look to make him tell her, "Illegal experimentation and abuse... on his children."

    It was silent for a moment before Mrs. Scamander decided to speak up again, a crack in her voice, "Is that why she wears that charm around her neck?" Rose absentmindedly placed her hand up to a second necklace she was wearing, a golden locket. Of course, she hid it under her clothes so no one would be able to see it. It was, in fact, charmed; Charmed to keep her scars hidden. She was surprised someone was able to detect it... then again, she was only a sixth year. She supposed that none of the other adults said anything on the Headmaster's order. The only other ones who knew about the locket where the Headmaster and Dumbledore. And now it looked as if she was going to have to tell Newt as well.

    "Charm?" Newt echoed. "Yes. I'm guessing it's a necklace of some sorts. What it's hiding is beyond me, you'd have to ask her," Mrs. Scamander shrugged, "But if she's not a Black would you happen to know her last name?" Newt seemed befuddled that he hadn't wondered that earlier, "I, actually, never even thought to ask." Mrs. Scamander just laughed, "I guess that's alright. You'll make a Scamander out of her in due time!" Newt seemed to choke, whispering out, "Mother, not so loud!" "Oh, I'm the least of your worries. You're brother will have much more to say that I do," Mrs. Scamander smirked. Rose had lightly blushed, glad that Newt's mother liked her so much. The girl calmed her nerves before she decided to head downstairs.

    "Oh, there you are, darling!" Newt's mum smiled. She was putting the last of her kitchen together as Rose reached the bottom of the rounded staircase. Newt had lightly blushed at what the girl was wearing, but it wasn't too farfetched. "You look adorable!" His mum continued to gush. "Oh, thank you. I made it myself," Rose thanked, blushing lightly herself. Newt knew if he didn't move fast then his mother would end up embarrassing him even further. "Um, it's getting late. I'll take R-Rose out to see the Hippogriffs. We'll feed them while we're at it," Newt thought up quickly. "That's a great idea! That'll give me a chance to get the rest of the house clean before your brother gets here. Off, off you go," Mrs. Scamander shooed.

    Newt took Rose's hand, taking off through the back door. Mrs. Scamander giving a smug, knowing look after them. Newt led Rose to the barn out back. He didn't dare look back to see if his mother  was watching them. He was glad his mother adored Rose, but he was nervous she would say something that, wouldn't only embarrass him, but embarrass Rose as well. During the walk out of the house, Phlox had taken to Newt's pocket.

    He led her into the barn and begin explaining how they went about feeding the Hippogriffs. Considering Ravi was a Jarvey, and Hippogriffs ate Jarveys, Rose instructed Ravi to remain in the house at all times. Rose was excited to be around the beasts. She had told Newt about Buckbeak, not in detail, but that she admired the beasts and knew how to handle them. With that being said, Newt's nervousness began to subside.

    The two friends would bow before coming up to each individual Hippogriff and feed them their share. They would also brush out their feathers and give them some affection before they would move onto the next one. Both continued this until the sun set and they had gathered all the Hippogriffs into their stalls.

    "Have you ever flown on a Hippogriff?" Newt asked, surprisingly keeping up the conversation. "Yes. Though I was much smaller and had to share with two of my friends," Rose replied, a smile on her lips. Newt thought for a moment, a smile still on his own lips, "You bring these friends of yours every now and then. Are they from America?" Rose shook her head, "No. They lived back near my home." "Could you tell me about them? I'm just a bit curious," Newt asked. He was genuinely curious and wanted to know about them. Every time the girl would mention one, she would always smile.

    Rose eventually nodded. "Well, there's quite a few. Where to start? Hermione, born of Muggle parents and the smartest witch I know. The only place you'll ever find her is in the library. Then there's Luna. Luna is a bit odd but there's never a dull moment with her. That and the things that come out of her mouth are particularly amusing. Then, of course, there's Ron. A bit unsure of himself but quite spunky that one is. I can't forget Rolf. He reminds me much of yourself; sweet, kind, and loyal. He also loves Magical Creatures, like the both of us. It's how we met. There's also Neville. He's pretty shy and tends to keep to himself, but he's got a loving passion for Herbology. Then there's Draco. Pure-blood. Thinks he's better than everyone but is soft on the inside. He tries to meet up to his father's expectations, though he doesn't much want to. And last but not least there's Harry. Unfathomably brave. Stupid on some occasions but absolutely brilliant. If I had to describe him he'd be the exact definition of a Gryffindor," Rose rambled.

    Newt still held a small smile, "They sound wonderful. I wish I could meet them." Rose smiled warmly, "I'm sure you can one day." Newt was still curious, "Which one was the one who threw up slugs?" Rose stifled a laugh, "Ron. Draco had insulted Hermione and Ron threw the curse that rebounded." Newt let out a chuckle before wondering a bit more, "Isn't Harry the one you almost set on fire? With the Horntail?" Rose was surprised the boy remembered but giggled anyway, "Yep, that was him. He was the one I managed to always get into trouble with. Unintentionally of course."

    "It sounds like you two were close," Newt absentmindedly mused. Rose just smiled, "We were. But it's because we understood each other so well." The boy was extremely curious. Was this boy closer than they were? Not even he and Leta had shared a friendship quite like the one he had with Rose. Newt practically did everything with Rose these days. "May I ask, in what ways? Umm... How?" New blurted by accident. Rose just kept her smile, not looking Newt in the eye. Her eyes were cast down to the floor, like they had been when she had reveled her past.

    "Harry's story is kind of like mine, except his parents were murdered by a dark wizard. Due to his mother's sacrifice, he was able to survive the unforgivable killing curse when he was just a baby. The dark wizard's power rebounded, off of him and hit Harry to where he had a scar on his forehead. The bit of the dark wizard's power was given to him that night. He found out, when he was twelve, that he was a parselmouth. He's cursed like I am, with powers we don't understand nor do we really want. No to mention not having any parents. So, we understand each other more than others," Rose explained, "But if you're wondering, Harry is more of a brother than anything." Newt blushed heavily, "No, no, I wasn't trying to insinuate that at all!" Rose just laughed as Newt couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle.

    "Am I interrupting something?" A male voice asked from the barn door. "Theseus!" Newt smiled. "Mum told me you brought a girl home and I just had to come see if it was true," Theseus, Newt's older brother smirked. The pair walked up to the elder sibling as Newt began the introductions, "Theseus, this is Rose. Rose, my brother Theseus." "It's a pleasure to meet you," Rose shook the older boy's hand. "Pleasure is all mine," Theseus widely smiled, "I suggest we all head back. Dinner's ready and mum is waiting."

    The three of them walked back to the house as Rose looked over the elder sibling's features. Theseus had definitely not taken after his mother. He was still rather thin, but he had the muscle. The only things that seemed to make him a Scamander was that he had short, wavy strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Newt had mentioned that he was very talented when he had attended Hogwarts. He was powerful; Rose could tell just by looking at him. But she also notice that Newt seemed to live in his brother's shadow. Maybe this also contributed to Newt being picked on? Newt and Theseus were nothing alike. Just by the introduction, Rose had figured that Theseus was going to be a proud individual, yet he seemed to have a mischievous side; completely and utterly opposite of Newt.

    After dinner, Rose helped clean the dishes. The Niffler deciding to help, as he got a gold coin afterwards for not stealing anything and for 'helping'. It had really just handed Rose the silverware and ate the scraps of green off Newt and Theseus's plates. Mrs. Scamander couldn't help but get a kick out of it. While the ladies were in the kitchen, Newt had gone to help his brother settle in... well, more like watching from his brother's doorway.

    "So, how'd you meet her?" They had just entered his brother's room and Theseus was already asking questions. "She was sent to Hogwarts a few weeks late and had tried to apparition into Hogwarts. It knocked her out as I had ended up finding her," Newt couldn't help but smile, remembering back. Theseus automatically took note of his younger brother's smile as he began unpacking and moving about the room, "Have you kissed her?" "What?" Newt almost laughed, "We're just friends." "That smirk on your face tells me otherwise. Come on, fess up," Theseus chuckled.

    "I have not kissed her! Why do you and mum think that I like her that way?" Newt was trying his best to hide his smile, but he was failing miserably. "It's the way you look at her. And I'm not blaming you for liking her, she's gorgeous and definitely an angel. Honestly, I think you were both meant to be," Theseus deviously smirked, "You both seem to keep to yourselves. She's quite the lady as you're quite the gentleman. Above all, you both seem to have this burning passion for Magical Creatures. For crying out loud, Newt, she trained a Niffler. A Niffler! There's not one wizard, that I'm aware of, that can do something as strange and impressive as that." "That was impressive," Newt admitted, agreeing with his brother.

    "Newt," Theseus paused, still smirking, "there is no way you're not in love with her." "Well, I'm not," Newt argued. "Then can I date her once you guys graduate?" Theseus joked. Newt gave a warning glance as Theseus caught it, laughing as he did. "Oh my gosh, I'm kidding. But I'm serious when I say you better make a move on her," the older brother replied, shaking his head. "Why is that?" Newt rolled his eyes. "Because, if you don't someone else will. Trust me, don't wait until it's too late," Theseus genuinely smiled.

    The thought of loosing Rose did frighten him. He did think she was pretty beautiful. Her voice was that of an angel's. She was kind, caring, loyal, and loving. She loved Magical Creatures as much as he did. She said she was thinking about being a Magizoologist herself. The feeling he got when he was around her he didn't have a name for. It was alien to him, yet he liked it. Was it possible he was in love with Rose? He didn't want to lose her and their friendship just because he had developed feelings when she hadn't. But did he really love her?

    Theseus had smirked again as his younger brother's silence. But the words that left the older boy's mouth made Newt break his thought process and pale at the thoughts that were possibly running through his brother's mind. And knowing Theseus, there would be no stopping him. And Newt was terrified of what was to come.

    "That's it. I'm setting you two up."

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