Welcome Home, Heart, and Heroes

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"Running away will never make you free."
-Kenny Loggins

It seemed the moment they crossed the city limits back home, it was as if they could feel it in their bones.

"Star City." Katie spoke when she saw the sign. "Different name, same messed up people." Oliver reached over taking her hand and she looked over to him.

"Don't worry, we won't be here long. We will find these guys, stop whatever they're planning and head back home."

"I'm holding you to that, Liver." Katie replied lying her head back and glancing to the familiar streets. "Now that I'm actually here, I may have to make an appearance at the company. I'm sure Ray will probably have some ridiculously over the top welcome back party." she lifted her head when she could've sworn she saw him again. The demon. She looked over to Oliver who was looking ahead before turning back.

"It's tough not to look out this window with wonder."

"Wonder what?" Katie asked tearing her eyes from the window and turning to Oliver.

"What did we really accomplish?"

When they arrived at the team's new hideout, Oliver took Katie's hand and followed behind Laurel and his sister.

"Why are we at the shipping yard?" Katie whispered over Oliver.

"Because I hate Bruce Wayne." Oliver muttered with a shake of his head. He watched as Laurel appeared out side the shipping container, and a hand scanner appeared. Once the doors opened, Oliver moved pretty quickly, wanting to get this done so they could head back home.

"Katie and I have a lot to catch up on, so maybe take us through all the evidence the team has gathered." Oliver said as they entered the familiar lair.

"That's easy." Thea replied. "Nothing."

"Ok, so maybe we'll go through all the encounters that you've had with the ghosts, everywhere they've hidden, and places you can cross..." they stopped walking when they saw John and Felicity who turned with two very different looks on their faces.

"Oh my gosh!" Felicity squealed before hurrying over to Katie. "Look at you. Those pictures do not do you justice. You're beautiful and glowing." she brought her arms around the woman in a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Smoaks." Katie says hugging the woman as well. Once she pulled away, Katie looked over to John whose glare seemed fixed on Oliver. "Missed you too, Mr. Diggle." John didn't say anything.

"John-" Oliver started but the man wasn't hearing it.

"We should've discussed this."

"Me and Thea did." Laurel replied. "We need him."

"John, I'm not expecting you to welcome me back with open arms." Oliver said, but John still wasn't ready to let the things of the past go. "What I did to you is not easily forgiven. I'm here to help you with your problem, and then I'm gone." Oliver promised.

"Oliver, we don't need your help. And if we did, we'd probably choose someone who didn't kidnap my wife and endanger my child."

"John, no one is here asking you to pretend like it didn't." Katie replied. "I get forgiving is hard. I know that first hand from these past couple of months. The truth is that there are bad people in this city. Bad people you haven't been able to stop. Bad people who are still in this city that houses your wife and daughter. You're angry, then be angry. Doesn't stop the bad guys from being bad guys."

"I get that, I really do, but I can't go into battle with a man I can't trust."

"Understood, but that hack I was working on for Kord Industries finally went through." Felicity said walking over to the computer. "I wanted to see what the Ghosts stole and there. Cluster bombs. Sensor fused and high yield. Any more powerful and they'd have to be nuclear."

They all turned to John, knowing they needed him to make a decision about their next move.

"What do you want to do, John?" Laurel asked and the man sighed.

"I'm gonna do whatever it takes to save my city."

And so things seem to fall back into place or at least as close to it as possible. The team stood around trying to find some sort of motive for these Ghosts. Katie actually seemed to zone out during the discussion. She simply moved about the lair, until stopping in front of a wall of weapons. She hadn't seen or touched a weapon in months and it seemed just the sight of so many triggered something inside of her. Something she thought she ran away from, but apparently she hasn't.

"Twinkie-" she heard Oliver call her name, and she turned to see everyone was gone except him and Felicity who was doing something on the computer. "Where were you just now?"

"Ghosts." Katie said with a shake of her head. "Very stupid name. I also refuse to believe they just popped up out of no where. They've struck somewhere before. Similar crimes, different cities." she noticed the smile on Oliver's lips. "What?"

"This stuff is usually helpful during the team discussion." Oliver said bringing his arms around her. "Which for the moment, you are a part of. You should let everyone hear what you think."

"Oliver, they came all the way to Coast City for you, not the pregnant lady." Katie replied with a shrug. "I'm just here as your plus one."

"You know that's not true, your input is valued the same as everyone else." Oliver said. "I value your input because out of everything I've heard tonight, you're the first person to suggest looking into who these guys were before they came to Star City. It was smart, and it could help us."


"Oh I've been eavesdropping the entire time and have already begun a search for any similarities between these guys in other cities." Felicity said looking over to the couple with a smile. "Oh, and Twinkie you're never a plus one here. You're a full fledged member of Team Robins."

"Such a sweet talker Smoaks." Katie says looking over to the woman. "What are you aiming at?"

"I can be nice and not want anything in return." Felicity replied with a shrug. "I mean sure giving me first naming rights to our little baby Twiver would be awesome. Especially since Thea got middle name, it would be fair, but it's totally up to you."

"Felicity, we're going to name our daughter." Oliver said and the woman just huffed before looking back down to the computer.

"Where's the bathroom?" Katie asked looking around before spotting it. "Oh, there it is. I'll be right back."

"Ok, then we can find somewhere for you to rest."

"But I'm not tired, and I think I would rather stick around here." Katie replied with a smile. "Plus we have no where to go. My loft has been sold and I don't want to impose on anyone. We're fine here for now." she placed a kiss on the man's cheek before hurrying to the bathroom. The moment she was gone, Oliver took out his cell phone before dialing and bring the phone to his ear.

"Yes, I would like a room please." Oliver spoke, glancing over to Felicity who was shaking her head at the man. "We shouldn't need it for long." Once the room was reserved, Oliver walked over to Felicity to see if she had found anything.

"So I didn't see the thing that shall not be spoken out loud on Katie's finger." Felicity said looking over to the man who sighed. "I thought the Twiver love boat would've ended with a proposal."

"I was this close, but then Laurel and my sister show up at the door and then-" the man turned pulling the box out of his pocket. "I'm still carrying this in my pocket." he shook his head before tucking it away. "We've made so much progress. I'm not gonna say we've gotten back what we lost, but we have something else. Something stronger." he looked over to the bright smile of Felicity Smoak. "I don't want to lose that."

"You won't and I'm sure you will find another perfect moment without any interruptions."

"Hopefully that happens soon. I would very much like to get married before the baby is born." Oliver replied as the door to the bathroom opened and he turned as Katie walked out.

"That bathroom is ridiculously nice." Katie said with a shake of her head. "Where is Bruce anyway?"

"Gotham for work. Things have sort of been going down hill since-" Felicity stopped talking when she realized the moment she'd been dreading just popped up out of nowhere. "Have you been keeping tabs on the company?"

"Not really." Katie said with a shrug. "More like not at all. I kind of trusted Lucius with RI and trusted Ray to keep the New Beginnings Initiative on track." the woman took a step forward. "Please don't tell me there's been a problem." Felicity let out a sigh before standing to her feet and walking around to the woman.

"I'm afraid you're not going to forgive me for this, even though I did this from the heart because I knew how much this trip with Oliver, I knew how important it was, I knew how much you needed to get away from all of this and I didn't want to ruin it."

"Felicity what's going on?" Oliver asked walking over to stand beside Katie. The blonde wasn't sure how to begin this conversation, so she decided to just get it over with.

"I'm the current CEO of Palmer Technologies." Felicity said and they both seemed confused.

"I don't understand. Ray gave you the company. Why would he do that and not tell me? Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"So much has happened since you left. I mean I was shocked too. Bruce and I were on an island in Bali when the call came in and I just couldn't believe it was true." Felicity recounted, tears starting to swell in her eyes. "I don't know why he chose me-" she shook her head. "I mean I'm the last person who should be running a billion dollar company, but he really chose me." Felicity turned to Katie and watched as the woman seemed to realize the truth.

"No." Katie said with a shake of her head as she backed away from the woman. "No, no Ray's not-" she turned away closing her eyes and taking a few steps away from the woman.

"Felicity, what happened?" Oliver asked.

"He was working on the suit in the lab, and there was an explosion. He died doing what he loved." Felicity looked over to Katie. "There were questions about your absence during all of this, but I assured the media that you were broken up about it, and that you were grieving privately. Mr. Fox released a statement on behalf of you and the company, giving your condolences. Everything was covered." Felicity stood there waiting for Katie to turn around and give some type of reaction. "Katie-"

"Maybe we should go." Oliver suggested walking over to Katie. "It's been a long night, and you need to get off your feet." he looked over to Felicity. "You will give me a call when you find something."

"Yeah, but-"

"Felicity, this conversation is over." Oliver stated firmly and the woman simply gave a nod before watching the man bring an arm around Katie and walk toward the stairs.

When they arrived at the hotel, Katie still hadn't said a word as she kicked off her shoes and went to lay down. Oliver didn't want to push, not tonight and so he would let her rest. He walked over to the window and looked out to the familiar sight of the city and he couldn't believe they were really back. He soon heard the soft snores of Katie and he looked over to see the woman had already fallen asleep.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Oliver quirked a brow. No one knew where they were, and he made sure to leave out the do not disturb sign so Katie could rest. He went over to the door, and looked out the peep hole, only to let out a deep sigh at the sight of the man on the other side. There was another knock, and Oliver quickly opened the door, bringing a finger to his lips before walking out and closing the door behind him.

"You shouldn't be here Martin."

"Funny." Martin said. "I was just about to tell you the same thing." the man shook his head. "I just told Jacob the both of you were back here, and he's furious."

"I don't care what Jacob is feeling right now. Something is happening in this city, and my friends asked for my help, so I'm helping." Oliver said and Martin dropped his head. "You really shouldn't be here. The last thing I want is for her to see you and upset her more than she is."

"Why is she upset?" Martin asked looking back up to the man.

"We weren't told about Ray and what happened to him." Oliver said and Martin turned away. "What do you know about what happened to him?"

"Nothing more than what everyone else knows. There was an explosion, but no remains found. The damage was too bad."

"What do you know about these Ghosts?" Oliver asked and Martin shook his head.

"Oliver, you need to stay away from these people and make sure Katherine does too." Martin replied and Oliver waited for him to explain. "I know you have no reason to, but just trust me on this."

"You're right, I have no reason to trust you Martin. Now leave." With that Oliver went back into their room. He looked over, glad Katie was still sleeping before walking over to stand by the window. He felt the need to stand watch, to make sure he was completely aware of everything happening around them. He's not sure how long he'd been standing there before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out to see Felicity's name.

"What have you found, Felicity?"

"I hacked Kord Industries to check their design schematics for their bombs. Turns out they have a GPS tracker built in."

"You find out where it is?

"At least where they've been. GPS is offline now, but their last location was... Admiral Transport interchange. It's a truck depot outside Pennytown. Closed up shop two months ago."

"I'll call Thea. You get Laurel and Dig." Oliver turned about to grab his jacket, but stopped at the sight of his very pregnant girlfriend still sleeping. "Wait."

"Wait, what?" Felicity asked. "Oliver what's wrong?"

"Twinkie, I can't-" the man can't even remember the last time he'd left the woman's side for more than a half an hour in these past few months. He definitely didn't want leave her now, not in this city.

"Oliver, Katie will be fine. You could bring her back here. It's safe here."

Yet another thing Oliver didn't want to do right now was wake Katie up when rest is the one thing she is supposed to be getting right now.


Oliver simply ended the call, before just standing there trying to make a decision. Soon he wouldn't have to.

"Why are you just standing there, watching me?" Katie asked tiredly, before looking over to the clock. It was still really late, but the man still looked wide awake.

"Felicity called. We have a lead on the Ghosts." Oliver said and Katie turned back to the man, not expecting that to happen so soon.

"Oh." the woman said sitting up from the bed. "So you have to go, right?" Oliver walked over and took a seat on the edge of the bed beside her. "Liver, you remember how this works."

"Things are different now." Oliver replied placing a hand on Katie's belly. "And I'm not sure I can just leave the two of you."

"You're not leaving. You're just going away for a little bit and then you're going to come back and rub my back in that way I like and everything will be fine." Katie says placing a hand on the side of the man's face. "Everything will be fine." she only half believed that, but knew it was something the man needed to hear to do the one thing she's not even sure she wants him to do.

"I love you." Oliver declares, and the woman always finds a smile at the words.

"And I really like you a lot." she replied and the man couldn't help the small laugh. "You should go."

"I know, but you can't stay here. Not by yourself." Oliver said standing to his feet. "And I hate to do this, but I can only completely focus on stopping these guys if I'm not worried about you."

"I'm not going back to the shipping yard. I need some time away from Felicity." Katie replied and Oliver sighed not sure where else to take her. "I know where I can go, but you can't be there." the man gave her a quirked brow. "Well not too close, unless you want to get shot."

Katie found herself outside the familiar door before lifting a fist to knock. Soon the door opened and appeared the smiling face of an old friend.

"You're huge!" Lyla says bringing the woman in a hug.

"Oh, shut up." Katie replies as the woman pulls away. "Is John here?"

"No, he just got a call from Felicity and had to go, why?" Lyla asked when Katie turned and gave a small whistle. Lyla looked up to see Oliver step from behind the corner of the hall and she stood a bit straighter.

"Apparently Oliver thinks I need protection and since you're the most kick ass person I know, I figured you wouldn't mind me hanging around." Katie said and Lyla shook her head.

"Of course not." Lyla replied looking over to Oliver. "I will look after them."

"Thanks Lyla." Oliver replied with a nod before looking over to Katie, still hesitant to leave, but he knew he had to and so he turn and disappeared down the hall.

"Come in, I'll make us some tea." Lyla said ushering the woman inside.

Katie spent most of her time with Lyla on the woman's laptop, attempting to catch up on all the things she's missed since she'd been gone.

"They all looked into Ray's death and they didn't find anything that could've pointed to foul play." Lyla said appearing at the woman's side. "It truly was an accident. I had no idea no one told you what happened."

"Yeah, I'm surrounded by people who think they know what's best for me." Katie says before closing the laptop. "It's annoying every time."

"I'm sure it truly didn't come from a place to hurt you. I'm sure Felicity didn't want to ruin the new life you and Oliver seemed to be making for yourself." Lyla replied. "How have you guys been?"

"We've been good." Katie replied with a slight smile. "Kind of better than good actually. I think that's why it's sort of scary to be back here you know." she looked over to the woman. "This is where all the dark stuff creeps back into our relationship and I don't know, I like our simple home life where I decided on paint colors and Oliver was an apron strap away from a housewife." she shook her head as she looked over to a sleeping baby Sara and she smiled. "It took a lot to get where we are, I just don't want to risk everything."

"Have you talked to Oliver about this?"

"It's hard to talk to Oliver now a days." Katie replied with a shake of her head. "Because he's become really good at hiding his true feeling sometimes just to please me." she turned back to the woman and sighed. "He's trying so hard to really be something else with me in that house, with the cooking and the making friends with the normal people, but I know this-" the looked over to the window. "This city is a big part of his life. That hood and that bow, they're his limbs and I know he misses them."

"What about you, do you miss it?"

"I forgot the smell of blood. Forgot that tingling feeling you get after a really brutal fight." the woman turned away. "I forgot that rush you get during a fight." she turned back to the woman with a smile. "But I can explain to you in great detail the feelings that move inside of me when I feel this little girl kick. I can describe the look of amazement on Oliver's face every time he touches my stomach and he feels her moving." Katie stood to her feet and walked over to the window. "I miss the people the most. I miss my family, friends. But this place, I was taken a long time ago and I still haven't found my way back to what it was. This was home. And then it just wasn't

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