Too Close

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"Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting,
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

-Edgar Allan Poe

Pureed carrots were evil.

That was the only thought Katie had as she tried to clean the stain it made on her white blouse. She heard the gurgle/laugh of her daughter who sat in her stroller staring at her mother.

"You know at this point one would think I would start matching my clothes to your food now that you're on to the good stuff." she looked back to the mirror, and glared at the blatant orange stain on her blouse. She turned rummaging through her bag until she found her silk scarf. She tied it around her neck, and smiled proudly at the fact that it hid the stain well enough. She turned back to the baby and gave her a wink, before washing her hands. When she was done, she grabbed the handles of the stroller and finally left the small dressing room, but immediately stopped when she nearly bumped into Felicity.

"Oh, hey sorry. I needed your approval-"

"No you don't." Katie says moving around the woman and continuing down the hall. Felicity's quickly grabbed her wheels and moved to keep up with the woman. "This wedding is planned with every detail taken into account. We've already had to push the date twice because of more guests, and Oliver's schedule changes, and just more stuff I don't even want to think about. I've told you not to add anything else."

"But it's an ice sculpture made to look like you and Oliver, and-" Katie stopped and looked over to the woman with a quirked brow. "So no ice sculpture."

"Yeah, no ice sculpture." Katie replies as they continue through double doors where they see Oliver standing on stage,and Thea just below him instructing him on the upcoming debate. "You know one would think you would start focusing on planning your own wedding." that made Felicity groan "How's the engagement party coming along?"

"Well it's proving how insane my mother is." Felicity muttered. "I mean you should see the invitations she's made." Katie only chuckled with a shake of her head. "And Bruce has totally abandoned me." Katie furrowed her brow, only now realizing she hadn't seen Bruce in a while. "He had to fly out to Gotham."

"He will be at the engagement party, right?" Katie asked, glancing over to the woman who gave a snort.

"Well he promised me he would, and also said that he had a surprise for me." Felicity smiled at the thought. She'd been trying to rack her brain trying to figure out just how Bruce Wayne could surprise her, and couldn't come up with anything specific. Bruce Wayne was always unpredictable.

"Well that could be anything, Mrs. Wayne." Felicity smiled even wider at the name, before glancing over to Katie who placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I still plan on making your wedding epic."

"Felicity, this wedding was not supposed to be this big thing. And now I'm afraid I won't even know half the people there."

"Well you'll know me, and that's all that really matters." Felicity gave a bright smile as they got closer to the stage. They both looked up to Oliver whose eyes seemed to be on all the empty seats that will soon be filled with people looking at him. "He's not going to barf while he's up there, is he?"

"I really hope not." Katie replied, and she saw the smile come to Oliver's lips before his eyes dropped to them.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

"I mean we weren't whispering." Felicity said with a shrug. "So I don't mean to interrupt debate prep, but quick question. How awesome would an ice sculpture of you and Twinkie at the wedding sound?" Oliver looked at her for a moment in confusion before looking over to Katie who just shook her head.

"Will an ice sculpture in any way postpone this wedding again?"

"Absolutely not." Felicity smiled in hopefulness. "It's just one call, and then we will have our Twiver Popsicle." Oliver glanced over to Katie who was still shaking her head and he just sighed.

"Whatever Twinkie wants." Oliver replied and Felicity visibly deflated.

"Chicken." she muttered and the man looked over to her with a shake of his head before turning back to his wife who he now noticed was sporting a scarf around her neck.

"Nice scarf." he commented and she dropped her eyes for a moment to the item before looking back up to him with a glare. "Couldn't get the stain out?"

"Someone please tell me why I'm going to marry this guy again?" Katie asked as she looked down to the baby in her stroller before picking her up in her arms. Oliver's smile brightened as it always did at the sight of the baby who was in her own little world as she chewed on her teething ring. "It's probably because he gave me you, huh?" Katie placed a kiss to the baby's cheek who laughed at the feeling.

"Aw, let me-" Thea held out her hands for the baby, but Katie looked over to her and just shook her head.

"Nuh-uh, Sorry Speedy, help your brother prep for the debate. You will not get sucked into baby land when you're working." Katie said before looking up to Oliver who waving at the baby. "And neither will you, mister." she shook her head and sighed. "You see this is why we shouldn't be here." she turned at the sound of her phone before turning to Felicity who gladly took the baby from her hands.

Katie snagged the phone from her purse, peering down to the number with a roll of her eyes before bringing it to her ear.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Definitely not the greeting you give your oldest and dearest friend, Sweets."

Katie glanced over her shoulder to see Oliver now talking to Ruvé Adams who must've just came in. She narrowed her eyes at the woman. She was still playing the game that she wasn't married to Darhk, but they knew this whole thing was some sort of ploy. They just had to figure out what.

"Which is why I said them to you. What do you want Michael?"

"Well how about a legal contract naming me the permanent CEO of Robin's Incorporated."

Katie frowned at the man words, stepping further away from the others, knowing she was probably about use a lot of profanity.

"I just assumed since your maternity leave was up about a month ago, that you were hanging up your CEO hat and slipping on the housewife hat. I mean that's what it looks like from the photos I've been seeing in the magazines."

"Michael I'm going to assume the answer to my question was you just wanted to hear the sound of my voice, and just ignore that other bullshit you just said." Katie shook her head before hearing a beep from her phone. She glanced down to see another call. "Mike, I have another call. I will set up a meeting with you to discuss my return. Oh, and discuss your choice of words with my husband at the meeting you had with him."

"He ran to mommy again. You know Sweets, I don't think this guy is right for you. I play golf with a wonderful divorce lawyer and-"

Katie ended the call, before answering the next one.

"Please tell me you got something Craig. I keep calling social services and no one tells me anything about what's happening with Ari, and they won't even tell me where she is."

"Calm down, we're still researching ways around this. The problem is Ms. Sandburg has a very strong case against you having custody of Arianna."

"You know I don't pay you and your buddies a crap load of money to tell me I can't win this."

"I didn't say you couldn't win this, I'm just saying it's going to be a tough nut to crack."

There was an arm around her waist and she turned to see Oliver who looked to her with furrowed brow.

"Well then crack the nut. Find a way to get Ari back to us." Katie ended the call and sighed, turning back to Oliver who brought his arms around her. She dropped her head to his chest and closed her eyes.

"He says our case will be difficult to win. It's been weeks and I haven't even been able to speak to her."

"We're going to get her back, Twinkie." Oliver whispered, and Katie sighed once again before lifting her eyes to meet his. "I should stay and-" Katie glanced over to see Ruvé and her team already heading out the door. There was a plan happening. They would follow Adams in hopes of being lead to Darhk.

"No I'm fine, and you have to go." Katie replied placed a kiss to his lips. "We'll be fine. We're going to head-"

"Home. You are going to go home. I've already told Hank. He should be bringing the car around now." Oliver placed a kiss to her lips again, before catching up to John and Thea.

"That's not what I was going to say!" she called and Oliver glanced over to her with a smile as they rushed out of the auditorium. Katie walked over to Felicity who bounced Robyn in her lap and Katie just shook her head. "I think Overwatch is needed as well for this little shindig, which means-" Katie reached forward and plucked the baby from her hands. "You don't get to get sucked into the baby vortex either." Katie's phone rang once again, and she glanced down and sighed. "And that would be my bodyguard slash babysitter wondering where I am."

Katie's hand unconsciously held onto Robyn's tiny feet as she glanced out at the bustling streets of Star City's night life. The foot in her hand slightly moved, and Katie turned with a smile to see the baby still sleeping. It was something about a nice ride in the car that just knocked her out. Katie removed her hand, not wanting to stir her before she looked out the window, her brow furrowing at the sight of doughnut shop she could've sworn they passed a while ago.

"Please don't me tell after all this time of driving us home, you've actually forgotten where we lived." she turned, meeting the man's gaze in the rear view mirror and she could tell from the seriousness she saw that something was up. He lifted his eyes, and Katie realized he was looking behind them. She turned her head and noticed as they changed lanes, so did a dark SUV a couple of cars back. "We're being followed?" Her heart suddenly raced at the fact, her eyes turning back to the baby still blissfully asleep, before she looked back over to Hank. "Hank-" the man made a sudden sharp turn, that probably would've pulled Katie out of her seat if she weren't wearing a seat belt. He suddenly picked up speed, his eyes glancing behind them, teeth grinding when he spots the SUV gaining on them. "Hank!"

"Don't worry, I can lose them. I've been trained to lose a tail."

"Have you been trained to lose a tail with an infant in the backseat?!" Katie snapped her arm now protectively gripping Robyn's car seat. "Just go to the police station."


"If I have to say it again Hank, that person in that car will be the last person you worry about." Katie replied, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Her heart was still drumming in her chest, and she was trying her best not to think about the possible threat following behind them.

The moment their car stopped in front of the station, they both looked back to see the SUV continue on, turning down at the end of the block. Once they were in the clear, Hank took a deep breath before turning to Katie

"Mrs. Queen-" she simply held up a hand to stop him before she pulled the baby bag up her arm, grabbed a blanket and then stepped out of the car before reaching down and pulling Robyn in her arms. She brought the blanket around the baby, completely covering her before heading inside the station.

Oliver stood in the lair leaning against one of the columns staring up to the ceiling, thinking about the total, utter failure of their night. Ruvé, some how knew they were following her, and in the end they were the ones under attack. They were able to get the upper hand, but by the time they got Darhk's men down, Ruvé was gone, and so was another lead they thought they had to Darhk.

John mentioned Darhk going dark after the whole thing with Manchin holding his family hostage, but Oliver didn't believe it.

"But Darhk is not afraid of Machin." Oliver said with a shake of his head still trying to piece something together to reveal Darhk's motives. "He's just-his plan's gone to a new phase." Oliver seemed so sure that everyone in the room thought he knew something they didn't.

"And how do you know that?" Thea asked the question everyone was thinking.

"Because HIVE spent months trying to cripple this city's leadership. They discouraged people from running for mayor. They even tried to co-opt my candidacy." Oliver still just had pieces to this puzzle, but he couldn't see the whole picture. He couldn't see what Darhk was getting out of this and how it played into the plan.

"Yeah." Felicity said looking over to the man. "Then Mrs. Evil threw her hat in the ring."

Oliver once again shook his head, frustrated that it still wasn't clear. "There has to be a reason. Darhk did not try and destroy Star City so that his wife could be mayor. There's something that we're not seeing." he let out a sigh, taking a step to get changed when he felt the vibrating of his phone on his chest. He stopped, and slipped it from his vest frowning at the number, before quickly answering. "Hank, you didn't check in, I thought-" Oliver stopped talking and his face paled when Hank told him of their car being followed. "Are they-" his chest seemed to start constricting as if he couldn't breathe.

"Oliver, what's wrong?" Thea asked placing a hand on her brother's shoulder. He glanced over to her, but turned away as he listened to Hank recount what happened.

"And you're there now?" once he got the confirmation that they were still at the police station, Oliver simply nodded. "I'm on my way. They don't leave, and you stay close to them, do you understand?" Once Oliver received Hank's confirmation he ended the call, and turned to the eyes on him.

"Oliver what is going on?" Thea asked, now worried at the total mood change of her brother. He was worried, and only one thing could get him this worked up. "Is it Twinkie?"

"They were followed from the auditorium." Oliver said, and everyone moved in closer, ready to to head back out there. "They're fine, they're at the police station, but-" Oliver turned away with a shake of his head. "He's sending a message."

"You mess with his wife and he'll mess with yours." John said, and Oliver let out a huff from his nose, and his jaw clenched.

"My daughter was in that car." saying it out loud, hearing it and completely understanding it and it's implications and possibilities made Oliver's hand grip the cell phone in his hand.

"Where are they now?" Felicity asked, hoping to shift the man's focus from his rage that seemed to be slowly bubbling to the surface.

"She told him to go to the police station."

"That's good thinking." Laurel said with a nod. "Darhk's men are reckless but they wouldn't pull anything with that many cops around." Her eyes looked over to Oliver who looked like he was moments away from his head exploding. "You should go to them. Katie's probably freaking out too." Oliver heard her words and gave a sharp nod before rushing off to get changed.

Hank stood nervously outside Captain Quentin Lance's office. It's was as close as he was going get since Katie ordered him away from her, but it was close enough. His eyes looked over the station, every face, every movement. Suddenly he saw Lance heading back toward his office, a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, and Hank side stepped to block him from entering. Lance frowned looking to the man.

"You do know this is my office?" Hank sighed, with a nod.

"Yes sir, I just wanted to know if you had any luck locating the vehicle." Lance gave a shake of his head. He'd only gave the order for the search a half an hour ago, but he could see the man in front of him was just as upset about this as he was.

"Uh, not yet. But my guys have their eyes opened. We got the description of the vehicle and the license, we're going to find something." he watched the man's shoulders slump, "How long you been working in personal security?" Hank shook his head.

"A few years. I've mostly protected celebrities, and a few politicians. Today was the first time I had to evade someone tailing me, and I thought I had the situation handled. I've trained for it, knew exactly the moves that needed to be made, but then she asked me the question I couldn't answer." the man let out a sigh. "Speed and creating an unpredictable course."

"That doesn't really work with a woman and her baby in the backseat, huh?" Hank looked up to the man and just shook his head. Quentin gave the man a pat on the shoulder before Hank stepped aside. Lance walked into his office to find the woman just as he left her. Pacing back and forth, still gently rocking the baby in her arms.

"When can I go home?" she asked glancing over to him, but not stopping her stride.

"My guys are still checking out your house just to make sure there aren't any more surprise guests." Lance stopped, and continued to watch as she mumbled something but kept pacing. "I know you objected to the search-"

"And yet you did it anyway." Katie rolled her eyes, because she was adamant about not having cops at the house. Not now, not when she was trying to prove that Ari would be safe with them.

"No, I talked to your husband who insisted." he replied and she once again glanced over to him, but decided not to say anything. "So we thinking this was Darhk's guys?"

"I don't know. You know your boss better than I do." she said, and the man let out a sigh. They had yet to have an actual conversation about his working for Darhk, even though the others had known and forgiven him. She was the only one still hanging on to her anger toward him. The man shook his head before walking over and moving to stand in front of her to stop her pace. She stopped and glared up to him before turning and taking the seat in the chair across the room.

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to do for you to forgive me. I know it was wrong, I know I made the worst mistake of my life falling into Darhk's orbit, but I'm making up for it now. I've done everything I can to help Oliver get close enough to bring him down." Katie didn't say anything as she adjusted the baby in her arms, and sighed. The room fell into silence, and Lance wasn't quite sure what to do. "Can I get you something?"

"I'm fine." she replied and Lance stood there for a moment, watching the grasp she had around the baby, knowing this whole thing really did shake her up. He opened his mouth to speak, when the door to his office opened, and in rushed Oliver's whose eyes immediately looked over to Katie and the baby, before hurrying over and kneeling down in front of her.

"Are you alright?" he placed a hand on Robyn's back. "Is she ok?" he tilted his head, pulling back the blanket covering the baby to get a look for himself. "I should've taken you home."

"Liver-" Katie sighed with a shake of her head and his eyes looked back up to her. "We're fine. I just want to go home." Oliver simply gave a nod before standing to his feet and turning to Lance who was looking down to his phone.

"Everything seems to be clear. You should be able to head home, but I still want to assign some officers to stick around, I don't-"

"That's not happening." Katie replied before heading out the door. Oliver glanced over to Lance and gave the man a nod in approval, before rushing off to catch up to the woman. He walked out just in time to see Hank standing in front of her, saying something, but she

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