[Social Media]

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So, I just got a snapchat after 8737 years. And I'm not giving it away bc

a.) It has my real name.

b.) I may be deleting it after a little bit.

Basically, we are like battered with social media. #thismovie, follow us on Twitter, like our Instagram page. All this bullshlit. The corporations and big business men who want your filthy, poor stained money only are brainwashing you without your knowledge.

But. I've been thinking. Why do we even feel like we need a social media. As in, we aren't cool or hard if we have one? I hate to break to break it to y'all, but we are all super boring.

Who gives a flying, phenomenal fat fish of a fug what I do, eat, wear, watch and listen to do on a twenty for hour basis? Nobody. And everyone feels the exact same way about you, so don't feel all high and mighty. It's why reality television is edited like crazy and why people fabricate their stories and bios on snapchat and other forms of sm. And you only care about the people on those shows bc of the stuff they have. Like if the Kardashian's lived in a trailer park, would anyone care about their basic lives? No.

Also, it always feels like a competition. And that's what I despise about it. It's like a race to see who gets the most votes/likes/views and it's disgusting. I've seen amazing people be brought down to the mercy of other people's judgments. It's horrible. And I've had thousands of followers and combined,  hundreds on Instagram once upon a time. And you know how it made me feel?

You hear that?

Like absolutely nothing.

And this was when I was depressed and emo so who knows how much of a shlit I'd give now.

It's just always a race for who has the biggest boobs or the prettiest face. And we're all brainwashed into this fad that'll disappear sooner than it came in.

Like in 2025, do you think anyone will be having an Instagram or a Snapchat? Blitch, please.

And tbh, along with the whole racism woke thing, this is also being woke. The realization of how you're so easily manipulated by social media and media in general is being woke as well.

Idk, just random thoughts. It's what I've been thinking about since I got it. Lie I said earlier, I may be deleting it.

Aight, catch ya later😉~originalwanksta

Stay woke, guys❤️.

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