The pirates practically bathed themselves in the mountains of treasure. One even shouted, "We are going to need a bigger boat!"
I looked above us and saw multiple laser cannons shooting purple lasers into several holes in the planet of gold. I was guessing that it was to keep this miniature planet afloat.
I looked back to Jim, but I saw the confused expression on B.E.N.'s metal features. "This is all seeming very familiar," he said, rubbing his rusted head. Jim and I shared a look, but then Jim's sky-blue eyes caught on something behind me. I turned and saw a giant ship mounted on yet another pile of golden coins.
The sails were torn in various places, and the wood was bending from the tremendous amount of weight the gold on (and probably in) the ship.
"I can't remember why," B.E.N. continued, but Jim interrupted him.
"Y/N, B.E.N., come on." Jim grasped my hand, and as Silver was walking a different direction, the three of us- and Morph- hurried to the ship.
"Why are we going to this-"
"We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed," Jim cut me off, and I nodded. We came all this way; why not bring some treasure along with us?
"Okay, then. Let's go!" I whisper-shouted in excitement, but B.E.N. started his rambling again.
"B-But Jimmy! N/N! You know what's strange?" We had already reached the ship, and Jim was boosting me up and onto the edge. "I can't tell you how frustrating this is, guys, 'cause there's something just..." I reached to grab Jim and he gladly took my outstretched hand, holding onto B.E.N. as I pulled them on deck. "It's nagging at the back of my mind," the robot continued but yelped when he saw something behind me.
I spun around to see why he had been frightened, and saw a giant skeleton of an unusual alien sitting atop a throne of a sort. "Captain Flint?" Jim whispered.
"In the flesh!" B.E.N. said, recovering from his fall. "Well, sort of, except for skin, organs, or anything that, that..." I chuckled at the irony, but walked along the perimeter of the ship. Treasures littered through the broken boards, and so many shiny things caught my eye. But not as much as a specific gem did.
On the far side of the ship, away from Jim and B.E.N. who was looking at something in his hand, I crouched down low to see a necklace. Not just any necklace, but a locket. It wasn't shiny nor adorned with gems, but had an heirloom aura that surrounded it. I carefully picked up the pendant with my hands carefully, as if it were to break at any moment, and opened the clasp.
I gasped aloud, stunned. When I opened the trinket, a hologram video was projected from a small camera not visible to my eye. A clip of an infant alien roamed a carpet and a male figure walked into the shot and scooped up the child, twirling it around. It looked like they were father and son.
Several other clips were shown, and after a few heartwarming moments, I clasped the pendant shut and placed the necklace over my head and on top of my wedding rings that were still on its chain. I also saw a ring, but a joyful cry from B.E.N. alerted me of their presence a few yards away, so I snatched the priceless piece of jewelry and ran to the commotion.
"It's all flooding back!" the robot cried.
I was breathless when I reached them, worried for them. "Wh-what is, B.E.N.?" I placed my hands on my knees, trying to regain my composure.
"All my memories! Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuits, so I could never tell anybody about his booby trap!" My mouth dropped open. So that's why my mind was nagging me before! The classic trip laser-wire thingy trap! Suddenly, the ground starts shaking, causing gold sounds to ring everywhere as they all fall downwards. "Speaking of which..." B.E.N. said, trailing off.
High above, explosions started to go off, and a chunk of metal flew in my directions, straight to my head. Jim dove on top of me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulled me to the ground, saving me from my doom. I don't have time to continue as a fiery red started to glow from everywhere above.
"Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged this whole planet to blow higher than a Kalepsain kite!" He said this in one breath, and immediately as his finished, a huge pole of metal, larger and wider than a football field, collided on the golden surface, creating cracks in the mini planet.
The lasers started going haywire, and purple flames erupted on the surface, heading in our direction fast.
B.E.N. grabbed my arm and pulled me to an exit. "Run, N/N and Jimmy! Run for your lives!"
I slapped his face to get his attention. "Go back and help Amelia and Doppler! Me and Jim will stay here and-"
"No, Y/N. You go with B.E.N. If I'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me." He started fixing the control panel to operate the ship.
"I am not leaving my buddy Jimmy," the robot said, and pulled on Jim's legs. When he pulled Jim out, Jim gave him the death glare while fixing a wire. I would have chuckled if the circumstances were different. B.E.N. gulped. "Unless he looks at me like that. Bye, Jim!" He dashed towards the exit, but I stayed put, rolling my eyes.
I knelt to Jim so he could hear me. "As if you think getting rid of me will solve your problems. I'm here with you 'till the end."
At first, he didn't even turn his head to look at me. "Go. I'll be fine." After a few switching of wires and me staying put, he sat up, frustrated at my defiance. He held my shoulders, forcing me to meet his eyes. "Please. If I lose you, I'll be destroyed knowing I could have saved you."
I shook my head, tears threatening to rise. "No, Jim. You don't understand. I lost my mother when I was ten, and if I had paid attention, I could have saved her. My father left and I could have made him stay if I had spent more time with him. I could have persuaded my siblings to stay with me, but now they're across the universe. If I lose you, I'll have nothing, and I'll be the one destroyed. You have your mother, Jim. She needs you. Please," I was sobbing uncontrollably at this point, "let me stay with you. I love you, Jim."
His eyes were watery too, and right then, we both felt everything we were both feeling. I felt Jim's worry fading into empathy and then to acceptance. He felt my annoyance growing into sorrow and then to mourning. He sighed, but nodded all the same.
"Okay. Go get the sails ready, and I'll finish this. And Y/N?" I had started to rise again, but he pulled me into a firm hug and kissed me on the lips hard, fearing this would be our last. "I love you, too." I sniffed and laughed, hugging him once more, and dashed to the pillar that supported the sail masses.
If all goes well, we can finally have our happily ever after.
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