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"You're perfect. The best person someone can have."
I couldn't help but turn red and look away but he lifted my chin again. It was silent as we just starred into each other's eyes. After a bit, he looked down and sighed
"Even I don't deserve someone like you."
"Are you kidding me? Suga, you're an idol! Someone who worked their life out just to get to where he is right now! If you don't deserve me or anyone for that matter you're crazy and-"
I was cut off when a pair of lips was pressed against mine. I was surprised but kissed back in the end. He broke off the kiss and let out a small chuckle
"This is why I don't deserve you."
I couldn't say anything. That really just happened.

After a bit he spoke again.
"You're so perfect it hurts...I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, (y/n). I really like you though."
You had you're mouth open but you couldn't say anything. All you could do is hug him. He was surprised but hugged back.
"I like you too Suga. To let you in on a little secret. You were my bias."
We both laugh.

We both went back to his car and he dropped me at my place.
"Thank you, Suga."
"No. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a wink. My heart started beating fast. He then drove off.

I went inside my house. Wow I really do like him. I'm glad I confessed or I wouldn't have realized it.

With that I got ready and went to sleep knowing I would have to wake up tomorrow to work. I could see him tomorrow again.

Sorry for the short chapter again! I've been busy and I'm sorry! Hope the new year started good for you!

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