I woke up with no assistance this morning, the sun barely peaking through our windows yet. Pulling on my robes and black boots, I grabbed the two identical boxes from the dresser and snuck a last look at my roommates, all still fast asleep as I snuck out the door and down to the common room.
I knew there was no way that they were up yet, especially on their birthday. There was no telling if they would even attend classes today, but I wanted them to wake up to their presents. It took nearly twenty minutes to creep through the silence of the Hufflepuff dorms and up to Gryffindor tower until I finally arrived at the boys door. I tested the doorknob slowly, feeling it turn easily and smiling when I realized it was unlocked. I pushed it open, holding my breath for no reason now that I heard the deafening roar of three separate snores.
I tiptoed across the wood floors and set each box at the edge of their beds next to a large sack of sweets and another pair of identical maroon boxes that Errol had no doubt dropped off hours ago from Molly. I snuck one last glance at Fred, wanting nothing more than to climb into bed next to him and waste our entire day, but not wanting to wake him from what sounded like the deepest sleep anyone had ever experienced.
Backing from the room carefully, I pulled the door behind me until it clicked and aimed at the ceiling outside the twins room. I whispered a few charms, conjuring red and golden streamers and balloons and attached them along the walls as I headed down to the common room, wrapping the decorations around the space and slipping back out to get some breakfast.
Nearly an hour later I was sat at the Gryffindor table with an exhausted looking trio, Ron seeming almost too tired to eat.
"Hermione, how many classes are you taking this year?" I asked, noting the familiar circles beneath her eyes.
"The correct amount." She sighed. "It's the Third Task prep we've been doing with Harry." She whispered the final sentence.
"Brutal." Ron whined, grabbing for another muffin from the tray before us while I felt the warmth of someone's arms wrapping around my shoulders, a kiss pressed to my cheek.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Fred said, landing on the seat next to me as George appeared behind him.
"These are wicked, Cass! How'd you do this?" George grinned, raising his hands to show the rest of the group their matching birthday gifts, golden cufflinks in the shape of fireworks which let off innocent colorful sparks every time you touched them together.
"Charms." I answered.
"How'd you get into our room, young lady? I'm going to have to have a word with Minerva, such inappropriate behavior-"
I laughed, smacking him lightly on the arm as he bit into his breakfast.
"What did your mum send you?" I asked, remembering the matching boxes at the edge of their beds.
Fred smiled and pulled out a simple black and golden pocket watch from the inside of his robes.
"Bill, Charlie and Percy all got them at 17. It's like a wizarding tradition, they say." He explained, running his fingers over the clasp absentmindedly.
"Hey, that's really nice!" Ron shouted from across the table, sneaking a look at both boys watches.
"Few more years, Ronnie-kins." George patted his head, teasingly, earning a laugh from Harry.
"Alright, we've got to get going if we're going to get any more practice in before class." Hermione announced, pulling at both boys arms and being met with matching groans.
"Hermione, we're running on less than 5 hours of sleep." Ron whined.
"Yeah, all week." Harry muttered under his breath.
"You'll thank me when you wipe the floor with everyone at the final task." She replied.
I watched them follow her from the Great Hall while waiting for the boys to finish their breakfasts.
"Not eating, Cass?" George mumbled through a mouth full of crumbs.
"I ate already. I've been up for hours, it took a while to decorate your entire common room."
"That was you?" Fred whined. "We thought the house elves were just happy for our coming of age!"
"Well, I'm sure they had their calenders marked." I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "I think we should be more concerned what Peeves has planned."
"Excited, you meant to say." George corrected.
Once Fred finished his second cup of coffee, I turned towards him. "Can I walk you to class?"
"What makes you think I'm going to class on my birthday?" He smirked.
"You're going to class, Fred."
"We'll see." He stood from our spots and nodded goodbye to George and Lee as we started towards the hallway. "What's up?"
"I have to show you your secret birthday present." I smiled up at him.
"My secret birthday present?" He smirked, his eyebrows raised and I felt my face go pink.
"Not that, you git."
"I didn't say anything!"
I pushed him towards the wall and reached for one of his wrists, holding his cufflinks before his eyes.
"Incerecium" I whispered, watching new sparks emerge from the metal, red and gold hearts popping up in front of our faces.
Fred's grin widened as he waited for the fireworks to subside before turning to me.
"Am I dating a secret genius? How the hell did you-"
"Flitwick can write his own charms, so I figured I would try one."
"Oh, just a casual days work for Miss Cassidy Olsen."
I let out an easy laugh and a shrug at his words.
"Hey." He murmured, reaching for my chin and pulling my eyes up to his own. "Can I tell you something?"
I nodded, waiting in excitement although knowing I was most likely about to hear a new joke.
"One day you won't have to be an Olsen." I paused, the only sound between us were the echoes of footsteps passing by in the hallway. "I'm going to make you a Weasley."
"Don't get my hopes up, Freddie." I teased, ignoring the way my heart felt like it was on fire.
"I would never." He grinned, leaning closer to me until our faces were practically touching. "I'm in love with you."
I blinked a few times, resisting the urge to pinch myself. This was real. I wasn't dreaming, I was really here, really hearing him say the words I had almost let slip out countless times before.
"I love you too." I blurted back, biting my lip the second the words were out.
"Promise?" He smirked, reaching a hand on either side of my hips and pulling me into him for a kiss, neither of us caring who was walking by or what they thought. Nothing mattered except Fred.
"Promise." I nodded when our lips finally separated.
"Alright. Then I guess I'll go to class. My girlfriend knows how to create her own spells, I've got to step up my game."
"My boyfriend has made candy that turned a boy to a bird before my very eyes." I shouted back down the hallway, ignoring the confused looks I was receiving, only focused on the chuckle and wink I had earned.
As much as Ron and Harry whined about Hermione's vigorous training, Harry was also quite vocal about his guilt causing his two friends to miss out on valuable study time as exams drew closer. Harry and the other champions had been excused from final exams, but the training was cutting into Hermione's usually strict yearly schedule of prep work. This was how I had found myself with the three of them in the dwindling library, no more than half an hour before Madame Pince would shut it all down for the night.
"I think I'll be fine in everything, it's only potions that's worrying me." Hermione sighed, shutting what I counted to be her sixth book of the night.
"Potions worries everyone." Ron scoffed. "Only Malfoy can hope for a good grade on that exam."
"Harry does fine, for the most part." Hermione pointed out.
"Well Harry doesn't have to worry about any of this." Ron grumbled, "What are you reading now, anyway?"
"A Guide to Advanced Trasnfiguration." Harry muttered, shutting the book and pushing it off to the side. "Or as many words as I can understand. That's Newt level stuff."
"The other champions know Newt Level magic, Harry-" Hermione trailed off at the burnt out frowns the two boys shot her.
"Hey, did you ever find out what your brothers were talking about in the owlery earlier?" She changed the subject quickly, looking at Ron before turning back to her next book.
"They wouldn't tell me, of course." He shrugged. "They worry me. I bet it's something to do with that joke shop. I mean... I always thought they were joking, just wanted a rise from Mum, but I think they're actually serious about it."
I snapped my head up from my book to look at the youngest Weasley brother. "Of course they're serious about it, what do you mean?"
"Come on, Cassidy, a joke shop? I mean, there's already Zonko's, how profitable can a second one be? Plus where will they ever get enough money to start their own business?"
I scanned between Harry and Hermione who looked as though they wished they could disapparate from their seats.
"They're saving up." I snapped back at the ginger.
"That's what we're saying." He looked between his friends as if to ask for back up, but Harry and Hermione had their noses buried in their books now. "I'm worried about where they're getting the money."
"They'll get it." I muttered, sliding my books into my open bag and standing from my spot. "Don't let them hear you say that stuff, Ron. It's bad enough they know your Mum doesn't believe in them."
On my last word, I spun on my heel and crossed the library in less than five steps, turning the corner immediately outside and running into the solid chest of Fred Weasley.
"How did I know I'd find you here?" He smirked, reaching for my book bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "What's wrong? You look like you you're going to punch me."
"Nothing," I let out a mix of a sigh and a laugh. "Your brother's a git."
"Which one?" He joked, grabbing for my hand.
"Ah, you've gotta get used to that. He's going to be your brother one day too."
I pressed my lips together to hide the smile that rose to my face as I looked up to him. "These are getting to be some serious claims."
"Yeah, but when you know you know." He grinned, swinging my arm a bit as we walked back towards the Hufflepuff common room as curfew neared.
"Ah, Miss Olsen." A taut voice stopped the both of us in our tracks as I turned to face the long beard and piercing eyes of Professor Dumbledore.
"Headmaster." I nodded, offering him a smile despite the unfamiliar nervousness I noted in his usually happy eyes.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your nights, I'm afraid I need to borrow Miss Olsen."
A slight fear crept through my stomach and I felt Fred's hand squeeze my own.
"Is something wrong, Professor?" I felt like my voice was a mere whisper, echoing across the stone walls in the hallway.
"Cassidy, it's your father." He paused, watching my eyes carefully and I was sure he could see the fear I was trying to blink away. This was it. He had finally managed to get in contact with the school. They were sending me home to him. I was dead. The Weasley's would be in trouble. I would never see Fred again. "He passed away. A few hours ago."
I stared ahead, not making eye contact with Dumbledore, not noticing Fred's attempt to catch my own, just letting my mind run in circles.
"Mr. Weasley is welcome to join you, if you're comfortable. I'd like you to come to my office so that we can discuss some details?"
"Y-Yes, of course." I stammered out, feeling Fred pull on my arm slightly to follow Dumbledore through the hallways. We walked in silence, following Dumbledore's long strides, taking turns and staircases until we finally arrived at a stone gargoyle inside a deep crevice in the wall.
"Cockroach Cluster." Dumbledore spoke to the gargoyle. Fred did not laugh. The gargoyle began to spin, revealing a winding set of stone steps ascending upwards into a dark passage way which Dumbledore lead us into. After a quick flight of stairs, the three of us reached a heavy wooden door which opened for Dumbledore as he grew closer. He crossed the circular room and gestured for the two of us to take a seat in front of his desk which he sat behind, a large red and orange bird flying to his shoulder and rubbing it's face against the headmaster's cheek. "You'll have to excuse Fawkes, he's grown quite clingy this month."
I licked my lips, smiling to myself as I watched the bird tilt it's head, scanning Fred and I.
"Now Miss Olsen, I would first like to express my condolences for your loss. I know this must be a shock to you."
I nodded, or at least tried my best, I had a sneaking suspicion that my head had not moved at all.
"In any other circumstance, I would of course help to make arrangements for somewhere you can stay over the summers, but I do believe you have been staying with the Weasley's since last summer if I'm correct?"
I snuck a look at Fred who shrugged slightly. "I will write to Molly and ensure that you may stay there again this summer-"
"She can." Fred interrupted. "She's staying with us."
Dumbledore nodded at Fred, the usual twinkle back in his eyes once again.
"Well then, I suppose that just leaves my last point." He continued, looking back to me. "The funeral is being held in two days, and with exams coming up, the train rides will take up a large amount of your time. I've arranged for you to use the Floo Network back home. I believe they are expecting you sometime after the funeral to go over your father's will and then when you are ready you may return here."
I nodded, taking in all of the information he had just laid out. They were expecting me? I thought I was missing.
"Uh... Professor, there's something..." Fred started, sounding nervous.
"Cassidy is no longer considered a missing person. The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes has taken care of your disappearance. No one at the funeral will know anything other than you being at your... boarding school, I believe it was?" He nodded at me for confirmation.
"Thank you, Headmaster."
"No need to thank me, Cassidy. Please, let me know if you need any extra time or help with your exams, I can speak with your professors."
"Professor Dumbledore?" I asked, Fred pausing in his spot as he had just begun to stand from our matching seats. "How... How did he die?"
Dumbledore took an abnormally long pause, which should have given me my answer. A heart attack, a car accident, whatever non-magical way muggles passed away shouldn't have brought out the worried look in the Professor's eyes.
"They are looking into it. It's shocking, worrisome..." He started, looking between my eyes and Fred's. "They are under the impression that it was the Killing Curse."
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