The new normal.

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Something that Jor-el had told him when he was dead stuck with him but he didnt say anything. He looked over at Oliver and then back at Katherine.
"Do you have any idea what she gave her?"
"No I called Emilie to find out. He should be here shortly. Clark you need to calm down."
"Me? When she finally comes to she is going to be beyond pissed. There will be damage and allot of it."
"And there might not be. She has control."
"Not when she's mad. And even if Chloe is her close friend she wont be happy."
"And I am? The woman I love is gone and I don't know why."
"Chloe always wanted to be treated like a member of the team. Then we need to trust her decision that she knew what she was doing."
"Yours didnt leave you."
"No I tried to leave her. Had I not did what I done with Zod I would have left with the rest of the Kandorians. Katherine would have been without me. You thought Zod was bad her without her center without me is far worse."
"How much worse could she be?"
"She could destroy most of Metropolis."
"More than that." Came Katherine's voice from behind them.
"What do you mean?" Oliver asked. Katherine moved so she was standing next to Clark.

"From what I've heard there is allot of damage from when he took on doomsday I could have made that look like a Sunday stroll."
"And as for where Chloe went if I recall before she dosed me she went to find you."
"She put on fate's helmet and found out who had you but wouldn't let Clark go get you and when I tried to keep her from going she gave me something."
"You let her put on fate's helmet?"
"Yes Ollie that was his goal. No she had no idea what she was going to do and got to her after she had done it. And don't you drop blame on him, he had no idea what she was going to do and I tried to stop her short of hurting her. But I thought she would do what she did. She knew what she was doing and she will come back when she is ready." Katherine told him. She turned when she saw Emile come in.
"Your a little late I am fine."
"I would still like to check you and then take the needle back to find out what what was in it. With your powers we need to make sure your fine."
"Over here." He said pointing to the table on the second floor. She followed him and sat down. She continued to listen to Oliver damned near yell at Clark.
"Hold on a second." She told Emile as she stood leaned over the railing and moved her hand lifting Oliver off his chair.
"I SAID ENOUGH!" She shouted. "This was her choice and her choice alone. Blaming Clark or even me will not bring her back here. Have I made myself clear."
"Yes." Oliver choked out. Katherine lowered him back to the chair and grabbed the railing to steady herself as her vision blurred.
"Guys we have a problem." Emile said as he caught Katherine, both Clark and Oliver came running up the stairs.
"What happened?" Clark asked as he lay Katherine on the table.
"Whatever Chloe gave her must have messed with her powers and doing what she just did took everything out of her."
"Damn it." Oliver said looking at Katherine and then at Clark. "Sorry."
"She did what she felt would stop our argument. She just never expected this to happen."
"What are we going to do? We can't take her to the hospital."
"I can treat her here. But she will have to stay here. At least until we can get some semblance of normal for her again. I'll get some blood and run some test. Something in that stuff had to have caused this issue." Emile said. He drew the blood he needed, never really labeling it. Just adding a number so he knew who's it was.
"I am going to run some tests on this. Give me a few hours. Do you two think you can keep from arguing long enough to keep from stressing her out?"
"Yeah." Oliver said. He felt bad that he was blaming them for Chloe leaving knowing that she had a mind of her own would do what she needed to or wanted to do.
Clark was surprised when Katherine woke again.
"Are you done scaring the hell out of me?" He asked looking at her.
"What happened?"
"You lifted me out of the chair yelled at us and passed out."
"I remember the first part."
"Yeah Emile actually caught you before you fell. He took some blood and is running some tests. He is trying to figure out what Chloe gave you."
"Ok. Am I allowed to move?"
"To the couch on the main floor that's it."
"Ok." Katherine turned and tried to stand only to get dizzy again. "Or I could just stay here."
Clark lifted her into his arms and walked down the stairs. He set her down on the couch and looked around.
"Clark if you need to check things or you heard someone that needs help. Go. Oliver will stay with me."
"Yeah I will stay here with her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now go."
They both watched Clark superspeed from the room. Katherine lay back and closed her eyes.
"Room still spinning?"
"Yeah how can you tell?"
"You were a little too eager to let him leave. Why didnt you tell him?"
"He has enough to worry about without worrying about me. I'll be fine. Once whatever Chloe gave me gets out of my system."
"You hope."
"I've known Chloe a long time so I know she wouldn't hurt me on purpose."
"Yeah I know."

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