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Katherine slowly regained consciousness as she touched her head to make sure there was no blood running from her head. When she pulled her hand back and it was clean she was happy but the headache she had was worse than it already had been. She looked up at the loft and just sat there on the floor, she didnt move but looked up as Martha entered the barn.
"Mrs. Kent?"
"Katherine. Dear why are you in here and on the floor."
"This is where Lex tossed me. I woke up about ten minutes ago."
"Do you know where Clark is?"
"He sent him away." She answered. Katherine started to stand but her ankle gave out under her.
"Ok so I am intact except for the broken ankle. Fantastic." Katherine sat back down on the floor wondering what she was to do now. She looked up at the same time Martha did to see Lionel enter the barn.
"Martha your alright."
Martha hugged Lionel both pulled apart when they heard another person enter the barn.
"Wheres Clark? "
"I don't know."
"Why do you care Lana? You made your choice." Katherine said from where she sat. Lana turned and looked at Katherine.
"Kat this isnt the time.
"I know how to deal with our current Lex problem."
"I have to kill him with this." Martha held up the silver dagger.
"You'll never get close enough to do it. But I can. Let me do this." Lana said holding her hand out. Martha placed it in Lana's hand, Lana turned and left.

Katherine sat on the floor her ankle was throbbing and sitting on the stool wasn't helping. The ground started shaking and there wasnt anything she could do to protect herself so she slid as best she could under the nearest table. She peeked out in time to see Clark appear catching the over head landing before it fell on Martha and Lionel.

"Come Miss Bloodstone let's get you to the hospital." Lionel said helping her out from under the table.
"I can wait for Clark he'll be back. "
"No sense being stubborn he can meet you at the hospital."

Katherine was sitting on the bed with a cast on her ankle cruches against the wall while she waited for Clark to arrive. Clark came out of Lois' room and walked up to her.
"Something new broken huh?"
"Funny. But yes, can we go home? And how is Lois?"
"She was hurt pretty badly but she will go home in a week. Chloe is good too I am happy she wasnt hurt."
"Good and Lana? "
"Except for a hand injury she's fine."
"Good let's go home. "
"Not going to ask about Lex? "
"Not particularly. But I figure if it was bad you would let me know. Let's just go home."
Clark helped her to her feet and walked with her out to the truck. He lifted her into the truck and sat the cruches in the back and walked around and drove them home.

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