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Clark knew that with everything going on he needed to give her something good, Katherine had lost so much during their time together, he knew that some of it was because of him. But he wanted to show her that she meant the world to him, but he wasn't sure how to show her that.
  They walked through Metropolis after he had gotten done at the Daily Planet. He knew he wanted the moment to be special, he took her hand and led her away from the lights of the city.  She sighed happily as she held onto his arm walking next to him.
"What are you thinking." He asked her.
"Nothing I am just happy."  She answered him. Clark looked into her eyes and stopped and touched her face.
"You know how much I mean to me."
"Yeah and how much you mean to me. But what's with the moonlight stroll? We could have done this at the farm."
"Not this." He said pointing to the picnic that was set up in the clearing.
"We still have the curfew."
"I can get us out of here if need be, we have time." He said. Katherine looked at him and let him pull her down to the blanket to sit next to him. Small candles were flickering in the moonlight, a single rose in a vase.
"Very romantic." She said sitting across from him. He smiled, he never felt so nervous in his life especially when it came to Katherine, they had been through so much he knew he wanted to ask her but he was so excited and nervous at the same time.
"Kat we've known each other a long time."
"Almost ten years yes." She said smiling at him.
"You have seen me at my best and worst."
"And you are still helping me through mine. But I think that is what makes us so good together."
He touched her face and smiled he leaned in and kissed her deeply. 
"I swear this is so hard."
"What is?"
"Katherine Bloodstone would you do me the honor spending the rest of our lives together."
"Clark?" Katherine brought her hands to her mouth, her eyes rimmed with tears all she could do was nod yes before she could finally find her voice. "Yes. Yes I will marry you."
He smiled and slid the beautiful ring onto her finger and then lifted her into his arms and stood, they kissed deeply.
"I love you." She said to him.
"I love you too." He had a smile on his face, even with as long as they had been together he feared she would tell him no.
"Should we go home?"
"Yeah." Katherine answered him. Clark lifted her into his arms. Making sure to clean up their mess he superspeeded off to the farm. He set her down on the porch and took her hand but it was her that led him to the swing and had him sit down so they could just sit and enjoy the night, away from the big city and the curfew. She rested her head on his shoulder as he had his arms around her. Katherine sighed happily.
"You just going to keep making that noise." He asked laughing.
"Yes I am. Come on we can go inside and go to bed."
"We could." He said lifting her into his arms and superspeeded into the house and upstairs.

The sun shone in the window the next morning Katherine rolled onto her side and ran her fingers over his chest.
"Well morning to you too." He said kissing her.
"Good thing it's a weekend."
"I have to still work for a while with Lois."
"How long?" Katherine pouted.
"Well first off that's cute second a couple hours I promise."
"I guess I can part with my fiance for a few hours."
"Well good. Try to just relax today."
"I will."
Katherine sat on the porch in sweatpants and a shirt reading a book when Clark arrived at home a couple hours later.
"See told you."
"You did say a couple hours."
"Now we can spend the rest of the day together."

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