Hi guys, just a quick message to say -
I'm gong to try and keep the chapters in order but ages may change depending on the time of the chapter, but once all kids are introduced with backstories - the teen years will be covered the most.
These chapters may be longer as they spread over time periods, or follow a certain event/ time, this isn't all chapters though. So prepare for time jumps!!!
Requests are still very much welcome!!!!!
A few weeks after defeating the hunters, Manhattan
Bennett giggled sitting next to his mother, gripping onto his action figures as they pretended to make them fly. Derek sat opposite them on the arm chair with Zachary fast asleep in his arms, Bennett seemed to be just keep growing and that made Derek incredibly nervous, but right now Derek was enjoying the time where Zachary was still tiny.
Emilia picked up her ringing phone from the coffee table, greeting the were-coyote on the other end "Hey Malia!"
Emilia frowned at Malia's sniffles, hearing her unsteady heartbeat through the speakers "Wow, what's wrong?"
"I'm pregnant."
Emilia stared over at an equally as shocked Derek with wide eyes, accidentally snapping the action figure in her hand in half "Mommy!"
"Sorry Ben." Emilia apologised letting the toy fall to the sofa, Bennett huffed picking up the pieces before running over to sit next to his dad with a grumpy scowl "Pregnant? With who?"
"Obviously with Scott!"
"My baby brother?" Emilia squeaked, the second set of news hitting her like a ton of bricks. Derek laughed quietly, imagining Malia rolling her eyes back in Beacon Hills.
To say Emilia still treated Scott like he was a baby was an understatement, it was mainly Isaac's fault, since Isaac was Emilia's baby and is the same age as Scott, meaning they both get the overprotective Emilia treatment.
"He's nineteen."
"My baby brother is having a baby!" Emilia gasped jumping up from the sofa, pacing around the living room, Bennett's hazel eyes followed her around the room "Why's mommy doing that?"
"Mommy does that when she's exited, or stressed, but because she's slightly angry..." Derek informed him, pointing to the broken toy in Bennett's hand "Green lantern faced the consequences."
"Well, have you told him?" Emilia questioned, stepping over Bennett's overfilled toy box.
"No! No way, he's leaving for school in like three days and I have a plane to France to catch."
Emilia sighed, turning to walk in the opposite direction "You have to tell him, Malia, you can't escape to France either."
"What the hell are we supposed to do? I can't be a mom, Scott works with animals not tiny humans! And i haven't even been human that long!"
"I know it seems scary now, believe me, I cried for two days straight." Emilia sympathised, Derek frowned looking over to his wife in confusion "You did what?"
Emilia waved him off, "Nothing, Derek. You may not be considering it now, but a baby is a big change and you and Scott need to be prepared.
"Okay, well, we can't tell anyone. Most people don't even know we're dating, now we're having a baby."
Isaac walked into the room hearing the end of the conversation, looking to his mom in excitement "Scott and Malia are having a kid!"
"Isaac shh!" Emilia exclaimed, hearing Malia sigh on the line.
"Okay, no one but Isaac."
"Do you know how far along you are?" Emilia asked her.
"Three months."
Emilia looked down in confusion, sitting back down on the couch "You've been pregnant for three months and you just found out?"
"I'm a were-coyote, I don't know what's strange or not!"
"When I was pregnant with Ben I fainted and got sick." Emilia informed her, Isaac shook his head sitting down on the arm of the sofa "You didn't know you were pregnant with Zach for a while though, mom."
"Thank you for the input, Isaac." Emilia rolled her eyes.
"I have to go, Scott's here."
"Tell him, Malia!" Emilia shouted down the phone before the teen hung up, Emilia sighed noticing Derek's questioning gaze.
"Speaking of pregnancies." Derek began, Bennett running over to play cars with Isaac "Do you have anything to to tell me?"
Emilia laughed, standing up to walk into the kitchen "The thought that you're more aware of my menstrual cycle than i am, Derek, is truly concerning."
"We're not having that argument again, you're forgetful and you're not the one putting up with your crazy moods." Derek followed her through the hallway, gently pulling her back to face him "Do I really need to ask you again?"
Emilia grinned, shrugging her shoulders playfully before rushing into the kitchen, Derek sighed "Emilia!"
Scott Bennett had always dreaded the day where he told his parents he was a becoming a father, Because? Well, Lincoln's moods were unpredictable and Melissa was a complete other subject.
So naturally, Scott pushed it away and pretended nothing was happing for another two months (which was easy since Scott wasn't even in Beacon Hills), only for Malia to return from France for winter break looking very pregnant.
Scott hoped as he walked up the steps to his childhood home that Melissa would react like she did with Emilia and Jason, cry of happiness for a few hours. But his mind filled with Melissa and Lincoln telling him from day one to get an education first, even though they didn't regret it, don't do what they did.
And here Scott was, doing exactly what happened to them, or how his sister put it - history repeating itself.
In the living room Emilia and Jason bickered as the trio of cousins played on the floor, Zachary fast asleep in Melissa's arms whilst Lincoln attempted to control the three toddlers. With his sisters arrival from New York and the comfort of their grandchildren, Scott optimistically thought the news wouldn't go down too bad.
"Why are you stood in the doorway?" Lincoln looked away from Bennett's hands waving in his face, frowning at his son "You look terrified, son."
Scott hesitantly walked forward, sitting on the arm of the chair beside his brother, smiling down at Josie running to hug her uncle "I have something to tell you guys."
"Oh god, what have you done?" Melissa groaned sitting back in her seat after passing Zachary back to Emilia, waiting for Scott's news as the true alpha turned to his sister for help. Emilia shook her head, urging for Scott to continue.
"Okay well, don't be mad. It was an accident, none of this was planned - I'm scared too and it's all a bit -" Scott rambled fearfully, Jason blinked in confusion, wincing as Emilia hit his side. Jason looked up to Scott, "Scott, just get on with it."
"Malia's pregnant." Scott mumbled out in a whisper, closing his eyes awaiting the reactions.
Melissa and Lincoln looked to Scott with wide eyes, their two youngest children sharing nervous glances whilst Jason sat in confusion. Silence overwhelmed the room as the two parents tried to figure out the words from their son, hit with a wave of nostalgia.
"Pregnant?" Melissa exclaimed suddenly, the three werewolves looking up at her in surprise as she stood from her chair crossing her arms "You got a girl pregnant? Days before you leave to go back school for the next nine years!"
"Yeah... i did." Scott sighed, groaning as Melissa hit him with the sofa cushion rambling a string of curse words, Emilia and Jason laughed watching in amusement "Mom! Enough!"
"Dad?" Scott questioned staring over at a silent Lincoln.
Lincoln crossed his arms with a sigh, "I'd be a hypocrite if i said I'm mad, oh, but I'm mad. But, we will support you no matter what and right now it seems like we're adding another grandchild to the bunch."
"You guys aren't going to shout at me or anything?" Scott sighed in relief as Melissa laughed, "Reality will hit you hard enough, theres no need for us to do it."
"Well, Scotty, Melissa still has the chance of appearing on Teen Mom." Jason joked, "Think Malia's up to it?"
Melissa scowled at the memory of her conversation with Scott, Emilia rolled her eyes at Scott's silent pleads for help "I'm pregnant too!"
"What!" All four Bennett's turned to Emilia in shock, Scott's expression slowly turned to confusion "You just had Zach!"
"Zachary's a few months old, its hardly abnormal." Emilia defended, Melissa grinned excitedly but Lincoln shook his head "This is why you should stay in Beacon Hills! You and Derek have ran of to New York and now you're going to end up with a soccer team."
"Dad, i'd hardly-" Emilia argued but was interrupted by Jason, "Emilia can have as many kids as she wishes, if anything she deserves a round of applause for having a kid that was actually planned."
Emilia glared at the raven haired beta, punching his arm "Don't you criticise me too! Scott and i are the victims here!"
Josie and Mikey gasped at their aunt punching their dad, giggling before running over to hit his legs too.
"How is Scott a victim? He doesn't have to push out a baby." Melissa laughed as her son turned to her in horror over the thought of labour, Emilia shrugged "We come here to bring you amazing news of grandchildren, grandchildren that you spent years begging for!"
Lincoln turned to her in annoyance with the three toddlers running around him, "I didn't expect to be hit with a bunch of toddlers."
"Don't lie, dad, you love them." Jason argued, Lincoln sighed nodding his head with a smile "Yeah, i do."
Seven month pregnant Emilia stood in the playground with Charlie, the human spinning around in the roundabout with Bennett, each one of them enjoying the Hales monthly visit to Beacon Hills. Charlie looked like he was enjoying the playground more than Bennett, but the toddler happily clapped as they spun around.
Charlie stood up from the roundabout, pointing over to the other side of the playground "Benny! The big meanie is back!"
"No!" Bennett gasped shaking his head, Charlie scowled playfully "Lets go show him who's boss."
Bennett, well, Charlie, was involved with the typical playground dramas. The dark haired Hale didn't care too much for it, but his uncle lived for it, so when Bennett visited so did the drama.
Emilia rolled her eyes at the two of them running through the playground, looking back to Zachary giggling happily as Emilia pushed him in a swing "At least you're not involved with playground drama yet, Zach."
Emilia looked up in alarm as a scream ran though the playground, sighing in disappointment at Bennett and Charlie quickly running away from the climbing frame, an angry mother and a crying five year old shouting after them.
Bennett and Charlie moved to walk in the opposite direction at Emilia's anger, but knowing the consequences, its better to deal with Emilia before her anger grows.
"Bennett!" Emilia scolded as the two slowly walked towards her, staring at them in disbelief "Charlie!"
Emilia motioned to the swings angrily, "Sit down."
Charlie and Bennett looked to each other before pulling themselves onto the swings, staring at Emilia guiltily.
"This is a playground not 'bad girls club'! You, no hitting strangers." Emilia told her son, turning to Charlie "You, no encouraging drama."
Bennett nodded, jumping off the swing to run over to the slide, Charlie went to go with him only to sit further back into the child's swing "Emilia?"
Emilia sighed looking back to him, "What?"
"I'm stuck." Charlie grinned in embarrassment, Emilia laughed shaking her head, pulling out her phone to call for help "I'm too pregnant to even attempt to pull you out of there."
Half an hour later and Camden appeared at the playground, watching his friends from afar unsurprised by Charlie's predicament. Bennett sprinted over at the sight of his uncle, jumping into the blonde's arms as they walked over to Emilia and Charlie.
Camden shook his head at the sight of his best friends, raising a brow at Emilia "You couldn't use your heightened strength?"
"I'm surrounded by people, of course not!" Emilia replied, taking Bennett from Camden"Unless pregnancy turned me into the hulk, i think people would become suspicious."
Camden sighed, grabbing onto Charlie's arms before yanking him out of the tiny swing, Charlie stumbling over the tarmac.
Charlie gasped in relief once out of the swing, hugging Camden "Our saviour!"
Emilia and Charlie shared a glance, turning to Camden "You're dressed up."
"So?" Camden sighed crossing his arms.
"Where are you off to?" Emilia questioned, Camden ignored them both crouching down to greet Zachary "Nowhere."
"I think someone has a date." Charlie sang, Emilia grinned joining in "Maybe with a certain blonde!"
With everyone coupled up other than Charlie, Camden and Melanie, the two best friends were very involved trying to get Camden and Melanie back together.
"You two are so annoying." Camden rolled his eyes at the teasing, turning to walk out of the playground, his friends calling after him "Tell Melanie we said hi!"
Malia's surprise pregnancy ended sooner than expected, and much to the dismay of the pack, it was also in the middle of the night. Scott sat curled up in the arm chair of the hospital room, dozing in and out of sleep as his sister arrived.
"Scott?" Emilia called over to her brother, rushing over to hug the sleepy teen.
"Where's Malia? Is she okay?" Emilia questioned quickly, gazing over to the empty bed "My mom took her to see Justin."
"Justin?" Emilia smiled sitting down on the edge of the bed, "Hows my little nephew?"
"Your little were-coyote nephew was impatient, but he's completely fine." Emilia sighed in relief, tapping her feet against the ground excitedly "Were-coyote, huh, you're gonna have your work cut out for you."
Malia couldn't be more excited that Justin Stiles Bennett was a were-coyote too, whilst Scott was slightly concerned, the mother was over the moon.
Scott shrugged sitting up in his seat, smiling over to the doorway where his mother walked in with Justin "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"We snook him out of the ICU." Melissa told the confused werewolves, gently passing Justin to Emilia "Malia's down the hall, Peter heard the news."
Emilia gazed down at her nephew happily, "He has your eyes, Scott, i can't tell if thats good or bad."
"Why would it be bad?" Scott looked up in offence, Emilia and Melissa shared a glance before laughing "Its the puppy eyes, you can't say no to them."
Malia walked back into the room with a sigh, with Peter no longer in sight the were-coyote's focus was back on her son. Scott held onto her hand as Malia moved to sit back down next to Emilia, sharing a nervous yet exited smile with the werewolf.
Emilia looked up from her now sleeping nephew, "You two stop worrying, you're gonna do great."
Melissa stepped forward kissing her sons head, "And stop thinking that you're too young, look at your sister, she's perfectly normal."
"I guess you could say that..." Emilia gasped playfully, Scott shook his head grinning at her, Melissa rolled her eyes nudging her shoulder "And, even Isaac turned out fine and he had two thirteen year olds responsible for him."
Justin softly yawned, blinking his chocolate eyes slowly as the door slammed open revealing an out of breath Stiles. The human practically fell through the door, Lincoln coming in behind him to help him up, Lydia pushing past the both of them.
"Theres our nephew!" Lydia exclaimed, Scott and Malia looked to each other nervously at the bags in their friends hands, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
The news of Justin was a bigger shock to the pack than Scott and Malia, Lydia cried, Stiles fainted and then proceeded to faint again once awake, even Liam and Mason were speechless - yes, even Mason. Once Stiles had gotten over his best friend and ex having a baby, he quickly fell into devoted uncle, himself and Lydia invested more into the pregnancy than Scott and Malia.
After Lincoln's demanded grandpa time, Stiles and Lydia let loose on the gifts leaving poor Justin wrapped up in a star wars blanket and a designer onesie. And that was only the beginning of the gifts from the pack.
Making Derek Hale cry was always a difficult task, but the moment he lay eyes on his daughter, tears immediately sprung.
Derek was in awe, gazing down at the the tiny werewolf wrapped up in a pink blanket, her deep brown orbs flickering to a soft golden. Their little girl was the smallest baby out of her siblings, she looked so tiny and fragile in Derek's muscular arms that even Derek was afraid he'd brake her.
Like her brothers, the only girl was born with wispy chestnut locks, her father smoothing down the hair that stuck up in all directions. It quickly dawned on Derek the familiarity of his daughter was because of Emilia, the tiny baby looked just like her.
Emilia sat up in the hospital bed watching her husband and daughter happily, the pain of labour slowly fading away, feeling very thankful for werewolf healing. But her gratefulness for a daughter beat it all, Emilia thought that she would have only boys and though she was happy for a happy baby no matter the sex, Derek always dreamed of a daughter.
"Taliana." Emilia mumbled, Derek hesitantly looked away from their baby "Taliana?"
Emilia always knew that she would name her daughter after Derek's mother, after everything Talia did for Emilia, it seemed wrong not to now that they'd lost her. But Emilia knew it would be hard for Derek to see his daughter named just after his mother, the pain of the loss still haunting him, so Emilia added the second person she was incredibly thankful for. Anna, Isaac's birth mother, gave Emilia her first son and gave Emilia the family she desperately needed.
"Talia after your mom." Emilia smiled softy at Derek's surprise, listening to the heartbeats of her sons in the hallways "And Ana after Isaac's mom."
Isaac sat back against the cold hospital hallway walls, his legs stretched out to the other wall. Bennett sat like his brother, Zachary leaning against the blonde as they sat at the end of the hallway with the waiting room in view. The family had lost count of how many hours they had spent waiting for the arrival of their sister, but watching Charlie cry his eyes out into Camden's arms gave them the feeling their sister was here.
"Zach look." Bennett giggled at their uncle, the newly one year gazed over to where his brother pointed, smiling in confusion.
"You know, now you have a little sister, you both have to make sure to take care of her when I'm not here." Isaac told them, Bennett looked up to Isaac whilst Zachary played with the toy in his had.
"Like you take care of us?" Isaac nodded at the two and a half year old, "Just like i take care of you guys, she's the only girl and you both need to protect
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