Subhadra reach in pandya dynasty. Veer welcome her then they goes inside the palace then veer ask"what happened you didn't look good".
Subhadra said"nothing happen to me".
Veer said"so hastinapur people taught you how to lie to your best friend ".
Subhadra said" It's nothing like this veer, actually then she explain him everything.
Veer said"don't take stress get ready from dwarka your family is coming they will reach till afternoon. "
Subhadra smiled hearing about her family and left. Veer look at subhadra and said to himself "I wish chitra your pain goes away soon".
He left to his work.
It was afternoon subhadra and veer were standing at the entrance to welcome them. Suddenly drum start to beat indicating the arrival of dwarka family. Everyone get down from chariot subhadra noticed her dear brother day was not there. As everyone came in front of subhadra she ask where is dau.
Krishna said"dau is there in dwarka but he will come tomorrow but i am sad ruchi".
Subhadra ask "why bharta did mata didnt gave you makhan".
Everyone laugh.
Krishna said" No not for that you only want your dau not me i am sad".
Subhadra said"no bharta that is I didn't see dau thats why I ask I love you also bharta".and hug him. He hug her back. After that subhadra hug balram and Krishna childs.
Veer said"the most adorable bro and sis ".
Rohini and devaki said" Yes veer you are right".
Subhadra said"bharta gada i miss you lot".
Gada said"I too miss you a lot my angel".
Subhadra gave a sweet smile like a good girl.
Then satyaki said"how is my princess doing".
Subhadra said"where well but what about you bharta".
Satyaki said"I was not good hut now after meeting you I am good".
Krishna satyaki gada subhadra and veer group hug.
Veer said"now everyone let's go inside ".
Everyone went inside.
They had there lunch they talk for sometime after that they take rest and subhadra veer goes and check arrangement.
Now it was night subhadra was standing in front of balcony suddenly a tear came out from her eyes. That time veer came and ask" It's seems you miss him".
Subhadra indicated her head in no and said"It seems he miss me and this tears came out my eyes because of him".
Veer said"well leave it I can never understand you talk about love".
Subhadra said"you will when you will fell in love.
Veer inside"I fell in love years ago subhadra in you but I will never confess because you are my best friend and that's ok".
Subhadra waved her hand infront of veer when he said"yes say".
Subhadra said"you say you came here".
Veer said"yes tomorrow every guest is coming including hastinapur ".
Subhadra face colour change she look towards moon and ask" I know ".
Veer said" Ok i came here to see you ".
Subhadra said" Does I am small girl ".
Veer said*no".
Subhadra ask" Am I new born baby".
Veer said"no".
Subhadra ask"am I god".
Veer said"no".
Subhadra said"then why you wish to see me".
Veer said"to see whether you are ok or not".
Subhadra smile and said"I know I was just kidding".
Veer smiled and said" Good night bye".
Subhadra said"Good night bye ". Veer left from there.
Subhadra think about arjun and her moment she ask look toward braclet" Why you do this arjun because of this I am helpless the one who use to trust on love start to hate love you marry someone was this your love this was the promise which you gave me why arjun ".she cry for sometime after that she sleep.
Next morning.
Subhadra get up two hour before sunrise she take her chandrasanan and starr to wear her jeweller when she notice her braclet it was gift by Arjun.
She recall the moment.
Subhadra was doing her hair suddenly someone come and make subhadra fear . Subhadra look back and see Arjun she said"I will not talk to you Arjun".
Arjun said"why I am sorry dear ".
Subhadra didn't look at him.
Arjun said" Ok I am sorry dear it was my mistake dear please forgive me ".
Subhadra look at him and smiled and ask" Say why you came here".
Arjun open the box and said"I was walking in market with nakul when I found a beautiful braclet for you when I will be away from you just touch it you will feel my presence".
Subhadra gave him a braclet which she brought and said"i was walking in market with dushala when I found a beautiful braclet for you when I will be away from you just touch it you will feel my presence".
Arjun subhadra smiled at each other. Arjun pulled her by waist and said"I want morning kiss dear".
Subhadra said"arjun leave me what if someone walk In".
Arjun said"let them you are going to be my wife it's my right".
Subhadra said"yes it will be but only after marriage now leave me".
Arjun said"ok but can I have a hug".
Subhadra said"umm I have to think".
Arjun pulled her in a hug and said"I wish you become my wife soon".
Subhadra hug him and smiled and said"mee to".
Flashback end
Subhadra whipped her tears and got ready.
Suddenly drum starts to beat a maid came and said" Maharaj balram is arriving samaragi".
Subhadra smiled and went to towards entrance. As soon as she see balram she hug him. Balram hug her back and said"how is my daughter".
Subhadra said "fine but i am angry why didn't you come yesterday".
Balram said"ladli you know na i have to manage dwarka in your and kanha absence".
Subhadra nodded and said" Come let's go".
Balram ask subhadra "but why my sister face look dull" .
Veer and subhadra look at each other then veer said"because you didn't come yesterday day thats why ".
Subhadra nodded. Balram smiled and everyone went inside.rukmini smiled seeing subhadra being so strong and also she was angry on arjun to break subhadra heart. Same though was on gada head.
It was afternoon one by one guest where come suddenly a messanger came and said" Hastinapur guest have arrived.
Subhadra heart start to beat fast when veer nodded her indicating her to go he will welcome them.
Subhadra said"I must leave I have work ".she lied.
But devaki said" But subhadra you should welcome them you were the one who invite them so it is your responsibility to welcome them.
Krishna said"yes ruchi mata is right".
Subhadra said"but... When krishna said*now only you say dau" .
Balram said"yes dear you should welcome them".
Atleast she agree all were standing at entrance and a maid was standing beside subhadra holding aarthi plate. Pandavas except arjun came with draupadi,bheeshma ,dushala kunti and vidhur .
First subhadra welcome bheeshma then vidhur than kunti ,kunti went with rohini and devaki ,bheeshma and vidhur both left with balram and vasudev.
Subhadra welcome dushala wholeheartedly .
she start to take aarthi one by one first yuddister then bheem the nakul and sahdev them she notice Arjun was not there she gave the plate to maid than Arjun came subhadra look at Arjun then Arjun feel her gaze on him he look at her then subhadra look aside. Arjun feel pain seeing her this behaviour.
Subhadra was not ready to face him when krishna said"my sweet sister take my friend aarthi soon he is standing here" She was not face him her hands were shivering atleast plate was about to fall when veer support it and nodded subhadra hold it , subhadra take a breath and avoid draupadi and arjun gaze she applied tilak on draupadi forehead and then she take to applied on Arjun forehead first she look at his eyes he look at her with all the love he had.
Nakul dushala bheem and krishna noticed it then subhadra look aside then subhadra did aarthi then she handover plate to dasis and shower flowers on them she fake a smiled then draupadi smiled and hug her her while hugging her subhadra look at Arjun tears gather in her eyes she ingnore him . Then nakul veer and dushala decided to give them privacy.
Dushala said"lets go bhabhi i want to show you something ".
Veer said" Bharta krishna i need you help ".
Nakul with all Pandavas goes inside.
After that dushala veer and Pandavas stand near a pillar and look at Arjun and subhadra.
Subhadra was not looking at him. Arjun look at her.
Arjun move closer and held her hand
and said" My love
I have wronged you i hope you can pardon me".
Subhadra said"I have accepted the peculiarities of my fate Arjun but heart ache will fade that day when I will realize the meaning of faith. "
Arjun said"it's was madhav ordered to participate in swayamar and the bharta yuddister said that it the dharma of Kshatriya to accept the challenge then...
Subhadra said"I am not ask the reason I am ask the means we human decided why they do certain things but the meaning is decided by paramaatma arjun ".
Arjun said" Then there is only one meaning subhadra to give happiness the people of aryavart and unrighteousness can anly be eradicated from this world when jyest will rule this entire aryavat and you will support us by help us while guiding ".
Arjun said" Then sacrifice you made for this aryavat madhav wish mine and my brother and draupadi tapasya are propelling us towards this goal only.
Subhadra said"in this case arjun my heartache will be little decrease when you will take first step towards it but remembered it's will never fade arjun and pain is not disapper here the pain which I am feel now will be a part of rest of my life the one who broke my promise I can't forgive the people easily ".
Subhadra said" I mean as a samaragi I feel you did right but as girl who love you I helpless to forgive you because the one who love you is a girl not samaragi Or rajkumaari as I said now no one can take the pain away from my heart because it's hard to forgot whom you love but it's very hard when you have to forgive someone who broke your heart and promise. "
Arjun take a step to hold subhadra shoulder but subhadra turned back and goes from there.
Arjun watching her going helplessly. Tears gathered he whip.
Subhadra goes inside her chamber running. Arjun said"I am sorry dear but i promise I will take away the pain with my love I can't loss you you are my breath soul and life I love you subhadra hey narayan please help me"
A man with mischievous smile came and said"did you call me parth".
How was the chapter?
Sorry for the late update actually my lrelim are going that's why I can't update regularly.
How arjun will make subhadra happy again?
Radhakrishna 💖
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