Next day.
Subhadra was not in state to do any thing hearing about varnavat incident but she decide to go and fulfilled her Responsiblility.
Subhadra take blessing from every one. And left to ask permission for conducting rajasuya yaga.
Subhadra goes to many kingdom some accept some did not accept so she has to fight with them.
Now it has been 1 month she was away from dwarka. Now she is going hastinapur and it was her last place to got after that her task will get over.
Subhadra reach entrance of hastinapur. Dushala was happy to see his sakhi but she was also sad thinking about her and arjun's love and what must be her condition. But next moment made her shook what she said.
Subhadra said"pitamha as bharta Krishna said me ask a permission from you are you ready to accept me as a samaragi Or not".
Before bhishma could say.
Duryodhan said"we are not going to give our acceptance ".
Subhadra with bold voice said"are you sure think once again".
Duryodhan nodded amd said" I am sure".
Subhadra held her bow she shot one arrow from one arrow duryodhan was tide with a pillar. He try to move but it get more tight.
Subhadra said"don't try to move yuvraj because if you move then it will become more tighter".
Bhishma said"we are ready to accept you as samaragi putri".
Subhadra look at him and Nodded.
Bhishma said"it will be blessing for us to have you as our samaragi ".
Subhadra take his blessing.
Bhishma said" May you be always victorys putri ".
Subhadra smiled.and freed duryodhan he left from there.
Dhritarashtra said" We will send pitamaha ane yuvraj to your samaragi abhishek'.
Subhadra nodded then she hug her sakhi and gandhari.
Dushala said" I know you must be shattered after hearing about news".
Subhadra stood there with heavy heart and said"leave it I believe that he will be alive for fulfilling his promise ".
Dushala said" May your wish comes true".
Subhadra sighed and said"now I should leave".
Dushala said"you just came and you are leaving ".
Subhadra said" Yes dushala I should because they after tomorrow is my samaragi Abhishek so you come ok ".
Dushala nodded. After that subhadra left.
Next day.
Subhadra reach dwarka she take fresh bath then she started to work on tomorrow function with krishna.
Subhadra ask" Where should we keep my abhishek ".
Krishna said" In dwarka dear".
Subhadra nodded.
Veer and balram came and said"invitation is send to whole aryavat".
Subhadra and Krishna nodded.
Subhadra goes to her chamber. She look at the bangles given by arjun. She hug the bangles and slight tears rolled down from her checks.
Subhadra said in law voice"why arjun why you left me dont you love me please come back arjun please come back I love you I miss you arjun. "
She look at her left palm. Where is written subhadraarjun. She caressed arjun name.
She heard a knock. She wiped her face and open the door.
Veer said"you know when I go to panchal I get to know that maharaj drupad get a daughter and a son from fire".
Subhadra said"bharta use to say but I never pay any attention because I was busy with work leave how was your day without you sakhi".
Veer said "to be honest really boring without your tease talk. And without teasing you I was feel I was di. ............. He couldn't complete subhadra place her hand on his mouth and said" Never say this again veer".
Veer smiled at his sakhi possesiveness. They talk about they experience in 1 month after that they goes to dining table and had there dinner after that they goes to there respective chamber and sleep.
Next morning.
Whole dwarka was decorated. Whole arayavt king and prince were present to attend samaragi abhishek.
All were waiting in Hall then subhadra arrived.
All maid applied turmeric paste on subhadra cheecks hands . Then they did abhishek with milk , turmeric water and water.
Then priest give cloths and jewellers to rukmini then subhadra goes with rukmini.
Then rukmini make her ready with revathi and other's. They made her wear heavy dress and heavy jeweller she look like a angel. After subhadra was ready she stand in middle of sabha. Priest give a garland rukmini made subhadra wear it.
Then priest said to take pleage.
Subhadra take pleage that she will protect whole arayavat from harm and always be loyal.
Now priest Decarled subhadra as samaragi subhadra.
All left from sabha. Subhadra meet bhishma.
Subhadra take blessing from ever elders then she goes near pitamah
Bhishma said"I know you will wash adharma from arayavat i will be always there to protect our samaragi ".
Subhadra smiled and ask" Dushala didn't came with you pitamha".
Bhishma said"gandhari is not well that's why she is with her".
Subhadra said"say mata that i said to take care ".
Bhishma said"yes I will but i didnt ask how are you".
Subhadra daid" I am fine".
Bhishma said"you are lying me subhadra i know hearing shout varanavat incident you are not well first subhadra use to always smile but now she didn't ".
Subhadra said" How can i forgot them bua kunti was like my mata and my 4 bharta and arjun how can i forgot them".
Bhishma said"don't be sad vidhur told me that he send a letter to pandavas that in varanavat they have to face some problem so may be they get it and safe themselves and they must be alive".
Subhadra said"I wish they must be alive ".
Bhishma said" I know arjun he can't broke your heart".
Subhadra look at bhishma with confusion.
Bhishma said"I know that you both love each other and I wish you both get married but varanavat incident messed up everything ".
Subhadra said" You say kakashree vidhur tell them that there will be some problem means pandavas and mata kunti is alive".
Bhishma said"yes because if pandavas know that the are in problem so they become alert may be they are alive but don't tell anyone about this now ".
Subhadra said" Ok pitamha you take rest".
Bhishma nodded.
Then all went to chamber.subhadra was going to her chamber.
Duryodhan see her and said"pranipat samaragi "with evil smile..
Subhadra said" Pranipat yuvraj ".
Duryodhan said"how bad than bad arjun die ".
Subhadra said"mind you word who are you to say him bad first look at yourself".
Duryodhan was about to say but subhadra said" Now you can leave don't waste my time and this is not my request its my order".
Duryodhan said to himself I will definitely marry you subhadra.
Subhadra leave from there and goes to veer chamber who can make her feel better.
Subhadra goes inside room. She see veer sitting in sofa. Subhadra goes near her best friend and sleep on his lap. Veer smiled and cares her hair and said"are you anger with someone".
Subhadra said"I am angry on duryodhan I am feeling that he is behind varnavat incident ".
Veer said" And why you feel that sweetheart".
Subhadra said"once bharta nakul said me that he poison bharta bheem kheer and after bharta bheem feel unconscious he threw bharta bheem in river but some how he get safe".
Veer said"then definitely he must be behind it".
Subhadra said"now I am bored let's go".
Veer said"where".
Subhadra said"let's go na out".
Veer said"sweetheart now".
Subhadra said"yes now let's go na please "subhadra pulled veer cheecks.
Veer said" How can I say no to you".
Subhadra smiled and they both goes out of palace and have fun.
Next day everyone goes to there kingdom back.
To be continued.
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