Next morning
Pandavas draupadi dushala bhishma kunti vidhur were ready to leave .
In pandya Dynasty court room
Bhishma said"putri subhadra they way you arranged raja abhishek was so nice.
Vidhur said"being maidan you did a great thing you are really like a goddess."
Subhadra said"pitamha and kaka shree vidhur it is nothing like this i just do this for dharms".
Bhishma and vidhur smile.
Subhadra said"we will meet soon pithamha and kaka shree".
Bhishma said"yes we will in dushala marriage dhritarashtra has selected jaydrath for dushala there marriage will take place soon".
Subhadra look at bhishma and said"sindhu raj jaydrath are you sure pithamha he will be best for dushala ".
Bhishma said" It is dhritarashtra decision we cant say anything till the time dushala disagree for marriage as it is her father decision and dushala will never disagree her father decision".
Subhadra nodded.
Vidhur said"tahashree its time should go at entrance ".
Bhishma nodded and said" You go forward i will come".
Vidhur nodded and left.
Bhishma said"putri you know duryodhan want to become king he will definitely make problem when i will tell mahraj to make yudhishthir king ".
Subhadra said" Pithamha you tell mahraj that samragi has said that current i am busy but will come in hastinapur and discuss about it so till the time there will be no yuvraj in hastinapur ".
Bhishma said" But will dhritarashtra agree".
Subhadra said"mahraj dhritarashtra is blind but he has sharp mind he know if he disagree my decision then his own sena will attack him so he wont disagree my decision ".
Bhishma said" Okk putri now we should take leave will meet you soon".
Subhadra nodded.
Bhishma left from there.
Subhadra goes to meet dushala and kunti she hug them both and said"have a safe journey ".
They both nodded.
Subhadra meet nakul bheem and sahdev.
She wad going to her room.
Suddenly someone pulled her by her wrist.
Subhadra get leaned on his chest.
Subhadra look up and see arjun his eyes filled with tears. His tears eyes hurt subhadra.
Arjun said"i am leaving today dont you have anything to say ".
Subhadra try to move away from arjun but arjun pulled her by waist and said" Say na priya".
Subhadra said "leave me arjun anyone may see us".
Arjun said" Forgot about other subhadra i am asking you don't you have anything to say".
Subhadra said"noo i don't have anything to say".
Arjun cupped her face without hid both hand and kiss her forehead softly.
The kiss smoothen her. She melted in his arms.
Arjun caressed her waist. Later look at subhadra her eyes were closed. He slowly kiss her cheeks slowly rubbed his cheeks with her.
Subhadra was fully melted in his arms arjun hug subhadra tightly and said"i am so sorry subhadra i love you a lot please forgive me subhadra i love you a lot please forgive me".
Subhadra was melt with his words she was also crying she whipped his tears and ran away to her room.
At entrance Pandavas draupadi dushala bhishma kunti vidhur came.
Devaki rohini hug kunti and draupadi . Krishna wife and balram wife also hug them.
Krishna and balram hug pandavas and take elders blessing.
Pandavas take vasudev blessing.
Veer joined his hand infront them and said"mahamim come again in pandya Dynasty".
Revathi said"then get marry they will again come in you marriage ".she tease him.
Arjun was just look were is subhadra.
Veer said" Then why dont you find a girl for me".
Revathi said"why need to find why don't you marry subhadra ".
Arjun starts to cough hearing what revathi said. Krishna was enjoy it. Veer understand and said" Come one revathi jiji she is my best friend i cant marry her".
Revathi said"why just because she is you best friend ".
Veer said" She can get more better guys than me".
Before revathi could say anything devaki said"but where is subhadra now".
Satyabhama said"ask veer he only knows where is his best friend ".
Veer said"see more than me she have important people and that bharta balram so ask him".
Revathi ask" Arya did you see gudiya".
Balram said"yess i seen her she is busy but she said all of you to have safe journey ".
Arjun get upset during this separation he didnt able to meet her.
Bhishma said" So we will leave".
Vasudev and other nodded.
Arjun wad still waiting for subhadra veer understand it but he know subhadra wont come.
Veer keep a hand on Arjun shoulder.
Arjun look at him then starts to go with others.
They all sit in respective horse or chariots.
They start to move out of pandya dynasty.
Subhadra was secretly watch arjun from her room window.
It has been some time they left. Veer enter in subhadra room she her eyes filled with tears and said"if you feel this bad then why didnt you came down ".
Subhadra said" If i must have came down i won't be able to control my tears in front of him thats why i didnt came. "
Veer said"are you sure you wont every think about your and arjun relationship ".
Subhadra said" I will never stop loving arjun he is my first and last love but I can't be selfish draupadi has make her life difficult marry 5 pandavas and after her this great sacrifice how can i marry arjun and break her heart. "
Veer said"but you and arjun love each other and i know arjun wont be able to happy without you you are arjun first and last love ".
Subhadra said" Bit draupadi is his wife i know he wont be able to but now we can't do anything ".
Veer said" I have seen pure love in arjun eyes for you i am sure he will definitely came back in your life one day he will came and make you his wife and take you with him. "
Subhadra said"sacrifice is another name of love and in my smd arjun love story we both onky need to sacrifice and that to everytime LOVE IS SACRIFICE when there is love there is also sacrifice SACRIFICE IN LOVE IS FACT.
Veer said"you both have sacrifice a lot after lot of sacrifice i am sure you both will get each other and live happily "
Subhadra said' you think bharta balram will agree for it he will never agree".
Veer said"who know what happened lets see im future but you know what even god dont you both be separated that why god arrange dushala marriage get ready soon you need to leave na ".
Subhadra nodded.
To be continued.
How was chapter?
Any guess were is subhadra going?
Sorry if any mistake.
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