mischief ๐Ÿ’–

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In kunti chamber all pandavas with dushala and balram decided to prank them. It's was night. They goes to subhadra chamber and sees Krishna subhadra were sleeping they went toward the bed. They drop the plate and hide but there was no movement they again did the same.

All goes toward bed and remove the blanket and sees that subhadra and Krishna are not there .there was pillow and on then blanket was cover so seems that they both are there.

All goes out of room and search .

Krishna and subhadra was sitting near waterfalls. Enjoy the nature.

Subhadra said"bharta what they were doing and how we will enter in palace again".

Krishna said "they are finding us and I have a plan we will jump from wall to enter palace. "

Subhadra said"when we will go ".

Krishna said" Come now it is correct time to go".

All of them search them in palace then goes to kunti chamber the were not there so they go to Krishna chamber.

Now subhadra and Krishna enter in palace.

Krishna said"subhadra lets go to bua kunti chamber ".

Subhadra said" Why bharta".

Krishna said"just come".

They goes to kunti chamber kunti walk up then Krishna said"bua can we sleep with you ".

Kunti said" Yes come".

And they three slept.

On other hand pandavas , balram and dushala didn't find them so go to sleep.

Next morning.

All come to dining table.

Balram ask"where you both were there at last night".

Before they both could say anything kunti said"they were in my chamber ".

Balram and pandavas and dushala shout" Impossible ".

Kunti said" What impossible they were with me sleep with me ".

Balram said " Bua we came to see them but they were not there"..

Kunti said"why you were finding them".

Subhadra said"may be pranking us".look at them.
And start laughing with Krishna.

Balram , dushala and pandavas look at them angrily.

Kunti said"leave it now eat ".

Subhadra look at Arjun he was angry but became happy after seeing that subhadra is look beautiful".

Now lunch over. All pandavas with dushala and balram going behind Krishna and subhadra. And ask" Where you both was there last night".

They didn't not reply and went to pitamha room seeing it all stop asking. And left but subhadra and Krishna goes to meet pitamha.

Both said"pranipat pitamha".

Bhishma said"kalyan ho come sit".

They sit and start to talk and then they left and decide to do something mischief.

They take water and stand behind door were pandavas and balram, dushala were coming.

They were about to enter then Krishna put water and they hit door then flour spread on them. Krishna subhadra highfive and goes to kunti room and said to maid "no body should enter her. "

They all run to kunti chamber but maid said "that no one can entry now ".

Balram said" First let goes to chamber and wash our face and then think something ".

Krishna and subhadra were laughing in mind. Kunti sees said" What happened you look happy ".

They both said" We love you so much ".while huging her.

They talk so much.

Then maid came..

To be continued.

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