kalapradshan part 2๐Ÿ’–

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All crowd says"Arjun Arjun ".

Subhadra eyes where looking at the entrance with lots of love and loggness. She felt herself getting nervous she felt something different she was getting impatient.

Her ey were only looking at entrance for him. she couldn't wait for arrival of the one who held her heart, soul and mind from childhood.

As if her wished is completed when she see him has she saw a young man in white clothes arrive to the entrance with bow in his hand. He was finely built and his his smiled can melt her heart.

Subhadra slowly observed him from down to up with love in her eyes. With his  presence he brought in the feeling o. She could  suddenly she her love has a great look.

As arjun come in he think that he should win competition and make his gi tu proud because of whom her become a great archer. And make his elder brother crown prince of hastinapur.

He entered in arena he feel that subhadra is present in arena he search her but couldn't see huyt he feel take she is sitting beside kunti.

He immediately took blessing from her mother and started to enter the arena because now he had finish first task by taking blessing from his mother. He knew that they will meet. Now he was feeling more strength full.

He also recalled his promise to her. He told her he will meet her after he became one of the great warrior in world and today he is going to show it to her.

So with a smile he entered the arena. As soon as he stepped inside he was submerged into heavy rocks that fell from sculpture in his head but Arjun was prepare for is just by hearing it sounds and he form a kavach with arrow around him within a second just before rock reach him.

Subhadra see that arjun was search for her she decide to not to show him that she is here she know that she can't control herself to continue look at him and after that she remember than he can sense her presence.

She was sure that it was love even .They had never expressed there  feeling in words but they can always feel and understand each other.

She smiled when he stepped inside but that smile immediately change into fearful face when she saw rock fall on him and covered him completely. She felt her world is stop she get up from her sit and move forward.

Kunti also stand up she was seeing at her son who is under huge rock she don't know what happened she start to tear up. Pandavas were also at shock.

Only 3 were smiling shakuni, duryodhan and aswathama. Aswathama was the one who shoot a arrow towards the stone sculptures leading it to fall on arjun but no one notice it expect very few.they plan to kill Arjun because they cant defeat Arjun Everyone was shocked what happened just now but guru dronacharya was smiling because he know his discipline very well and  arjun can protect himself just by hearing little sound.

Subhadra goes near her aunt who was standing and watching towards his son. She knew herself that her arjun was absolutely fine but what she had seen had shock her and made her lose her mind. But still she knew that is her responsibility to look toward her aunt she gather strength and goes to kunti. And side hug her . Kunti was looking at her son who was iniside rocks and subhadra was look at love of her life who is inside rock she was not cry because she believe arjun will safe but still her heart was having pain.

Subhadra said in mind"I know you are fine come out".

Suddenly they saw a slight movement in rocks. They saw a arrow piercing from the rock  toward rajmata kunti and subhadra.

The arrow goes near kunti a collected her tears and similar subhadra tears all look at the direction to see they see that arrow collected subhadra and kunti tears.

Then arrow move towards Arjun who applied the tears of two most important women in his life as tilak . Then he free himself from rock without any wound and entered arena.

Arjun shoot a arrow in sky then they arrow separate in so much arrow it goes toward everyone and then it land near there feet. All know that this is greeting from arjun.

Duryodhan and shakuni were shock they thought arjun will die. But he didn't.

Both subhadra and kunti has tears of joy. Her eyes once again look at him and see that there is not any wound on him he was safe she smiled in relief.

She them silently move toward her seat with kunti. She knew that he know about her presence but she decided to see his skills after that she will meet him. .

She could see him once again looking  towards her direction before going to duryodhan ready to participate in task.she show him only one look of her to him now arjun goes to start the war after take her one glance.

To be continued.

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