impatience to see her💖

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Sun was about to set. Arjun was continuously watching the entrance .waiting for that one person.
Nakul and sadhev see it an smile seeing there brother. Who was watching the entrance continuously.
They smile and goes near him.

Nakul said"Is my sister subhadra responsible for you impatience. "And smile mischievously.

Sahdev said" You are waiting for her. you should tell mata about it. Then your marriage will fixed.

Arjun said"have you taken pledge to irrated and tease me . "

Sahdev and nakul said"no, but should we take".

Bheem came and said"see Arjun subhadra came".

Arjun said"where"?? .his eyes tell how much he is eager to meet her.

Nakul sahdev and nakul start laughing very loudly.

Kunti came and said "what happened".

Arjun look at nakul sahdev and bheem that they should not tell mata. They agree.

Arjun said" Nothing mata ".

Kunti said" Arjun I had a work can you do ".

Arjun said " Yes why not".

Kunti said"go near waterfalls and bring pink and white lotus subhadra love lotus so I will decorate it in her chamber.

Arjun said"ok mata I will bring".

Nakul said"of course bharta will bring for subhadra because she like it. "

They three laugh .
kunti said "stop it ,Arjun go fast. "

She look three of them said "you look at the entrance. And inform me when they arrive. "

Arjun look near entrance, nakul place a hand on Arjun shoulder and said"poor bharta. "

Arjun glared both of them and went happily to bring flower for his queen. But was sad that he can't see her enter.he sighed.

After arjun left they drum start beating all gather on entrance to welcome dwarka guest. Chariot enter in hastinapur.

Subhadra pov:

What is happening to me ? Why my heartbeat is beating fast? Is this I am going to meet him? God help me.

Arjun pov:

Why I am feeling happy what is going to happened. I think it is because I am going to meet her. God I am eager to meet her.


Subhadra with her brother get down from chariot. Gandhari welcome them with aarti
They take bleasing for all then goes to kunti.
Balram and kanha take blessing she blessed them wholeheartedly.

Subhadra bend down before than kunti stop her hug her and pulled her cheeks and kiss her forehead .

"So you all forgot me" A girl said come toward them all.

To be continued...

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