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All pandavas and subhadra came to yuddister room.

Yuddister said "I call you all for a discussion".

All said" What it is".

Yuddister said"about panchal what you know and I call subhadra because she know about many think about other kingdom am I right sister".

Subhadra said"you are right bharta".

Yuddister said"so say what are the trick of king drupad ".

Subhadra said" There are three tricks".

All said"what are the".

Subhadra said "first is that he always make chakravyuh in his every war ".

Nakul ask" But bhadra people can get hint that king drupad will only make chakravyuh ".

Subhadra said"yes bharta But let me complete bharta ".

All nodded.

Subhadra said" He make chakravyuh because is difficult to destroy ".

All nodded.

Subhadra said" And yes bharat nakul all people get hint that he will make chakravyuh but they don't know what is in chakravyuh ".

Nakul said" What".

Subhadra said"that he has a senapati who is a girl and she can't die ".

Bheem said"how it possible ".

Subhadra said"she was born for some purpose that why ".

Arjun ask" What is three trick".

Subhadra said"if you destroy chakravyuh and reach to king drupad he will do magic and 4 more drupad will appeared. And from 5 which one is real drupad we can't find".

Nakul said"so arjunpriya subhadra do you know that how we can find him".

Subhadra said"I know but I can't tell".

Nakul said"why".

Arjun said"because we are going for war so that should not disclose to us we have find it by our self then we will know as warrior. "

Subhadra said "yes".

Yuddister said" Ok so Arjun you will destroy chakravyuh and other will behind you".

Arjun nodded.

Yuddister said"ok now get ready for war".

All leave the chamber.

Arjun subhadra went to garden there was swing subhadra and Arjun were sitting on it Arjun hand was on her waist and subhadra rest her head in his chest.

Arjun ask"bhadra will you wait for ".

Subhadra said" I will wait for you till last breath parth".

Arjun said"when I will return from war I will tell mata about our love ".

Subhadra smiled.

Arjun said" So tell me will you marry me".

Subhadra said"yes I will marry you parth".

Subhadra hug Arjun were tightly Arjun too hug her.

Subhadra said"only you have right to make your wife".

Arjun said"so my dear kind wife may I know why you want to make me and karn as friends ".

Subhadra said" My dear innocent Arya I want my love and my bharta to be friends thatswhy".

Arjun hummed and said"but how can I leave without my wife for 2 days".

Subhadra said"who said you will leave without me you forgot I am in your heart and you are in my heart".

Arjun take her face in hand and kiss her. Subhadra hands were on his chest. Aftersome time they broke the kiss. They were talking , then they hear someone is coughing .

Nakul was coughing to make them come back to reality.

Nakul said"hey love birds how are you".

Arjun said"nothing just have talk".

Subhadra said"come her bharta ".

Nakul came and sit beside Arjun.

Subhadra said" Bharta one think I want to tell you it is were important you should know in war".

Nakul said"what bhadra".

Subhadra said"bharta tomorrow you are going for war so please for tomorrow please dont look at mirror ".

Arjun and subhadra laugh. Nakul was about to held her ear but Arjun came and said" Nakul you can't harm my wife and you bhabhi".

Nakul said"when you get married ".

Arjun said" Just now".

Nakul said"really so come let tell to whole family".

Arjun said"nakul we just accept each other as husband and wife we will marry with mata acceptance ".

Nakul said" Mata will accept bharta".putting his hand on his shoulder.

Arjun nodded.

Nakul said"now come in it time for dinner. "

Three left to dining hall.

To be continued.

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