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DURING the 18 hundred years that Theodosia was immortal she never left her kingdom of Greece, she made sure that every man, woman and child was protected and had enough food and clothing items.

She gave her Mother's and her Father's clothes to the people as they needed them more. Theodosia kept all of the crowns in protective cases of vines that she managed to conjure using her ability.

Although her maids and butlers had all passed on over 1770 years ago she kept paintings and drawing around the palace of them. To remember those that gave her freedom and peace.

Although this one particular day, Theodosia saw a young blonde man lying on the floor injured and so she helped him to her palace.

The man was awake and looked around the room in awe, it was covered in silver and paintings. No one had been into the palace for thousands of years and here he was sitting in a comfortable chair.

"This might sting for a little bit." He nodded and let the Princess help him. He flinched a bit when the alcohol was out in his wound.

"What is your name?" Theodosia looked at him and smiled, she carefully bandaged his wound that she knew wouldn't heal with what she had.

"My name is Caius, your highness." She smiled and gently helped him up and to one of the rooms that belonged to one of her butler's, she had cleaned it.

"Caius. Please rest here." She couldn't tell him that she was immortal and that she needed to change him to save his life. He nodded and smiled at the kindness of the Princess.

After he fell asleep Theodosia used her life ability to give him an immortal life like herself, but she disguised him as a cold one with red eyes when in reality he was just like her.

She was the first immortal to ever live, she didn't create the vampire race named as the cold ones, someone else had done that millennia before she gifted Caius.

After a few days he woke up to finding out he could see the smallest of particles in the air and that he could see everything. The door opened and Theodosia walked into the room.

"What have you done to me?" She sighed and sat on the bed, Caius sat next onto her. She went into explaining about what she was and that she had been around for thousands of years.

"Your immortal now just like me Caius, you cannot die but if you wanted to I could gift it to you." He nodded and stood up to look in the mirror, he saw how his skin had no flaws and how his hair appeared more full and blonde. But then he noticed how his eyes were blue.

"Caius?" He turned to face her and he then realised how similar they looked. When their eyes met they both gasped and felt either a sisterly or brotherly connection between each other.

"May I call you my sister...?" Theodosia smiled. "You know that makes you a Prince now right?" Caius forgot about that part but he laughed and nodded and agreed to being a Prince.

"Come with me brother." He quickly followed her to a room filled with vines. "Wow..." Theodosia smiled at his reaction before she walked over to one crown in particular.

The vines parted and she picked up the crown and turned to Caius who stared at the crown in adoration and longing. "You are now a Prince brother."

"Then let's rule together sister." She smiled and led him to the balcony where the people were standing and cheering when they saw the brother and sister wave their hands.

"Presenting! Princess Theodosia and Prince Caius the royal siblings!!" The new butler that Caius and Theodosia had, shouted and the people repeated his words cheering after.

But in the crowd two ravenette siblings watched the two royals in longing, one for the attention and power while the other for happiness and peace.

But there was another man with long brown hair standing near the woman and he too longed for the same as the ravenette's except his was for love.

Although one of the raven haired siblings' dream came true he was bitten by a cold one given him power and attention. He turned his sister to be like him and then the brunette too, but there was one more he wanted to turn. The Prince.

And so he knocked on the palace doors and the Princess opened the door and smiled at him. "Hello, may I help you?" But before he could answer another voice rang out from inside.

"Sister who is there?" She looked at him before answering. "I'm not sure brother, he just came and knocked on the doors." That's when Caius pulled her behind himelf and glared at the ravenette.

"What do you want?" The ravenette smiled wickedly which both of them noticed and they then noticed the two behind him and they also had red eyes.

"This is what I want!" The raven haired male bit into Caius' neck and Theodosia was pushed back into a wall knocking her out.

But the raven haired girl went over to Theodosia and gently pushed her hair out of her face. "I am so sorry, your highness."

Caius felt the burning but he was still standing and he walked over to his sister and gently held her close to himself as he felt the burning travel over his body.

"I've got you Dosie, don't worry." He whispered to his unconscious little sister as he held her securely in his arms. Caius's eyes soon closed and his heart stopped and the girl tried to get the Princess away from him but he was too strong.

"What if he kills the Princess, when we leave they will know it was us!" The brunette haired man asked towards the ravenette male who watched

the Princess and the Prince.

But Caius soon woke up quite quickly shocking the three in the room, it took days for them to wake up, but Caius stood with his sister in his arms. He glared at the three of them and walked away towards his sisters room and gently lied her in the bed.

Caius wrote a note for her to read once she awoke and he then left with the three that came to attack him as he felt the need to feed on her blood.

He gently kissed her head before whispering how sorry he was that this had happened and that one day he would come back to her.

When Theodosia woke up two days later the first thing she saw was a note on her bedside table and so she picked it up and read it, tearing up as she did so.

her brother was gone...

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