I'll cut right to the chase. (Where does that come from?? I'll have to look it up later.)
ZiM was REALLY off today.
-he was fidgeting much more...it didn't seem like an evil reason
-his sweater has gotten bigger, but dirtier
-He. Ate. Some. Food.
-he was in the bathroom for longer amounts of time. at some point I went to the bathroom when he did, and...
-his breathing was a lot different. at some points it sounded like he was crying... can he even feel feelings? I heard some banging on the stall, and some messy clicks and chirps. that's when I realized why it seemed so familiar to me...
-...he was having an anxiety attack.
What did this monster have to be anxious about? Or scared of? Or worried about? Taking over the Earth?! Conquering the human race?!?! Strange things MAY happen for no reason, but I KNOW somethings up...!!!
Uh. Y'know, I'm probably being too harsh. As a guy that gets them constantly, I know how sh⬛️tty they are. And feel. Just everything. The fear, the feeling... something's been triggering it. I'll keep checking for what it might be. Hey, maybe it really is for something evil...
As for myself, I've been... alright today, to say the least.
I'm starting to feel the SAD affects. Not a lot, but I'm starting to slowly. A bit more today, since ZiM's actions affected my emotions a little. Why would that happen, though? I know it's happened before, but that was years ago... am I really that dependent? Maybe—NO!! I don't need ZiM, it's been going on for long enough!! The only thing I need that disgusting lizard for is proving his existence..!
But can I really accomplish it? It's been years.
What am I saying?! Of course I can!!! Everything takes time... so I'll take mine!
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