Grey Trailer

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"Life." A female voice speaks. "The great miracle...and the great mystery. Since the beginning of time, Humans and Faunus alike have searched for its meaning. Many strange and wondrous legends have evolved from the pursuit of life's mysteries, but none is stranger than this tale of the most powerful creature of all..."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Though his eyes were shut, a red light was pulsing through his eyelids, beckoning him to take a peek. His limbs were weightless, and he felt as though he was floating in space. The thoughts in his mind processed slowly, seeming to squeeze themselves through a thin tube. As he continued to take deep breaths, his chest rising and falling, the thoughts became clearer. He was gaining consciousness, and his curiosity forced him to open his eyes.

" I?"

He soon realised that he was indeed floating, though it wasn't in mid-air as he had originally suspected. Rather, he was stuck in some sort of red, bubbly liquid. From behind the glass that contained him, he saw creatures staring back. Though he wasn't sure how, he knew that they were humans. Scientists. He failed to recall how he had learned this, nor was he sure of why he was stuck in a glass cylinder, and this troubled him deeply.

"This...this is not the same. Was everything before just a dream?" He shut his eyes again. The life was being sucked out of him, and before he could fully process what was occurring, he felt himself drift off.


He wanted to hang on, to continue to ponder this dilemma, when he heard movement from outside of his container. People were speaking.

"Doctor, look at this," a female voice said sharply.


"Its brainwaves. They're surging!"

"Let me see." A moment's silence, and then, "She's right!"

Several voices broke out at once.


"Let's run another scan!"

"Its mind is racing!"

He cracks his eyes open again, and his vision was blurrier than before. All he can hear was the babbling of loud voices. Strange images were racing through his mind. He saw himself swimming through clear, blue water. His body was lithe, supple, and quite small...

"Those voices," he thought, forcing the images from his head. They confuse him, and he had to concentrate on what was taking place around him. "They're outside...where I must be."

The urge to escape was overwhelming, he felt his body shake and his eyes burn. The glass surrounding him began to crack, and a siren went off in the distance. Finally, as the humans began to turn their heads, the glass shatters, releasing the red liquid. He sat cross-legged as it pooled to the floor, and he took in his first breath of sharp air. It stings his nose, but it fills his chest and allows his thoughts to become sharper, clearer. He observed the people around him; they are frightened of them, though he knew not why. The air was chilly, so he drew his legs closer to his body.

"Radio the Bullhead, tell her what—"

"Quiet!" a man's voice rang out. "Let us hear its psychic powers."

The humans gather around him, and he was capable of making out their faces. The man who had just spoken had brown, wavy hair, rectangular glasses, and a grin plastered across his face. Each of the humans was dressed in a trench coat, and other than the man who seemed to be in charge, they were all eyeing him with apprehension.

"Psychic...powers?" he asks softly. He wasn't sure what this meant, and he thinks back to how he had just escaped. Was that a demonstration of these 'powers'?

"For years, we've struggled to clone a creature such as yourself to prove our theories," the man explains, "but you're the first specimen to survive."

He motions with a sweep of his arm to the wall opposite them, where a strange portrait hung. It seemed to be very old. It was inscribed with runes, and at its center was a creature with a large head and tail. "That is Mew, the rarest of all creatures...from its DNA we created you, Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo..." he mutters, reflecting on his name. 

It disgusted him. 

"Am I only a copy? Nothing but Mew's shadow?"

"You are far greater than Mew," the man assures him. "You have been improved through the power of human ingenuity. We used the most advanced techniques to develop your awesome psychic powers."

"So I am simply the end result of your experiment," Mewtwo spat, his voice shaking with rage. "What becomes of me now that your experiment is over?"

"Oh, our experiment isn't over yet—it's just beginning! Now the serious testing begins."

Mewtwo curls into a tighter ball, glaring at them furiously. His mind was besieged with the hate that he felt, and he could think of nothing else. He didn't want to know how he had been created, or how he learned to speak. He didn't want to know more about Mew, or these scientists, or any of this.

"These people, they care nothing for me."

The scientists around him began to shake one another's hands, applauding their colleagues for their efforts. They were smiling and laughing, rambling on about the work they had done and what they'd achieved. His eyes narrow at this display, and looks down at his own hands.

Clenching them together, he listens to their self-congratulations, and strange images began to appear in his head again. He was floating through the clouds, light as a feather, heading over to a mountain...he was wonderfully free...

Instead of brushing away the images like last time, he embraced them, allowing each one to fuel his anger.

"Is that my purpose? Am I just an experiment? A laboratory specimen?"

He wanted liberation, and to drift about peacefully, high in the sky. He has no intentions of being trapped in a laboratory like a rat.

He sits up straighter, and felt the energy pulsing through his body once again. 

"This cannot be-"

"My destiny!"

Glass containers around the laboratory were beginning to crack, and as the energy flowing through him grew stronger, he felt his body levitating into the air. Before the humans and faunus can react, he spreads his arms out wide, and all those around him instantly flew back, yelling in surprise. His psychic energy, taking the shape of a blue orb that surrounds him, let loose a current of raw power, and several machines in the room caught fire. A group of metal claws reach down, attempting to hold him in place, but with no more than a flick of his hand he smashed them all into pieces.

He snaps his head to the left and the right, each time causing the walls in both directions to crumble. The humans and faunus were crying out in horror now, unsure of what to do, and he reveled in their panic. He scans the crowd in order to find the man in charge, and before long he spots him through a sheet of flames. Breaking through the latter with ease, he stares down at the panting scientist.

"We dreamed of creating the strongest Huntsmen," the man breathed.

"And we succeeded."

Fury welling up inside of him like an unstoppable force, Mewtwo let all of his energy rush out of him, and watched as a beam of burning light burst through the ceiling of the laboratory. There was one colossal detonation, which shook the very core of his being, and then smoke began to drift all around him.

"Behold my powers," he exclaims. "I am the strongest being in the world—stronger even than Mew."

He was standing in the rubble of the laboratory, and the stench of burning metal reached his nose. Disgusted, he began to walk away from the building, satisfied by the destruction he had caused. What had once been a powerful, luxurious facility was now reduced to nothing.

He held the name Mew on his tongue with great hatred. The name meant something more to him than just a name alone. It meant he had a relation to Mew. A relation he didn't have.

'I wasn't born from Mew. I was created from it.' His eyes narrowed and his frown deepened. 'They mean nothing to me. I mean nothing to them' He felt his negative emotions grow inside.

'I will not mean nothing.'

He swung his head back as he heard a loud, unfamiliar noise, and watched as an aircraft descended nearby. He was wary and uncertain. Were more humans or faunus about to arrive? Would he have to destroy another one of these people?

The aircraft lands smoothly, and he had to squint through the smoke in order to see who it was. He was able to make out a beautiful, or what people would think us beautiful, woman with golden eyes and a red dress step out of its confines. He watched as the stranger began to walk towards him, and he tensed his arms, ready to attack.

"Those fools thought you were a science experiment," the woman purrs, approaching slowly. "But I, I see you as a valuable partner. "

"Partner?" he asks, weighing the word in his mind. It pleased him, and his anger began to dissipate.

The woman nods, smiling. "With your psychic powers and my resources, together we can bring the whole world to its knees."

"I don't need your help for that, human." He sneers. The woman doesn't react to the disrespect, her eyes only portraying amusement and envy. So much envy.

"A wildfire destroys everything in its path," the woman replies. "It will be the same with your powers unless you learn to control them. I can help you do that."

Mewtwo regarded her for a moment, and then asked, "How?"

"Trust me, and I'll show you a way to focus your powers that will make you invincible."

He stares at the ruined laboratory, watching as smoke began to drift out into the sky.

He hesitated, and then he tapped into his powers once again. This time, his body began to change. Just like the scientists he killed and the woman in front of him, he had five fingers instead of three. His skin, however, was still an unnatural grey. His legs become more human like and the horns on his head shrunk a little. Long waves of silver hair fell down behind him and his face morphed into a more human like appearance. He remained the same height and his tail was still present. His physique was more muscular and toned, with defined abs.

He used his powers to form a white coat around his bare form, then gave the woman a curt nod of his head.

"Show me."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Mewtwo is currently sitting beside another woman with dark skin, red eyes, and minty hair. She wore clothes that showed much of her skin, which Mewtwo found strange. How would she be able to defend herself without proper means of protection?

The woman, Emerald, sat next to the clone on the soft seats of the Bullhead. Behind her was a young man around her age, maybe a little older.

Mewtwo observes the object Emerald was holding curiously. It was shaped like a box, only it was much smaller, easy fitting in her hands. She unwraps the top, revealing something dark in color and watched Emerald eat some of it.

Just what exactly is she eating? It wasn't any kind of meat or bodily fluid. He didn't know what was considered good sustenance for him, and the bar of food didn't look too appealing.

And what were those round orbs bulging from the top half of her body? He didn't have any of those on his body and he didn't really notice them on most of the people he killed back at the laboratory. Emerald caught the clone staring at her, his eyes going from the candy bar in her hand to her chest. 

"So what are you called again, pervert?" She deadpans, clearly not pleased with the clone's oblivious ogling.

"'Pervert' is not what the scientists refer to me as," He replies. "I am Mewtwo."

Emerald shot him a weird look. He didn't know what a pervert was? What was he, a child? Mercury burst out laughing from Mewtwo's words, prompting a weird look from the genetic clone. 

"I like this guy already." Mercury remarks, smacking Mewtwo in the shoulder. Mewtwo did not like the rough contact and so used his tail to smack Mercury upside the head. He hisses, rubbing his head from the strong tail smack. Emerald smirks a little. 

"I'm starting to like him too." Emerald smirks at Mercury. Emerald looks from the candy bar in her hand to Mewtwo, who resumed staring at it.

"You want one of these to eat?" She offers. "They're not bad. Try this one." She offers a new wrapped candy bar. Mewtwo observes the packaging for a moment before he opened his mouth to eat it.

"Hey wait!" Emerald says, pulling back the candy. "At least let me take off the wrapper first."

She holds out the new unwrapped chocolate bar. Mewtwo leans close and sniffs it. It has an unfamiliar scent, but has a sweetness to it.

"It's food, Mewtwo." The mysterious woman in front calls out from the pilot seat. "It's called 'candy.'"

"What is 'candy'?" Mewtwo tilts his head.

"Try it and you'll see." Emerald told him.

Mewtwo looked down at the "candy", and took a bite, chewing. An overwhelming sweetness filled his mouth and danced on his tongue. His eyes widen in amazement before he grabs the rest and hastily eats it

Emerald rolls her eyes and laughed, finding his strange behavior funny. "See? Told you it was good."

He finishes it it and lifts the empty bag to his mouth, hoping to get some more.

"Wow, not even a thanks?" Mercury snarks as Mewtwo examines this new brown food, "candy". 

Mewtwo looked at Mercury strangely. Then he suddenly recalls humans having a strange custom known as, "manners". He looks back to Emerald with a slight bow of his head.

"Thank you very much. I am grateful," he mutters softly.

"Why so formal?" Emerald asks. "Maybe try saying 'thank you', okay?" She makes an 'okay' sign with her left hand.

Mewtwo regards the weird hand gesture with confusion. He tries to mimic the hand action, but it comes out awkward. "I thank you."

"That's close enough" Emerald says with a friendly smile, surprising herself a little but thought nothing of it.

Mercury snickers a little at Mewtwo's hand gesture, earning an elbow to the ribs from Emerald. Mercury rubs his side as Emerald continues to smile at Mewtwo. He was really curious, almost like a small child. Then again, from what she heard from Cinder, Mewtwo was created only a few hours ago. 

"What are those on your chest?" Mewtwo points.

Emerald cocks her head in confusion until she looks to the where he was pointing; her chest. Emerald's face flushes bright red and she forces herself to hold back a snarl. 'If this weirdo is actually a pervert, I swear I will show him hell!!'

"Th-they're breasts, Mewtwo." Cinder pilot says from the front seat. She too had a small blush on her face, but she luckily sat in the pilot's seat to hide it perfectly well.

"What do they do?" Mewtwo asks innocently.

"Um...what?" Emerald gave him a blank look.

"What are their significance? Are they an extra layer of protection that protect your vital organs in battle? Or are they used as an intimidation tactic to assert dominance of your kind?"

"Uhhhh, w-well, they, umm" Emerald stammers as she tries to grasp what Mewtwo was even asking her. 

'What is even happening right now?' Cinder thought to herself.

Did the scientists even fill him-oh. She forgot that Mewtwo killed them all. Well, if Cinder was being honest, she would have killed them all if they had failed the experiment. Luckily Mewtwo was fully completed, but lacked the basic knowledge and life skills he would need. That could prove to be a problem; if she did not fully educate Mewtwo about what he was actually required to do, then many years of planning would have been for naught. 

"SH-SHUT UP, YOU DICK!!" Cinder hears Emerald scream as she hit Mercury over the head. Mercury hisses again as he rubs the bruise the already swollen bruise. 

"Fuck, it was just a joke!" Mercury grunts. "I wasn't gonna do it!"

"So you weren't going to educate me on the exterior anatomy of the female  body hosted at a localized gathering event where there are human festivities and celebratory parties?" Mewtwo tilts his head in confusion.

"You were thinking of taking Mewtwo to a strip club!?" Cinder growls, appalled by how lecherous her subordinate was behaving. She would not have Mercury Black of all people corrupt her biggest asset for their master plan. 

"No, I offered to take Mewtwo and Emerald to a strip club and if one thing were to lead to another-"

"NO!! I don't want to hear it!"

Mercury and Emerald stopped bickering as soon as Cinder finished. Mewtwo found her the most interesting. It appears the woman with the red dress holds a significant amount of authority over these two other humans. The clone seemed to have warmed up a little to the others as they reach their destination. 

End of Trailer

Yes, I AM aware that I'm making this version of Mewtwo act like Broly, and I honestly don't care. I like the movie and I feel like it fits Mewtwo perfectly. They're both strong and have very little knowledge about how things work. Now, I know it feels like I'm using Mercury and Emerald as Cheelai and Lemo, and you are also not entirely wrong.  They'll still retain their usual personalities, but act slightly different as well.

I also know I make it sound like Mewtwo and Emerald will be a thing,  but I'm not sure if I will. I might, but we'll just have to wait and see.

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