Chapter 9:As Above, So Below

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Author:"Welcome back everyone to another chapter of Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji Ishimura VOLUME 7. And I hope you guys are having a good day today and now let's get the reading started!"

In Mantle snow was covering the streets and buildings as Pietro and Maria let people into the building.

Women:"What's going on? Is the heater off in Atlas too?"

Man:"They wouldn't just turn the heat off... Would they?"

Pietro and Maria looked at each other and looked at Atlas, as Ironwood and the Council are still talking.

Council Camilla:"General, since the day you were appointed to headmaster. There have been Atlesians who are skeptical of one man holding two Council seats."

Ironwood:"Yes, which is exactly why we have checks and balances."

Council Sleet:"We're supposed to, but lately you've been running roughshod all over them, making unilateral decisions without us."

Ironwood:"Councilmen I never intended--."

Council Sleet:"What people intend and what they do aren't always the same, General."

Then a Faunus came in and whisper something into Jacques ear.

Jacques:"What? For who long?*Whispers again*My authorization? Check it again."

Then the Faunus waiter left as Jacques looks worried.

Council Sleet:"Councilmen Schnee?'

Jacques:"Um, yes, I uh. Agree with everything, everything that was just said. No, uh, no further questions."

The two Council people looked at Jacques questioning looks.

Robyn:"I'm not quite done yet. You're afraid of something. General. Aren't you?"

Ironwood:"I think that's pretty obvious, Miss. Hill. I'm trying to prevent Atlas from becoming another Beacon, another Haven."

Robyn:"Yet, you don't trust your own Council to help you? Operating in secret? These are the actions of somebody who's hiding something."

Ironwood:"I'm not hiding anything."

Robyn:"Let's put it to the test then."

She got up and walk towards him.

Robyn:"You'll aware of my semblance. Let's settle it here and now, General Ironwood."

She offers her hand to him as the two Council people looked at him.

Robyn:"Here and now."


Before Ironwood could take her hand, they turn to see Weiss at the door.

Weiss:"You've got the wrong man on trail. I know who's framing Ironwood, who rigged the election. And my father does too. He's been working with him."

Weiss place the scroll on the table as she push a button to show as it pop's up showing Jacques and Watts on his office.

Councilwomen Camilla:"Is that, Auther Watts?"

Councilmen Sleet:"That's impossible!*gets his from seat*Dr. Watts died in the paladin incident years ago."

Jacques:"Wha--What is this?"

Ironwood was not happy as he stands up.

Ironwood:"Play it."

Weiss then plays the video

Jacques (video):"That bastard is costing me more money every day with this embargo. I've lay off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get there damn votes for this Council seat! And some how the Evans still making money!"

Watts (video):"What if I said you can have your cake and eat it, too?"

Jacques (video):"What do you have in mind?"

Watts (video):"James Ironwood never recommend my genius. After everything I gave him, he still disgraced me. I simple wish to return the favor."

Councilmen Sleet then sit back down not believing what he is hearing.

Jacques (video):"What's in it for me?"

as they watch it, Ironwood start to walk towards Jacques.

Watts (video):"A seat on the Council. All I need is you log in credentials of the Atlas network. You promise to make Ironwood life a waking nightmare, and I will guarantee to you vitory at the polls by given the voters down in Mantle a little... 'Digital push' if you will."

Jacques (video):"I was knew you were a good seientist, Auther, but I never knew your were such a good salesman."


Weiss then turn off the scroll.

Jacques:"That, that is-- I can explain that.*clears throat*That... Isn't real."

He got up and try to leave until Councilmen Sleet spoke.

Councilmen Sleet:"Jacques, take your seat."

Jacques runs away but when he opens the doors he was confronted by Weiss' summoned.


Weiss:"Jacques Schnee, your under arrest."

She show's her Huntress license, then she look at Ironwood confused.

Weiss:"Can I do that?"

In Mantle, Diao Chan stands on top of a building smiling evilly as she watches the Chaos on the streets.

Diao Chan:"Perfect, just perfect. Now time for some real fun."

Tryian:"It's time."

They then jump down behind, Watts as he smiles. In the dinning room Ironwood, Robyn, Winter, Anglca, Clover and the two Council people surrounded Jacques as he sits in the chair as Team RWBY and SPRO and Penny are in the other side. As Clover got something as Ironwood talks to Jacques.

Ironwood:"I know you'd stoop low to get what you wanted, Jacques. But this?"

Jacques:"This is all great leap, James."

Ironwood:"No. It's quite simple really now that I know Auther Watts is alive. Working with a madman like Tyrian Callows, it would be easy for someone like him to coordinate an unthinkable heinous act like the one in that warehouse. Watts designed Mantle's entire security network, he used that access to hack the surveillance system and framed somebody or two, else for the job."

Ironwood and Robyn looked at Penny and Yuji who look down as Ruby place a hand on Penny's shoulder as she grabs Yuji's hand. Then Ironwood looked at Jacques again.

Ironwood:"All while stealing an election. And ounce you became a Councilman, your newly granted clearance gave him*slams the arms of the chair* a back door door into Atlas' security network. But you probably haven't considered that, had you?"

Yuji walks close to Jacques.

Robyn:"Those people down in Mantle who died, there blood is on your hands."

Council Sleet:"Jacques Schnee must be tried not only for treason but as an accessory to murder."

Jacques:"These are outrageous accusations! I only intended to win the election. I have nothing to do--."


Yuji push the table back like it's nothing as he growls at Jacques. Penny was surprised as she cover her mouth but his team and Team RWBY are use to it.

Council Camilla:"What else will be able to do with the access that Jacques given to him?"

Ironwood:"With enough time... Whatever he wants."

Then Jacques scroll vibrates, which startled him as did the other Council people.

Council Sleet:"Wait, wait what?! What do you mean the heat has gone off."

Weiss gasp as Silver looks in disbelief.

Jacques:"You have to believe me I didn't know he was planning this."

Weiss then slams the arm of the chairs to make, Jacques jump.

Winter:"You are going to shut your mouth, and get the heating grid up and running again."

Jacques:"I*sighed*I've been formed that we can't get into the system. It's... It's blocked off."

Council Sleet:"Without heat down there. People are going to die."

Robyn walked up to the window and looked out, as Ironwood thinks, Ruby walked up to him.

Ruby:"General Ironwood? Who bad is it?"

Ironwood:"*Tapping on scroll*He's using Jacques' credentials. We can follow that activity on the network. If he found his way into the Amity system?.."

As he said this, Robyn looks as him as Ruby wait it hear what he says.

Ironwood:"No,*Ruby sighs in relief*The Secret is safe. For now. But if he learns about Amity, she learns about Amity."

Weiss:"Can you block his access?"

Ironwood:"It's to late, he's already starting to lock us out."

Blake:"Can we trace him some how? Fine out where his hiding?"

Ironwood:"He's going to be mobile. We need his access point. We need to get him out of the open."

Silver:"I can help with that."

Ironwood:"*Look at Silver*What do you mean?"

Silver:"I mean I think I found the person behind the android attacks."

Silver then grabs his mask as his team and RWBY were worried as he takes if off. His hair turn back into light blue as his eyes turn back to bright green. As he holds his mask, Ironwood, Council people, Jacques, Robyn, Penny and Winter where shocked to see him there.


Winter:"Wait. This hole time when we thought you were off somewhere, you were here. Did you know about this?"

Anglca:"Of course I do, his my brother after all."

Alex:"I'm sorry sir for getting you in to trouble, sir but I need to find the person who is behind the android attack. So if you let me I will help anyway I can."

Ironwood:"I'll be glad if you did."

Blake and Weiss smiled as Yuji takes a deep breath as did the rest of there teammates.

Robyn:"Okay so let me get this straight."

They all looked at, Robyn who is still there.

Robyn:"Yeap, still here everyone. How do a disgrace scientist and a disappeared serial killer find each other, General? Why would they target you? And why are you working so hard to hide the Amity Communications Tower from them?"

Ironwood:"You know?"

In Mantle the riot is still going on as they put more things into the fire, Pietro watches as Maria comes out and place a hand on his wrist as they beard Atlas Knights trying to call down the riot, but we're destroyed by two civilians as they watch on horror. Then a alarm went off as everything went to red singling there there are Grimm outside the wall, as a heard of Grimm charged towards the city as some Atlas airships came and one of them fired rockets the bit them, but didn't do anything to them as they keep running. As they try to stop them they hear a loud screech in the sky and duck as a Grimm fly's above them.

At the Schnee manor, Robyn is still talking to Ironwood.

Robyn:"I used to think you were hiding something to protect yourself. But I can tell there's something much bigger going on here. Now I think it's to protect something else. Us. Atlas, maybe even all of Remnant, and you're afraid of what might happen if you tell thi truth."

Then Clover bust though the door with Oscar.

Clover:"General, the Grimm are all over Mantle. The air fleet's doing everything they can, but they can't easily target Grimm in the city without risking casualties."

Ironwood:"This--This Is what I was afraid would happen."

As he walked past them Ruby and Yuji looked at him.

Clover:"Sir. We need ground support now."

Robyn:"What we need is to start evacuating Mantle. If it's completely overrun, it's not going to be safe anywhere. Use the fleet to get--."

Ironwood:"If I move the fleet then Atlas is vulnerable."

Team RWBY and SPRO and Penny stared at him.

Ironwood:"I... I tryed to keep the Kingdom safe. And we're losing everything."

He covered his face as he lean on the wall, then Oscar walks up to him.

Oscar:"General? Earlier, you asked for my advice."

Ironwood:"I wanted Ozpin's advice."

Oscar:"And his advice probably would've been to keep your secrets. When we first got here, you already knew that wasn't the right course. You had a new plan."

Ironwood:"*stand up straight*It's time to give up on that plan. It's all falling apart."

Oscar:"The panic you worried about? It's already happen. The secrets you're keeping? They're about to be on the open anyway. It's time*Ironwood looks at Oscar*Tell the truth."

Then Ruby walks up to Ironwood.

Ruby:"Your not alone. We can do this together."

Yuji walked next to her.

Yuji:"We have your back General. I promise."

Ironwood:"Thank you, Oscar? I think it's you get back to the Academy."

Oscar:"I think you're right."

Ironwood:"Miss. Hill, Councilmen Sleet, Councilwomen Camilla, there are some things you need to know about. Let's figure out how we can help Mantle... Together."

Winter:"I called a transport."

Yang:"What about Watts and Tyrain?"

Ironwood:"You leave them to me. Right now, you need down below."

Ruby and Yuji turn to face there friends.

Ruby:"Alright everyone it's time to do our jobs..."

Yuji:"All of us."

Team RWBY and SPRO looks at Penny as she notice them staring at her.

Clover:"What they said. Let's make it happen Huntsmen."

Clover and Team RWBY and SPRO and Oscar run a out the room leaving Ironwood, Winter, Anglca, Councilmen Sleet, Councilwomen Camilla and Jacques, as they run out they pass a black haired girl smiling.

Alex run up to, Ironwood with mask on hand as he has determination on his face.

Alex:"I want to take down, Watts."

Ironwood:"Sorry I can't let you do that, Alex."

Alex was surprised to hear the General telling him he can't go after the man who framed him.

Alex:"What?! Why can't I?! I search for this guy ever since I left Atlas, all this time for nothing, now I have the bastard, you are telling me I can't go after him. Why can't I--."


Alex stopped as Ironwood put his hand up. He just takes a deep breath before speaking

Ironwood:"Let me explain, Alex. I know you want to go after him and stop him, but you needed down in Mantle."

Alex:"But sir..."

Ironwood:"You more helpful down there, than up here. I'll deal with him. But I need help getting a live feed in Mantle to spread a message. Can you do that?"

Alex sighed but nodded in agreement an runs back to the other's.

Then Yuji catch up with, Ruby.



Yuji:"I think we should tell Ironwood the truth."

Ruby:"That's what I'm going to ask Oscar about."

Yuji:"Okay then let's tell him then."

As went outside to get on the airship Yuji and Ruby walk up to Oscar.


Oscar turn around and almost clide into Ruby which Yuji grab her shoulder before that could happen. They start to talk over each other which Yuji just stand there watching until they released there talking about the same thing.

Oscar and Ruby:"We should tell Ironwood!*nervous laughs*"

Yuji:"At least we're on the same page."

Oscar:"Guess so. He's finally choosing the truth over fear. We should do the same."

Ruby:"I tell him, I'm thee one who chose to keep it from him in the first place."

Yuji:"You mean we. I also chosen not to tell either, Ruby."

Ruby:"True but I started the lie."

Yuji:"Which I help finished."

Ruby:"But, Yuji I should--."

Sara:"Jeez you two."

They saw Sara came out of her semblance and runs past them.

Sara:"Just propose to her already, Cap."

Yuji and Ruby ish at what Sara had said to them.


She just laughed while running outside.

Yuji:"Okay know you what to do Oscar, you have to tell him the truth while were gone. We need to get going. Come on, Ruby stay safe, Oscar."

Oscar:"You too."

As they walk away Ruby and Oscar turn around.

Ruby/Oscar:"Good luck in there/stay safe down there."

They both laugh as Yuji shake his head as she give a gun gesture and Yuji a peace sign, while Marrow shakes his head.

Marrow:"Ugh, kids."

They then fly down though the clouds towards, Mantle. In the airship with, Harriet driving and Marrow on the co seat, the rest of the Ace-Ops are standing as so was Yuji, Yang, Sara, Iris, Ruby, Qrow, Hugo and Emma, as the rest of the Team RWBY are sitting down with Alex as Blake sits next next to JNR.

Clover:"All right, everyone. I need to stress to our new huntsmen and huntresses. We are prioritizing citizens safety over killing Grimm. Got it?"

They nod in agreement. Nora looked over at Ren as he closed his eyes, she grabbed his hand as he then tightens it. Alex looks at them smiling as he hold his mask then he felt Blake grabbing his hand as he also tightens his grip.  As there flying they didn't notice a Grimm fly above them.

Back at the Schnee manor the two Council people were talk about what they have learned as Robyn still don't know what to do.

Councilmen Sleet:"She can control Grimm? And that boy is her son and he has the same power. Is this really true?"

Councilwomen Camilla:"Ironwood wouldn't lie about something like this."

Councilmen Sleet:"You really think we can stop her?"

Robyn then looks at the door of the dining room where Oscar told Ironwood the truth about Salem.

Ironwood:"She... Can't be killed; Jinn told you this?"

Oscar:"She showed us what when we ask what Oz was hiding."

Ironwood:"Why? Why would Oz keep this from us? From the people who trusted him? Even his own son."

Oscar:"He was worryed you lose hope. We're sorry we kept it from you, too. We didn't know who to trust. I figured you should know before you make any sacrifices. What are you going to do?"

Ironwood:"I... All we can do for the moment is what we can to save Mantle. That's what in front of us."

Oscar:"He be proud of you, you bringing the hope that Atlas was meant to inspire. A city in the sky is held to a higher standard."

Ironwood:"You say that like you were there--."

Ironwood:"You say that like you were there--."

He was cut off by his scroll beeping, and check it out.

Ironwood:"Our transports are here. We should move."

Oscar nods and got up and walk towards the door, but stop when Ironwood call to h.

Ironwood:"Oscar*turns to face him*No more surprises, all right. I'm not sure I can take it."

Oscar:"You and me both."

In the air, a large Grimm attack the airship.

Marrow:"Hang on!"

Harriet try's to get the Grimm off the ship as, Weiss uses her semblance as Jaune try not to puck. The Grimm did got off but lands on the top of the airship, and climb to the side and it's claw digs in the ship which jumped Blake and Alex.

Harriet:"I can't shake it off!"

Then one mot came in and at the wing.

Marrow:"I don't think we're staying airborne."

Qrow:"It's time to go!"

Clover:"You have your assignments."

Clover walks up to the hatch and hits it to open the door, as the Grimm scream, Yuji shots a fireball  at it's face which cause it to fall off as the wing of the airship falls off. Jaune jumped off the airship.

Elm:"Harriet, don't stay to long."

Harriet:"Yeah thanks for the tip."

Marrow, Sara, Iris, Alex, Blake, Hang, Weiss jumped off as did Elm. Clover cover his eyes as the glass broke's , he saw, Harriet breaking the glass, as, Ruby and Yuji watches.

Harriet:"Try to keep up kids."

Ruby chuckles as Harriet speeds out.

Yuji:"Race you."

He instantly turn to his snow furry and fly off.

Ruby:"Hey no fair!"

She then followed them off the airship. As the ship falls, Qrow, Emma, Hugo and Clover opens the doors, Qrow looks at Clover as he shows off after falling.

Qrow:"Show off!"

Hugo:"Look who's talking."

As they both jump, Emma shakes her head.


She then jump off the airship as well. At the Schnee manor, Whitley sit's on the staircase as he looks up to see his father being arrested as his mom and brother watches.

Jacques:"How dare you? This is highly unnecessary, I will not stand for this. Don't touch me like that."

Willow turn to look at Whitley who got up and run up stairs, Willow turn back sadden as for Will, he was happy to see his father being carried into the airship.

Jacques:"I'll be reporting this rough treatment."

The soldiers then throw him in the back as they got in the airship and a blacked haired girl walked out when the airship leaves as the girl start to skip. Then she appear in a hallway putting a passcode in as she looks around to see no one it

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