Ch 9 An Awkward Encounter

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At the moment Y/N panicked as he remember what happened today. Though he would calm down as he reasoned it can't happen two days in a row. Y/N then tried to get out of Ruby's hug but couldn't due to her tight grip.

Y/N: Ruby? Red? Wake up. Ruby.

Ruby did not wake up leaving Y/N to think of the situation at hand.

Y/N: (thoughts) Wait a moment, wait just a moment. This isn't a school night.

Unsure what time it is and when Ruby plans to wake up Y/N was left to wait as he listens Ruby now sleep talking.

Ruby: (sleep talking) How can someone smell like cabbages?

Y/N: He still reminisces about those times? If she is really dreaming of Port's class then she will be sleeping in that class as well.

Ruby: (sleep talking) Zwei! Give me back my Crescent Rose! Don't bark at me, it's mine.

He was unsure how to take this remembering the size of Crescent Rose. In fact he was still unsure how Ruby uses it. Though the talking did not stop there as it then went on to food which of course was cookies.

Y/N: (looks around) Wait a minute. If they're in the beds with Ruby and I on the floor then they did this on purpose.

Y/N thought that trying one more time would not hurt. By now his hand was falling asleep and he just needed to get up.

Y/N: Ruby!

Ruby: Wha?

At that moment Ruby wakes up suddenly and moves her head forward quickly. The thing is that Y/N was still facing Ruby leading to her hurting them both while accidentally kissing Y/N in the process.

Y/N: Bloody hell (realizes what happened). Wait did you just-

Ruby: No!

Ruby got up and zoomed to the bathroom to hide there. Trying to process what happened you can only describe it as her pale face just turning into a deep shade of strawberry red.

Weiss: Ughh. Two days in a row and on a Saturday no less.

Yang: Y/N? What happened?

Y/N was still stunned as he touched his lips. Getting up he could only respond by saying, "Ask Ruby." Y/N then left to his room where his own comrades were awake.

Tanner: Y/N, are you alright? I know how we left you and Ruby sleeping together.

Silver: Something happened didn't it?

Y/N: Well I can only say that thanks to your actions Ruby kissed me while waking up and upon realizing she ran to her bathroom.

Tanner: Didn't imagine that. Did it went well?

Y/N: We're friends Tanner. Besides what just happened now just complicates things.

Silver: I think you two will get together.

Y/N: I will make no comment on that but is rbis theory being held by the others as well?

Tanner: Yes.

Y/N waved it off but became slightly unsure of himself. Though back at the other team's room it was the situation.

Blake: Ruby, why did Y/N left looking pale?

Weiss: He touched his lips saying to ask you.

Yang: Did something interesting happen?

Ruby: No! I mean I...look I might've kissed him accidentally when I woke up and then I ran.

Weiss: Wait wouldn't that be your sister's first kiss Yang?

Yang: Yes. Ruby, do you like Y/N anyways?

Ruby: What?! Y/N and I are good friends.

Blake: Right. Sure you are.

Yang: Team SHDE and us think you would be good for each other. Sure Y/N may kinda be an odd choice.

Weiss: Are you talking about the way he talks or the way he conducts himself?

Yang: Eh, it's just the way I think but for Ruby it may be different.

Blake: You all realize they are our friends and we hang out with them?

Weiss: Don't remind me of yesterday's loss.

Ruby: So you were pairing us together?

Blake: Basically. As for me I was there. They think even though we all hang out you both having something else going.

Yang: (thoughts) Maybe they don't see it.

Despite this Blake, however, did agreed with
its assessment as she did have some previous experience herself. Ruby like Y/N himself was unsure how to think of this revelation. After it they went to get dressed for the day with Y/N taking slower than usual.

Tanner: Ready?

Y/N: Go on without me. I need a few more moments.

Silver: We'll be in the cafeteria in the usual spot.

Tanner and Silver left the room leaving Y/N to think the next encounter will not go well. Trudging pass this he got ready and went.

Silver: Ruby, you look nervous. Any reason?

Ruby: No.

Tanner: Okay so who is going to stay behind to save our spot?

Yang: It's my turn.

Y/N made it to the table as everybody made
it back with Yang getting her own lunch. He made eye contact accidentally to Ruby which forced her to greet him.

Ruby: H-Hey Y/N.

Y/N: El-Ello aga-again.

There is silence in the air as the two became unsure what to say. Weiss asked whether or not they should break it. The others did not respond as they were watching it all play out.

Ruby: I uhh have to do my homework.

Ruby speeds off to an unknown place leaving the rest of the group to look at Y/N.

Y/N: Now I can make an excuse just now on how I remember a task at hand I need to do. Though that is in poor taste as well all know the reasoning so I will take my leave.

Y/N left as well back to the room as he did not want to deal with the situation either. He ran into Jaune.

Jaune: What was all that about?

Y/N: You heard?

Jaune: Yes.

Y/N: Not one word but go ask my fellow comrades.

Y/N then left but had to return as he forgot a thing rather crucial.

Y/N: I forgot my breakfast and don't ask Yang. Go ask Blake, Weiss, Tanner, or whatever.

Silver: I am hurt. You didn't include me and to think I thought we were friends.

Tanner: Sometimes I wonder how we are.

Y/N: Silver. Now I take my leave.

The day went and as it turned into night Y/N climbs out the room's window and then lower himself by creating an ice pillar. Ruby by this was tossing and turning in her sleep by woke up when she heard a noise outside. She open the window only to see you.

Y/N: (feels scroll vibrate) Now what kind of person would be up in this time of night?

Ruby: (message) Why are you outside?

Rather than responding to the message Y/N used his semblance to raise himself up to the window. He thought to himself that this has to be sorted out.

Y/N: Ruby, if you want to discuss things any further grab a blanket as it is cold outside.

Ruby merely nods and leaves to return again with a blanket around her. She climbs out on your ice pillar.

Y/N: Hold on as this may be rather fast.

Ruby: It can't be that fas-

Right as Ruby was about to scream he had to put his hand over his mouth to avoid anyone hearing what's going on outside.

Y/N: I'm sorry but I did say.

Y/N walked up to a bench and sat with Ruby following. The two sat at the bench in silence. None of the two not knowing what to say but he knew that he would have to be the one to break the ice.

Y/N: You know I do find it odd that we often find ourselves in these situations.

Y/N waited a moment for a response only for one to not come. He then decide to try to say another thing but Ruby then talks.

Ruby: About what happened today. Sorry I left Frost.

Y/N: No worries as I left that myself. Though I did not even bother making an excuse given how it was quite obvious. It did not help that our teams were apart of it.

Ruby: Did they talk about you and me also?

Y/N: Yeah. In fact they sent me the pictures.

Ruby: Ooh. Can I see it? Pretty please.

Y/N: I don't know.

Ruby: With a cherry on top.

Y/N: (chuckles) Fine.

Y/N gave Ruby the scroll that showcases the pictures of the two. It was various pictures of how they were sleeping together. Y/N took a look at Ruby and swore that he saw her face turning slightly red like before but this was hard to tell due to the night.

Ruby: Can you send them?

Y/N: (raises eyebrow) Why not.

Ruby: So why are you outside anyways?

Y/N: I find it calming and there is moments that I need to put some thought to. Though there is times where I have trouble sleeping
but it isn't the noise that keeps me up rather the silence.

Ruby: Uhhh.

Y/N: On a less serious note sometimes it is a mere action of how sometimes the bed sheets bunch up making me uncomfortable.

Ruby understood but did not have the words to explain it. She remained silent.

Y/N: You know you seem to see the best in people. As for me I don't. Being analytical is seeing the bad in the world more often than not in most cases.

Ruby: Bad in the world. Bad in the world.

Y/N: Huh?

Ruby: Like my books. I know it sounds kinda childish but it has heroes and Yang did used to read to me every night before bed.

Y/N: May I ask what kind?

Ruby: Stories of heroes and monsters... They are one of the reasons I want to be a huntress! Some say it's childish.

Y/N: Yeah.

Ruby: (sticks tongue out) Meanie.

Y/N: Kidding. I must say never let others say it is childish. It is admirable how you want to protect people for the sake of protecting. As for me my options were few and far between.

Nothing was said as Y/N and Ruby just stare at the stars. A while into it he pulled out the same papers and looked at it for a bit.

Ruby: What's that?

Y/N: (puts the papers back in pocket) Ruby, maybe someday I will tell. Just don't have the gull to face it yet. I think it is time to go back.

Ruby: Right. Okay.

You go back, creating an ice pillar once more. Right before she enters you say another thing.

Y/N: Hope you have a good night Red.

Ruby: Goodnight also.

Ruby entered her room and you went to your room. Going into your bed you revive another message from Ruby.

Ruby: (message) You maybe not chose to be a hunter but I believe in you Y/N. I mean you do  have Silver, Tanner, Weiss, the others, and me.

Y/N looked at the message and thought for a few moments before writing.

Y/N: (message) I know.

He sent it but he looked at it for awhile before adding another message.

Y/N: (message) And thank you Ruby.

Ruby: (message) No problem. Also Y/N hope you have a goodnight also.

Y/N rubbed his eyes before reading the little interaction. He took out the paper one more time before he put it in his hiding spot.

Y/N: (thoughts) We all have our own secrets. Some we share and some we keep ourselves. This one, this one I cannot go about just yet.

Before going to sleep he thought at how she is an interesting person.

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