The teams followed as you walked along. You were looking at the scene before you as it has changed quite a bit.
Y/N: You will be missed coffee shop.
Blake: What is your leader going on about?
Silver: First of all he isn't our leader.
Blake: Then who is?
Tanner: No one.
Silver: We didn't want a leader for our team as it would prove who was better. Competing runs deep.
Tanner: Though what with Y/N was saying earlier is that there was a coffee shop that he often went to but now it is gone.
Y/N: Now, now let's get a move on. We can't be late for our unscheduled visit now can we?
Team RWBY was puzzled but had to go along as the team was there mission. Y/N continued his pace with his cane in hand. Arriving at the academy students looked on at the unfamiliar faces before them.
Tanner: Different time but same academy.
Silver: News does travel fast.
Walking they went on the elevator with Y/N's team staring at it for a bit.
Blake: Why did you stop?
Tanner: Why we not at the stairs?
Weiss: This elevator leads to his office.
Silver: He finally added an elevator. Good. I never trusted those chairs.
Y/N: Don't you dare.
Yang: Why?
Silver: Cause they're always up to something.
Yang laughed while the rest were annoyed at the corny joke.
Y/N: Just go up the elevator first. Tanner if you may.
Tanner: With pleasure.
Tanner smacks Silver in the back of the head. He thought it was worth it. With the elevator doors opening it went down for the 2nd team.
Ruby: Mission accomplish.
Glynda: The mission was to investigate the scene yet you are here. On what grounds do you think it appropriate to return so soon.
Ruby: Uhh
Weiss: We found the lost team.
Ozpin: Clarify on lost team.
As Ozpin finishes his sentence the elevator's doors open, to reveal a missing Team SHDE. Ozpin and Glynda were shocked.
Y/N: My-my, I must apologize for the late return but mission accomplish.
Glynda: Y-You l-look the same.
Y/N: Quite so. Nothing like some ice will do that to a person. Though Glynda you appear the same as well.
Glynda was unsure if she should be angry as it means she is the same or good as she did not age according to Y/N.
Tanner: Are we still enrolled?
Silver: Our absences should be excused.
Ozpin: Yes, I can't leave you all seeing how I found you all to begin with.
Yang: What happened to them?
Blake: Yang! Unless they want to explain we cannot do that?
Silver: Basically we are our own family.
Tanner: You could say we lost ours and he let us in seeing what we can do.
Weiss: Didn't you say you were let in by the normal ways.
Ozpin: I can interject. They all still had to fill out the forms.
Silver: We even got to do a whole name and everything! Team SHDE does not make any sense at all.
Glynda: Ah-hem. What about their rooms?
Ozpin: I believe we still have their items but as for the rooms-
Ruby: I know. One of the rooms right next to ours is empty.
Ozpin: That settles it. Your supplies should be in a storage unit.
Glynda: Team RWBY it's your job to help the team readjust.
Y/N: I shall meet you all at the bottom as I wish to have a word with Ozpin.
Silver: Have at it. Now let's go uhh...Wait we never learned your names.
Glynda sighed as she had to say their names. With that done they went down the elevator. Glynda went nearby to handle reenrolling.
Ozpin: You were always a peculiar one Y/N. Judging by the interactions with the team I'll be sure to monitor.
Y/N: (chuckles for a bit) Never trust anyone that doesn't have something strange to them. If they don't they're hiding something.
Ozpin: You aren't hiding something are you now L/N?
Y/N: Now why is that? Do you believe that a certain outcome may occur?
Ozpin scoffed at the question as this was now getting to uncomfortable.
Ozpin: It is my job as headmaster to do so.
Y/N: That may be but you are just as peculiar and more. (notices the elevator's return) Alas it seems my ride has return so I bid you adieu.
Y/N went to rejoin with his team and now his new friends. Ozpin sat there with Glynda not sure how to process the situation.
Ozpin: I know, I am just as shocked as well.
Glynda: He was always different that most.
Joining with the teams you now went to go to the storage unit while getting to know each other. Arriving you all begin to shift through the items.
Silver: Hey, so any of you think it can still be there? You know.
Tanner: We did hide it.
Yang: You have to tell us now. You can't just say that and not tell.
Y/N: Fine but this will take a bit. Silver since it was your idea you tell.
Ruby: Yes! I like stories and this does sound to be good. Right Blake? We see you hiding a book all the time.
Blake: Uhh right.
Silver: Okay. Now buckle up boys and girls as I tell you a story.
Weiss: Get on to it.
Tanner: You can't rush his process. I already tried before.
Silver: You know since Y/N says he is not a Schnee we thought maybe we can use it to go pass the age by him acting like one.
Weiss: Y/N can't possibly fool no one.
Ruby: Shh Weiss.
Yang: Let me enjoy the story. It sounds like it is getting juicy.
Silver: Wait as this is where how Y/N got his second part to the intro he says. As he got the liquor-
Blake: Wait. You use the Schnee name to get some liquor. (laughs)
Weiss: Why would you use my name to get something like that!?
Tanner: Technically the name wasn't yours yet. We thought about aging it. When we did graduate it would be a few years older but as you can see now that we were frozen it would be better.
Ruby: But you aren't twenty-one so how?
Y/N: I was at first against the idea but there must be some way to celebrate in the future.
Yang: (nods head in agreement)
Tanner: Y/N got it but just as you know he somehow was in front of a Schnee named Jacques.
Weiss: Why would my father be at a liquor store? He has people for that.
Silver: It was not cheap at all. In fact we may have spent all of our money on the one bottle so yeah it was high end.
Tanner: For the next few months we did not lived good. Wait how far are you in the year?
Ruby: The academy's year just started.
Silver: That sucks.
Blake: The story. Remember?
Silver: Oh yeah. He got caught by her father and he had to make a run for it from security. He punched him and managed to escape.
Yang: Nice.
Weiss: I have nothing to say.
Ruby: I thought there would be action.
While all this was happening you do check a drawer. You do check a secret compartment below it that you only know about. Your eyes widen seeing the papers.
Silver: Y/N, did you find it?
Y/N: Yeah.
Silver: Anything else?
Y/N: No.
You close it and made a mental note to get to those papers later.
Y/N: Break time is over. I would like to thank all of you for the help.
Silver: You are welcome.
Tanner: Not you. This is your stuff.
Ruby: No problem. What are friends for?
Silver: Getting answers for homework.
Tanner: Silver, she meant in rhetorically.
Silver: I know.
Yang: I don't know about all of you but I do like the way Silver thinks.
Silver: Aye.
All members were unsure how to look at what happen. Y/N and Tanner knowing how Silver is with Ruby, Blake, and Weiss knowing Yang. They both thought it was not going to go well.
Weiss: (thoughts) One Yang is enough but but Silver is. (shudders at the thought)
Regardless they still had a task to move all of the stuff to the empty room. This took the rest of the day. Luckily they did not have to worry about beds and how they did not have a lot to begin with. Though there was that occasional close call as they almost dropped items or did get hit by something. After that it was time to go to bed. The two teams went to their rooms but Y/N had to have a word with their leader.
Y/N: I would like to thank you for the help. If you need any assistance just ask.
Ruby: Hehe. No problem. See you later.
Y/N: Our rooms are nearby so I believe it to be. Anyways good night.
Ruby: Good night.
The two left to their rooms, but as soon as she went inside she was questioned.
Yang: What took you so long?
Ruby: You know.
Blake: No, I don't know.
Ruby: Y/N thanked us and said if we needed any help to ask.
Blake: That is kind of him.
The teams went on to sleep. They didn't know how true Ozpin's words would be. Though he himself not knowing either.
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