It has been some days since the rescue but as it stood Glynda had the task of assigning the next missions for teams. Now these would be different as it were for those who did not pass the previous one by Beacon's standards.
Glynda: Ozpin, a new wave of missions are arranged. Though on Team SHDE.
Ozpin: (sips coffee) Yes, Team SHDE whose was a success but had mixed results. One was taken captive and a bullhead was shot down, but it would lead to an outpost being found.
Glynda: I know this isn't exactly appropriate given what happened but as you know they'll have to complete a mission.
Ozpin: The council mandates a certain set of rules for Beacon. After all we are training the next set of huntsmen. Though remember how I arranged Team SHDE's paperwork so they can return to Beacon?
Glynda: You mean how they should of been technically dismissed, but you allowed them
in by what is considered fraudulent means.
Ozpin: As for Team SHDE/RWBY's mission
I propose something simple. Yes, Glynda I do know that what they are training for and that no special accommodations should be made.
Though for first years they been through what is considered to be perplexing.
Glynda: Grimm extermination it is then.
The next day came and now Y/N, Tanner, and Silver were in the bullhead, talking to pass the time until they reach the drop zone. Y/N was looking at a photo.
Tanner: What do you there Y/N?
Y/N: A photo. Something to look at before a mission.
Silver grabbed it before Y/N could even react. Tanner looked at them giving a knowing look at what this meant. It was the photo that Y/N and Ruby took the faithful day he took her to a bakery. Silver looked at the photo and then at Y/N, promptly giving a shiteating grin.
Silver: So it's really true that you like Ruby. Yeah, you should tell her!
Y/N: I-
Silver: No, no, no. Before you even try to say anything think this. You have been going out of your way a lot to help Ruby.
Tanner: Then there is the subtle cues, yours and her nickname, and then the fact that you hold a photo is enough.
Silver: Yeah, and... Tanner say stuff while I think more things to say.
Tanner: Fine. Okay, you do hold her dearly. There may be things we don't even know you did with Ruby or how you say Red sometimes.
Y/N thought for a few moments. He might of known that there was something but he was skeptical about it.
Y/N: Fine, I have been having mixed feelings since that game night. Wasn't sure on what to think of it for awhile now.
Silver: You do now.
Y/N: And what if Ruby does not like me that way? There would be repercussions.
Silver: But what if she does? Look at the way you two are and tell me you don't think there is a chance.
He waited a few minutes for a rebuttal. None happened. Silver was happy how he now had something over Y/N.
Tanner: Well here is your photo.
Y/N: I will put some thought into the matter.
Y/N made a mental note to tell Ruby after the mission. The faster it went the sooner it can be told.
Silver: Trust me, it will go well. Our mission, third time is the charm.
Tanner: C'mon man! Did you really have to jinx us?!
Silver: Well sorry. Not like I can take it back.
Pilot: Hey! We above the landing zone so you can jump out now!
Y/N puts his photo in his helmet and proceed to put it on. Jumping out they went to link up with Team RWBY.
Ruby: Mission Go Beat Some Grimm Butts And Go Home To Eat Cookies Is A Go!
Weiss: Grimm extermination is fine to have as the mission name. Besides mission names are not even that long.
Tanner: Should we be going now or are we going to talk because I don't know about all of you but I hate going downhill.
Silver: Hills. The enemy of wheelchairs. That and stairs.
Y/N: (looks at scroll) Well our mission's info says that the Grimm are congregating below.
Blake: That sounds fairly simple. If it's true then it's a simple matter of taking them out and not seek and destroy.
Yang: Can we go already? It's almost night.
They all agreed and begin walking to the spot Grimm were reported to be spotted at. Down the hill they saw them. Strangely enough the Grimm were roaming below.
Yang: Easy pickings. How do we do this?
Ruby: Well it would be smart if we use their aggressive nature to make them charge at us.
Blake: Okay, using the terrain.
Silver: Or?
Ruby: We can face them head on. It doesn't look like there is a lot of them.
Weiss: I just want to say I know what you all already picked.
Y/N: We didn't even put it to a vote.
Weiss: Y/N, you already know the outcome.
Tanner: I mean it doesn't look like there is a lot of them.
Ruby: It's decides then. Now charge!
Ruby pointed to the Grimm below and couple with the yell they noticed.
Weiss: You know we could of tried to take them by surprise.
Ruby: Right. I'm sorry Weiss but I got kinda excited there. Now charge!
With no choice they charge. Y/N on the other hand took a different approach. He froze the ground in front of him and slid towards them.
Silver: (gets passed by Y/N) Hey! No fair!
Y/N: What about Yang, Ruby, or Weiss?
Silver: They aren't close enough.
Y/N continued sliding down, aiming down his Old Reliable's sights. He began to fire at those in front of him. One of the Ursas managed to pass him and so he turned around firing what was a full magazine in its back.
Yang: Y/N behind you!
Y/N: Thanks, but I know. It does hold what is a distinct charge.
Y/N quickly creates a ramp in front of himself causing the boarbatusk that probably going to impale him hit into the ramp. Landing on the ground he rolls in front of a beowolf. He hits it with the butt of the stock and fires shards of ice into the beast. Fighting them out they all soon find themselves out.
Tanner: Wooh. Well looks like we're done.
Weiss: Wait this was too simple. Like there would not make a mission out of this.
Blake: Strange.
Silver: Did any of you got hit.
Yang: No.
Ruby: No.
Y/N: What do you see Silver.
Silver: Some blood. Maybe a trail of it.
Blake: We should follow it. Maybe this will answer our question.
That being said they went and followed the trail of blood.
Silver: So what happened to the grenade of yours?
Y/N: The ice grenade. Not gonna lie Silver, I myself forgot of it.
Weiss: What kind of move is a ice grenade?
Blake: How can you forget a move?
Y/N: It happens. I usually use it for combat against people but that hasn't happen.
Tanner: As for the move we don't really have names. We go straight to the point. Though I will say this his grenades stick.
Yang: Huh. Not gonna lie Y/N the more we find out it's starting to sound like you're the main character of a game. Really convenient that you don't know until the right time.
They all turn to look at you basically showing how they do have a point.
Y/N: You too Red?
Ruby: Uh well Yang does have a point. Like remember how I found out how you can use ice for speed?
Y/N: As for my comrades. Understandable.
They suddenly all stopped as they saw men in black suits and red ties. These men appeared to be robbing the shops but some were on the ground dead.
Ruby: Guys, I don't think they're knocked out or sleeping.
Silver: Definitely dead.
Weiss: They must be the reason why there was less Grimm.
Blake: We have to do something about it.
Weiss: Okay but this time we sneak in.
Ruby: Mission-
Tanner: It's just stopping a simple robbery.
Ruby: Hmpf.
Y/N: Let's get this over with. Ruby, go take your team to the ground floor. We will take the top.
Ruby: Okay. Good luck.
Y/N: Good luck as well.
The two teams separated and managed to go into the perimeter.
Y/N: Silver, Tanner you know what to do.
Silver: Yeah. Same thing as always.
Tanner: Next time I should get the back.
Going there separate ways Y/N peered inside the window and saw nothing inside. Opening the door had nothing unusual but then lights turned on suddenly blinding him.
Bad Guy: I knew huntsmen would be in the area after that blasted Grimm took out a lot of us. Henchmen you know what to do.
Y/N saw one of them ready a rocket launcher and fired at him. He managed to make an ice shield but the floor under Y/N broke causing him to fall through. Disoriented he saw Ruby and her team fighting them off with his own teammates fighting on the top level.
Y/N: Ahh.
He barley got up before seeing that same man reloading his rocket. Y/N tried getting out his weapon but it was stuck on him.
Y/N: (sees who he is aiming at) Oh no.
The man was now aiming at Ruby who at the moment was busy dealing with a henchmen.
Y/N knew that there was no way Ruby would react in time. Worse her teammates were all separated from her to help.
Y/N: (thoughts) Please work. Please work.
The person saw Y/N and smiled at him as he knew what he was about to do. Y/N began to run to Ruby using his semblance to go faster. Just as he reached Ruby he blasted the first person with the other firing a rocket at them. He pushed Ruby out the window and quickly made a barrier in an attempt to take the blast. It worked barley as Y/N was heavily injured.
Y/N: GAAH! Ah fuck!
He looked down only to see blood staining his clothes. Though his attention was cut short as that guy that looked like the leader jumped to Y/N. He lifted his sword at Y/N to strike him down, but right as his sword slashes down he got shot. The sword hits its target but rather than stabbing Y/N it went right through his helmet.
Tanner: (finishes off guy and sees Y/N) Y/N! One of you get Y/N out of here!
Yang: Ruby, you go. We'll finish this.
You were on the floor bleeding but was now being dragged as you heard a distorted noise. Something about how they will cover her.
Ruby: You're gonna make it Y/N. I'm calling in the bullhead.
Ruby continued to drag you to a safe spot as you enter in and out of consciousness.
Y/N: Ruby. Stop. I need to say something.
Ruby: Don't worry. The bullhead should be arriving. Why Y/N?!
Y/N couldn't hear the next words coming out of Ruby as it became muffled in his shirt as he felt her hugging him while sobbing.
Ruby: Why did you have to be the hero and get hurt?!
Y/N: (chuckles weakly) Hehe. Just like your stories right? Ruby, can you take off... off my helmet?
Ruby obliges and took the helmet off. She saw a bloodied photo fall out but what was most surprising was your face.
Ruby: Y/N, your eye.
Y/N: Theoretically it could be worse.
He tried to lighten the mood as he jokes about the terrible situation.
Y/N: Hey Ruby.
Ruby: (tearfully) Yeah?
Y/N: You think the scar will look better than Weiss'? I can still see so that's good.
It didn't work as suspected as Ruby looked to Y/N worryingly, waiting for the bullhead.
Ruby: Y/N, you need your strength.
Y/N: No, no. I know it was terrible but I need to tell you something.
Ruby: Yes?
Y/N: I was going to tell you after but I.
Y/N then fell in unconscious before he could finish the sentence. The bullhead was above them about to land.
Ruby: (shaking) Y/N! Y/N!
The medics came out and began to get Y/N on the bullhead. Ruby, grabs your helmet and the bloodied photo and followed you into the ride.
Medic: It's not looking. We need to get back to Beacon immediately.
The pilot simply flipped some switches before flying again. Ruby sat down, looking at photo. She began to tear up again as she it was when they were hanging out in the bakery.
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