Chapter 2

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[Selena Pov]
"Where are we?"Liu ask and
They all look at my direction
"Who are you?! Tell us now before i scratch you!" Miyo said.

Calm down, i'm no harm, i Promise" i said trying to calm the pink cat, which it worked

My name is Selena navy and
Your all in my house" i said
"house? But all i remember was
a bim of light" Rema said.

"what kind of tribe are you
in" lonky said and i chuckled
"were called humans, and we
don't have a tribe, we only have a goverment i said.

And i'm a celebrity fighters"
I said and they nodded their head"
so Selena, can you teach us
on what to do in your world?" Shawn ask
And i nodded my head.

"But first let me show you your room" i said and signal them to follow me.

First i showed lonky and popos
room " heres your Room Popo and
Lonky" i said and they open the door.


wow this is so cool!" Popo and
Lonky both said with stars in their eyes.

Next i showed liu and shawns
Room "here is your room, since
Your siblings right?" I ask and
they nodded their head and opened the door

"Wow! Buck bed! I call top!" I heard liu said and i giggled.

I then showed charming
gold Room "this is your room
Charming gold" i kindly said
And he opened the door.

"This is beautiful. Thank you"he said" Your welcome i said back and he went inside his room and Closed the door.

The next one was miyo " heres
your room miyo" i said and she didn't even say anything, she just went inside and Closed the door in my face.

I then showed gai his room
"This one yours gai" i said and he went and opened the door.

" this is cool! Thank you Selena"
He said and i nodded and gai
Closed the door of his Room.

I the showed kuga his room
" here yo-" i got cutted off by
Kuga pushing me me aside and went to his Room and locked it.

I sigh knowing that some of
them still not use to me.

The only left is pala, spin and
rema. first i showed palas
his room.

"Heres your room Pala" i said
and he started to jump up
and down and said thank you
Before closing his door.

The next one is spin. "Heres
your room Spin" i said and he
opened the door.

"This is cool, i guess" he said
and closed the door, and i
sighed. again.

The last one was rema. "And
This is your room, rema, hope
you like it" i said and she
opened her room.

" this is beautiful, thank you,
And don't worry about the
others they will get use to you
soon" she said and i smiled at
her and nodded and she closed
The door.

I went to my own room and
Change into my pajamas and
Jumped into my soft comfy bed.

"Tomorrow is going to be a
long day~" i said and drift of to
my dream land.

This is all thanks and credits to: XxRosey_ThornxX hope you guys
like this chapter bye😄😄😄

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