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Children's laughter echoed through the Bridgerton estate. Lady Marie and Agatha were playing hide and seek. The girl laughed and joyfully hid behind curtains and in the corners of the room, trying to find the best hiding spot. When Colin entered the room, she froze momentarily but then ran out of her hiding place with a joyful scream, exclaiming, "Daddy!"

Colin smiled as he picked her up and spun her around the room while she laughed. His face shone with joy, and his eyes were full of tenderness and care.

Violet, watching this scene, couldn't help but smile. Her heart filled with happiness, seeing how Colin and Agatha were bonding.

Marie, slowly removing the blindfold from her eyes, watched this sweet scene from the side, smiling. She was glad to see Colin happy, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart. This feeling pierced her, reminding her of losses and that she might never experience such joy. However, she hid her painful longing and tried to focus on the present moment of happiness. Her eyes reflected a warm glow, but there was also a hint of melancholy, which she tried to conceal behind her smile.

Meanwhile, Benedict was immersed in painting at his estate. He continued to work meticulously on his drawing, and when he completed the final touches, his face reflected mild surprise and excitement. He slowly put down his brush and looked at his creation with mixed feelings. Suddenly, he felt an inner thrill. Before him emerged the face of a girl in a mask, and this mask seemed deeper than just an artistic depiction. This masked face evoked curiosity and a sense of unease, but at the same time, he felt a genuine attraction to this mysterious figure. Benedict realized that this mask might hide the key to unraveling the mystery that had occupied his thoughts for so long.

His inner voice whispered that it was time to return to the city. With excitement and determination, he began to pack his things, preparing for the next phase of his adventure, confident that it would lead to new discoveries and adventures beyond his wildest dreams.

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