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Guys, I just got my second dose today and my arm and neck hurts like hell and all I wanna do is sleep-


okay bye, make sure to read the end VERY WELL

also for y'all wanting a Heeseung and Hana scene, it's not much, but there's something 😏

"What are you doing?"

Hana opens her eyes and pauses her portable CD player, swinging her feet off her bed. she takes one earphone out and looks towards Sunghoon, giving the boy a small awkward smile. "Calming myself down before we go onto stage."

The 6 representatives were taking a small break before going onto stage, the girl deciding to use her time listening to her CD's she brought from home. "Ooh can I listen?" he asks, sitting beside her on the bed. Before he can take an earbud, she pulls it back. "Its.. its not a song you'll know." she awkwardly chuckles, looking down at the device.

"How would you know?" he raises a brow, pointing to his ear, telling her he still wants to listen.

The girl hesitantly places the corded earbud in his ear, the boys gaze staring down at her. She looks down at the portable CD player and presses play, a song she knows by heart starting to play.

Sunghoon's gaze moves down to the device before looking up at the girl, watching her eyes train themselves onto the floor.

"The face in the mirror feels unfamiliar."

Hana's eyes slowly look up at the boy, studying his reaction. She tried to see what he was thinking as it built up the chorus, seeing a spark of curiosity.

"Did she, suffer for so long.. Just to become the person I am today?"

As the boy listens to the chorus, he feels a small ache in his heart. He studies the beauty of her features, the light in her eyes that travelled from her soul, he noticed the pain and heaviness behind it.

At one point he took the earbud out and smiled, nodding his head. "Thats a good song. You were right though.. never heard of it."

He stopped there, not asking what the song was called or who it was by. He sits there and smiles at the girl, pretending to not know it was her voice, pretending to not know she had written the song, but she knew he had connected the dots.

Sunghoon had felt as though the girl wasn't ready to be fully vulnerable with those around her, so he didn't push her. She was thankful for that.

"Theres a whole CD, did you download your favourite songs onto there?" He asks the girl, receiving a nod as a response. "I made the CD for someone around the start of this year. I haven't seen them in a while, but I just wanted to show them these songs so I did." She smiles as she looks down at the CD player, fiddling with the earphone cord.

"Only that one person?"

She nodded. "My family knows these songs too..but other than them, only one other person knows."

The boy was curious. "Where are they know?"

She shrugs, not knowing how to answer that question. "Lets get going now, it's nearly time."

As the two get out, Hana slowly smiles at the familiar voice. "I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous. He's been singing for a while." Hana comments quietly as they walk out into the living space. "Yeah it's making me nervous too."

Soon enough they were all in front of the giant egg, huddled up in a group.

"Good luck. Do your best out there." Seon comments, everyone nodding along. "Are you cold noona?" Jungwon asks as he feels the girl shiver beside him. "No I'm just nervous."

A few chuckled and nodded along, saying they were getting goosebumps. They soon left and went into the gate, waiting as it slowly turned around. Hana's hands were resting beside her, slightly shaking as nerves settled in.

She had never been this nervous before. It felt as though if she made one small mistake everyone would've regretted making her a representative.

As the Egg gate slowly closed, she felt a hand wrap around hers, stopping it from shaking.

She looks down at the foreign hand before following the white material, meeting the face of a boy named Lee Heeseung.

She never said anything yet just looked away, keeping her hand still. She slowly felt his fingers slip through in between hers, their fingers interlaced. His thumb rubbed against the skin of her hand, soon squeezing it as if reassuring her she'd be fine.

This action didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone, that certain someone smirking and making a mental note to tell an Aussie boy later on.

As the gate opened the boy had let go of her hand, putting his arms on Geonu's shoulders and patting them as they walked out.

"I saw that."

Hana looked at Jungwon as they walked out, raising a brow at the younger. "Saw what?"

"I would show you by copying it but I don't feel like holding your hand."

She just blinked slowly at him. "You saw that?"

"Of course I did."

"It's weird isn't it?" She whispered back, confused on why the older had done it. "Well considering you two, no."

"I don't know what you're saying but to me it's weird. It was hating me, then just ignoring me, then that." She mumbles, the boy finding the girl oblivious.

"Stop thinking about it now let's go."

After setting up their earpieces and listening to the instructions of the staff, they had started to walk towards the stage. Stepping onto the familiar stage, they walked into a straight line, their expressions serious as they stopped and stood there still.

"GROUNDER's Standby."

Hana held back the biggest urge to look over and smile at them, holding back her hand that just wanted to wave and say hello.

On the other side of the screens, both ILANDERS, GROUNDERS and Judges laughed at the serious expression of Nicholas's face as he stood beside his unit, then laughed harder when the camera switched to a smiling Hana.

The flashing light and alarm started, causing Hana to drop her smile.

'Oh shit it's really happening.'

"The representative unit test that will determine each team's fate will now begin."

"Starting first, is I-LAND's vocal unit. Standby."

Everyone else had walked off to the side of the stage on their seats, Hana attempting to turn and say hi to the grounders but they had already walked away. Heeseung saw and held back a smile, looking away as the girl soon followed her unit.

Hana looked at Geonu and Heeseung on stage before glancing at the GROUNDER's, finding their expressions too intimidating to say hi.

The lighting on the stage changed, and soon enough the music had started.

They all had watched and listened to the softness of their voices, internally melting at the sound.

A certain part of the song when Heeseung had sung with Geonu behind him, an arm each delicately moving up like a wing, Hana was about to tell K how she would pass out happily listening to that part on repeat.

She had nearly said it again when hearing Geonu and Heeseung harmonise.

Soon enough the song had ended and Hana gave them silent finger claps with a large smile. As the two had walked to the ILAND unit, Heeseung's eyes met Hana's. She stood up and gave the two a thumbs up, the two smiling back at her.

While the rest had done whatever bro hug they call it, Hana just stood there and smiled at the two. Geonu had walked over to her and they gave each other a fist bump, something they've been doing randomly lately.

"You guys were really good." She said quietly at the two, hearing Geonu say a small thanks while Heeseung smiled.

They had all sat down again and Hana sat between Geonu and Jungwon in the middle of them all, watching the other side as Sunoo and Daniel had gone onto the stage.

Half way through the performance, she had found herself comparing the two performances. While when Heeseung and Geonu had sung Butterfly, it felt as though one was reminiscing a sad memory, loving someone, yet feeling as though they were loosing them.

During Sunoo and Daniel's performance with save me, she had noticed desperation and vulnerability, a cry for help to anyone who was out there, especially a certain someone.

She couldn't tell which performance, which vocals, and which emotion would be that push to make a unit win.

Geonu and Heeseung stood up to walk onto the stage again, standing side by side as the two units waited for their scores. Everyone's eyes were trained onto the blank circles on the screen behind them, waiting for it to be filled by a score.

"In a moment, the results of the vocal performances will be announced."

Hana knew by the end of this show she would've grown a hatred for that voice.

As they waited, near silent cries could be heard. Hana looked over to the other side and saw Daniel's head in his hands as he tries to wipe his tears.

'He's so young.. he did so well he should be proud..'

She regretted not saying anything to comfort him.

"Now, the results of the vocal performances will be announced."

Everyone watched the numbers increase behind them, waiting for it to stop.

When it did, only one had.

They all stared at the score of '81' on the ILANDER's side, watching the other side's numbers still continuously change.

Hana's heart felt like exploding, she swear it has been 3 hours already.

A sudden noise was heard and then sighs of relieve from those beside her, her eyes landing on the GROUNDER's score, 74.

They all had walked onto the stage and congratulated the unit, also hugging the others. Hana went for a side hug when greeting Daniel, watching the boy cry. "Damn why are you so tall aren't you 4 years younger than me." She scoffs with a smile, the boy smiling and chuckling at her remark.

"Don't cry. You did really well." She hugs him again, the taller, yet younger, nodding at her words.

Everyone soon went back to their seats and Hana stretched her arms and legs while sitting down, feeling a weird sensation in her stomach from the nerves.

"You guys all sure you can do the ending pose right?" Hana suddenly asks, everyone turning to her with a nod. "If you don't feel confident we can do our plan B. One thing wrong and we can all get hurt."

The three boys had stared at Hana, thinking about her remark. "We practiced a lot. We can do it." K says, the two other boys nodding.

"Okay if I drop dead let me drop dead."

They chuckle at her statement, watching her nerves grow.

"Next is the GROUNDER's dance performance stage. GROUNDER's, standby."

Hana watched the group get into their positions, noticing something off.

"Centre move to the right a bit!" She basically whisper yelled, watching them move over a bit.

To say most of both teams were shocked at her aid was an understatement. Yet even with that shock, none of them said anything.

Let's just say Hana grew even more nervous as she watched their performance. Half way through, the song she choreographed to came first before moving onto the song K choreographed to.

Mystery songs must've been switched for each group.

At the end, the three carried Ni-Ki and brought them to the side where the ILANDER's were, waving as Geonu got up to give the younger a high five, laughs erupting all around.

"Next is the ILANDER's, dance performance stage."

The unit stood up and walked over to the stage, trying to shake their nerves away while getting into their first position.

"ILANDER's, Standby."

β€” travelling to AN β€”

(I can not be bothered writing the performance, so here you can watch.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This but obviously with 4 people- Right after that "get out-" the next song starts.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That part at the end where they like sway side to side, instead that's where they all walk into the ending pose.

IM CRYING I STOLE THIS PIC AND HANA IS SITTING ON K'S SHOULDER LIKE THAT, but leans BACK, Sunghoon holding her hand and leaning to the side as if in a side lunge but also kinda leaning back, the OTHER way; so there's a balance, and Jungwon sliding across (while they get into that lift) and then posing near Hana on the side.

β€” Back to real life β€”

The music stops and they all stand still, soon hearing some cheers. Sunghoon pulls Hana's hand so she's up right, the two up straight.

Hana turns and K holds her body, the girl sliding down and going back onto the floor. "Oh my god we didn't die." She whispers, the three contestants beside her holding back a laugh.

The dance unit all stood on the ILAND side as the GROUND unit stepped back onto the stage, staring at the screen in front of them that showed the scores.

"This is the final score including the dance representative test."

Hana closed her eyes. She felt as though she's been standing there for 2 years growing a long white Santa clause beard while waiting.

Her eyes then suddenly snapped open.


She quickly did the math and glanced at her teammates. "We got 73."

Considering how it was one point lower than the GROUND vocal unit, it caused some worry.

They all stared at the screen, waiting for the GROUND's score.


Hana's eyes widen.

'65?'Β  She thought, more surprised at how the gap widened between the scores than actually wining.

"Wait we won."

Screams were heard, especially from Heeseung as the whole unit gathered in a group hug, jumping around and congratulating each other.

"The ILAND team won, so there will be no eliminations. Consequently, none will be moving up as well."

Even tho Hana was happy, she did feel bad for those who didn't have a chance to come up to ILAND.

"The next test will be announced in 2 hours."

"Oh wow already! How fun." Hana says sarcastically, only loud enough for the group around her to hear. They all laughed at her sarcasm, Sunghoon patting her head.

"Both teams should now return to your place."

They let go of their hug and turned towards the other team, walking towards them. They all hugged and comforted each other, already feeling sad about saying goodbye again.

Soon enough, the ILANDER's walked back into the egg, cheering, but Geonu had quieted them down.

"Should we hide or something?"

K then instructed everyone to turn around, putting an arm up and pointing to themselves.

When the gate turned the full way, they turned to see the ILANDER's, watching them count down before doing the starting choreography of K's part.

They all ran to each other like a bunch of baboons. Jay, Jake and EJ attempted to do that lift at the end of Hana's choreography, but ultimately failed and fell half way, standing back up just to jump on other people.

Hana bursts out into laughter when watching Jay pick Sunghoon up bridal style and run around with him.

For a long time in a while, Hana felt a happiness that hadn't visited in a long time.


"Why are you in my room?"

Hana stood beside Jay's bed, staring down at him.

"Fine I'll leave then." She scoffs at Jay, turning to walk away. "Aye aye ayeee I was joking." He chuckles, sitting up and pulling her back by the waist.

She felt back onto the bed beside him and he removed his arms, placing them behind his head. The girl just laid down beside him, staring up at the ceiling.

"So.. why are you here?" Jay asked as the girl was silent. "Jungwon's sleeping on my bed I don't want to disturb him." Hana replies back, hearing footsteps walk into the room.

She glanced at the door and saw Heeseung walk in, looking at the two before falling onto his own bed.



"I was listening to my CD earlier.."

"The one you never let me listen to?"

"Yeah that one."

Jay rolls his eyes playfully, a smile on his lips as he waits for her to continue. "Well I uh, kinda let Sunghoon listen to a bit as I felt mean if I said no."

Jay sits up. "Oh so you don't feel mean when it's me?"

"Well that's because I find it fun jokingly bullying you, you do the same to me don't lie."

He couldn't even argue back.

"Anyways... it got me thinking about him."

"Thinking about Sunghoon?"

Heeseung glanced over at the two, watching the girl scoff. "No not Sunghoon. About him."

"Who's him."

She nearly sits up and punches the dude, watching him laugh and hold his arms up. "Then when you leave this place, talk to him."


"Why not? You literally gave him a CD of all the songs you've written as if it was a love letter."

She sits up and scoffs at the boy. "It was not a love letter. It was a 'oh sorry I have been ignoring you for the last couple years. This is an 'I'm still alive and care about you. Hope you're well. Here's something only my family and you know' and so on."

Jay raises a brow.

"Sounds like a love letter."

She takes the pillow behind her and hits the boy in the chest and face. "OKAY OKAY IT WASN'T!"

Heeseung listens to their conversation but goes onto an IPAD, pretending to do something else.

"So, why are you suddenly telling me this?"

Hana leans back on the headboard and shrugs. "What do you think he's doing now?"

"I don't know. Give me a name and I'll do a psychic reading."

She nudges his shoulder, scoffing at his humour. "No but seriously... what could he be doing.."

Hana just sat there, trying to think. "What were his hobbies?"

"I have no clue. At one point everytime I talked to him when he called my brother, he didn't say much and kinda just, left."

She suddenly gasps.

"What what what?"

"Maybe he really really

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