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Hehehee I was gonna update like 9 hours ago but didn't on purpose hehe



Hana looks over to the door, her hands on her knees as she's trying to catch her breath. "Yes sir?" She stands up straight, looking at the doctor. "Can you meet me in the medical room please?" He smiles before leaving, the girl nodding.

The exhausted boys around her look over confused, watching the girl tilt her head in confusion before leaving.

"Another benefit huh?"

Anyone could guess who said that line.

The girl had walked to the medical room and went through the open door, closing it behind her.

She widens her eyes at the syringe the doctor held.

"Is it time already..?" The girl questions, the doctor nodding. She walks over and sits on the patient chair, rolling up the sleeve that reached her just above her elbow.

She pulled it up her shoulder and sat there calmly. "You've relaxed your arm?"

She nods.

"Okay I'm doing it."

He uses his fingers to pinch her skin, squeezing gently before pushing the needle in. She feels the prick but doesn't react, feeling the doctor soon retract the needle.

"All done.. it'll work in a day or two, but later on it'll be very light."

Hana nods, watching the doctor press a cotton on her arm before ripping some medical tape to hold it in place. She pulls her sleeve down and jumps off. "That's all right?"

He nods.

"If you feel too sick or dizzy later on, tell me okay?"

She nods. "Thank you."

When leaving the room she's met with, Pdogg, Son Sung Deuk, and ZICO walking into the practice room.

She quickly walks in behind them and bows multiple times while walking to the other contestants. A lot of hello's and gasps are heard while watching the three.

"I'm producer ZICO, and I'm here for I-LAND's midpoint evaluation."

"I am the performance director, Son Sung Deuk."

"I'm Pdogg, and I'm looking forward to it."

All of their hearts were beating faster as their nerves settled in.

"The new ILANDER's.." ZICO starts off, the 6 new ilanders raising their hands. "How are you guys doing? Are you guys adjusting well?"

A chorus of "yes" and similar responses were made.


"Yes." He immediately replies to ZICO, Hana turning her head to the younger boy. "How is it?" ZICO suddenly asks him personally.

"Ah yes it's well.. there was some friction at first.."

"There was friction?"

Sunoo had a face of shock as the contestants start laughing, Hana smiling at the boy's expression. "Maybe not friction, but we were all having some difficulty adjusting, so that took us some time, but we got through it well." Sunoo rewords his thoughts with a smile.

"Would you say practicing and the teamwork is going well?"

If Hana wasn't as nervous as she was then she'd start sarcastically laughing. "In order not to get the same result as last time, there are some things that everybody has to work on." ZICO continues after Son Sung Deuk.

"Let's see it now."

The contestants slowly get into position. "Are you going up?"

Hana turns her head towards Geonu. "No." Heeseung answers him, causing the girl to nearly groan.

We're gonna get scolded for that.

Fire started and they did the choreography as usual, at one point Hana and Heeseung doing their part, and she internally cringed at how Heeseung looked uninterested in dancing with her.

She also internally cringed at how his lift and pyramid wasn't done.

She couldn't even look at the three faces watching them, scared of their reaction.

A chorus of "Thank you's" are heard as the song finishes, Hana glancing at the judge's disappointed faces.


'Oh lord.' Hana thought, already terrified.

"Uh.. I think that was the worst of the worst, seriously." Son Sung Deuk comments honestly. "I don't know what you guys just did. The lines aren't in sync, the moves aren't in sync. I really want to know... the moves where you climb up and those collaboration moves, why didn't you do them?" Son Sung Deuk asks, the disappointment still so evident in his features and expression.

Everyone glanced towards Heeseung or kept their head down. "It is important that we fit together as a whole, but in some ways,"

'Don't say it, don't say it.' Hana closes her eyes.

"The individual scores get averaged, and that becomes the team score. So we've been practicing with focus on our personal skills."

Hana holds back from sighing at his words. 'Mans just said we've intentionally ignored the whole vision, theme and challenge of this test called teamwork.'

Son Sung Deuk puts his clipboard in front of his face to hide his frustrated expression.

"That big collaborative, teamwork is the theme of this stage, and it's something we were expecting to see, but we didn't see it at all." He comments before Zico starts to give advice.

"Individual work is important, but that exists only because the group exists. If each individual strives to be more perfect, then the group can also be perfect."

All of the ilanders nod at his advice. Hana glanced at Heeseung, feeling sorry as he knew the boy would be blaming himself right now.

"Also.. is there something going on between the two of you? Heeseung and Hana?" Pdogg suddenly asks, the two of them looking confused.

"What?" Zico chuckles nervously at Pdogg's words. "No not that way, there's a weird.. tension. Did you two have an argument or something?" He adds, waiting for their response.

The two look at each other panicked. "I think we just haven't found our common ground yet." Hana answers when seeing Heeseung not say anything, the boy nodding.

"And why not? You two are part one and part two, Heeseung you look scared to touch her. And Hana." Son Sung Deuk comments, staring at Hana.

"Please remove the tape after I'm gone. We've all discussed that if anything happens we'll release a statement as to why, remember?"

The girls heart drops, but she nods nevertheless.

"Wait, here."

He stands up and walks towards the small bin, picking it up and walking towards her.

The girl looks down at the medical tape before slowly peeling it off at an angle where for now, no one else could see.

"Oh yeah, I have some myself too, don't worry about others okay?" ZICO suddenly comments, the boys frowning at his words.

She puts the tape in the bin and nods, Son Sung Deuk walking away to put the bin back.

She puts her wrist against her side, hiding the tattoo subtly. Zico and Pdogg notice but don't say much.

"That's all we have for today."

Everyone bows and thanks the three as they leave, a silence going over them. Hana looks down at her wrist before silently sighing, relaxing her arm.

They catch a sight of her wrist, but don't say anything. "Let's all cheer up." Seon claps, walking around the room.

"We should all sit down and talk too." Seon adds, sitting down on the floor and everyone following, creating a circle.

They go silent for another 2 minutes, Hana taking a leap of faith after seeing everyones hesitance.

"Can I say something?"

They all glanced at Hana, waiting for her to continue. "I don't see us as a team right now. I see us as 13 people in a room, trying to reach one goal but failing miserably as we can't trust nor understand each other."

They stay silent. "I think tha-."

"You think what?" Geonu cuts her off. "You're the main problem, don't tell us what we should do." They all glance at Geonu after his words. "I'm just trying to say.." she stops herself as she loses her own confidence.

"Say what, spit it out we can't wait for you every time."

She loses even more of her confidence. "Is it really that hard to become comfortable with me here?"

The room stays silent. Sunghoon sits there and bites his own lip, wanting to know the answers of the others. "I know.. I know that you guys feel uncomfortable around me."

"Oh so you have eyes."

"Yeah Geonu I also have ears and it's hard to not listen when it's said to your face." She snaps back, wide eyes turning towards her. "Then fix your problem. It's been said to you, well done to whoever did gods deed. But are you just gonna stay the same?"

"Hyung I think that's too much." Jungwon comments, but is quickly shut down.

"Too much? We have to fix a problem we can't walk on stepping stones around her."

"Don't. I never asked you to. It's easy for you guys to say whatever you want to when I'm not around, when you're eating without me or when I'm sleeping." She starts off, a couple contestants in the room feeling their stomachs drop.

"So say it to me please. I'm trying my best to make us a team."

"We can't be a team if we aren't treated equal. You can't get all the benefits while we don't."

Hana's memory goes back to yesterday.

'It was his voice yesterday.'

'But who told him?'

Her eyes slowly drift towards Heeseung, letting out a silent breath that was close to a scoff. "Benefits. This is what this is about? What benefits exactly am I getting?" Hana tilts her head at them, ignoring the pain in her stomach.

"He told us that you get your own chosen meals, you get to call your family. The fact that you're even a girl is one."

"Being a girl? Is a benefit?" She asks stunned at Jaebeom's sudden words. "Guys I don't think we should argue." Sunoo tries to say something but no one listens.

"Wow, is it this different in South Korea compared to where I'm from?" Hana suddenly asks. "I'm not sure how it's like here I guess but I never remembered that being called and seen as a whore was a benefit." She smiles sarcastically.

"No one called you that don't put words into our-."

"Nah nah don't worry, I know. I only just simplified what was being said. I can assure you I know my place now."

Geonu rolls his eyes. "Instead of trying to guilt trip us, tell us why you get the menu customised to your liking. Why the staff call you so much, you visiting the medical room, and earlier with the doctor. And even earlier Sunoo had hugged you like that, something he never does, weren't you so happy huh."

Sunoo frowns at the suddenly mention of his name and the ridiculous misunderstanding. "What?"

"So.. now you're asking why I go to the medical room. All those times I went purely because of headaches."

"And today?"

She lets out a breath. She puts her sleeve up and shows the cotton and tape on her arm. She pulls it off, the guys seeing a small blood patch on the white cotton.


"And what type of benefit is that?" 

She chuckles, but not in a way that showed Joy, but more annoyance.

"Because simple oral contraceptive tablets don't work on my body, I have to get an injection every three months so I can live properly without my stupid bleeding uterus and endometriosis putting me in hospital. And earlier Sunoo was kind enough to cover up for me as I had a small accident, you can put two and two together to understand."

"And now she's victimising herself."

Hana blinks slowly at Seon's sudden words. "Yes because my 'victim mentality' benefits me so much! Because talking about my problems after you try and force an answer out of me is an action of victimising one self. Since you noticed, you must be such an expert." She smiles sarcastically.

"Why the attitude?"

Sunoo looked over at Geonu like he was an idiot from his words. "You just attacked her hyung and asked why he has an attitude? In my eyes she's being nice right now." He speaks up, Geonu frowning at Sunoo.

"Why are you defending her?"

"And why can't he hyung?" Jungwon speaks up too. "You do know that just because we share the same gender doesn't mean we have the same views as you." Sunghoon adds.

Hana suddenly felt bad.

She didn't want them to start arguing amongst themselves because of her.

"I think we're acting immaturely. Instead of coming together and trying to work together, we've put a blame on someone instead of admitting to our own ignorant actions."

Everyone looks at K, not daring to speak back as he was the eldest, and not to mention he was right.

"Oh look my name is on your wrist!"

Everyone glances at Hana's wrist as Taki speaks up. "Is that your boyfriends name or something? Or an ex?" Seon laughs, Geonu and some of the new ilanders holding back their own laugh.

"Jaebeom hyung, Taeyong and Yoonwon ah, why are you laughing at a dry joke against her?"

It became hard for Jungwon to hold back his laugh from Sunoo's words. "Hana used up her own eating time and energy to learn our parts and teach them to us. I've never seen people so ungrateful before."

"Still that tattoo-."

"Can we stop talking about a tattoo that doesn't concern or affect us?"

No one expected that line to come out of Heeseung's mouth.

Hana looked down at the name on her wrist.


The door to the room opens and she looks up at the staff. "Hana we need you.." the staff says, Hana looking up at her. "Wow look guys it's my benefit!" She forces a smile and claps her hands together.

"And don't worry about me, even though I know you aren't. Just try and be a team without me I'll change my spot to number 13 or whatever you want me to be. I'll stay in the back and act like we're all a happy family. Problem solved? Because I'm very sorry but I don't know how to change my gender overnight. Bye!" She waves, skipping over to the door. Once closing it her smile drops and she stops herself from rolling her eyes.

"They remind me why I intentionally say "ew men" at random times." She mumbles to herself, causing the staff to giggle. "Don't worry about them. Don't dismiss their behaviour, just don't think about it because they're wrong." She says as they start to walk away.

"Also why'd you say it was your 'benefit' or whatever. We said we'd call you in to clear things up for fans." She says and Hana just shrugs. "To annoy them."

The staff smiles and leader her into the room.

Y'all WERE SO FUNNY CHAPTER 16 😭 I asked what y'all thought the name was and it was all "I'm too dumb." "I don't have any brain cells." And shit like that


so if you're confused on the hint, when jungwon saw the tattoo at first, he didn't know who it was but he suddenly mentioned that Ni-Ki's name was Riki, and she was shocked.

So yh ❤️❤️



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