F O U R T Y • F I V E

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There's some spiciness then a gasp so hold onto your horses y'all.

"Today marks the date of her bestfriend's death. The death hundreds blamed her for."

The boy's eyes immediately widened. "What?"

"She did nothing wrong but heaps blame her. Her bestfriends whole family still blames her too. She blames herself. So today any single thing that would've happened, like for example you simply not wanting to talk will make her blame herself thinking she's done something wrong. Normally, she'll push it away and think about it later but with everything today she'll cry, I know she will."

Sunghoon looks down at the ground, his fists slightly clenched. "She.. she was crying earlier. Saying it was her fault.. I thought she was talking about me I-."

"Look she probably was, but behind the reason of her emotions weren't you, it's just that.. you triggered it."

Jay didn't know how to word it any other way. "It's not your fault I know, sorry for lashing out at you I'm just worried." Jay sighs, walking out of the room to peak into the hallway but finds no one.

"I'll help you find her."

The two went around the buildings, calling, shouting, asking around for Hana, but no one knew where she had been.

Soon enough all 6 boys searched for her, but they had found nothing.

"She's not picking up. I asked my parents she's not picking up their calls either. She's not in this building." Heeseung says, looking down at his phone.


Everyone looks at him but he looks straight at Jay. "Today.. it's today isn't it.." Heeseung asks him, the boy slowly nodding.

"Today is what?" Jake asks, looking around. "Obviously the bestie and childhood bestie know but we're a little clueless here hyungs." Jungwon says, looking at the two of them.

Jay looks at Heeseung and Sunghoon. "Wait does sunghoon know?" Jake asks, the boy slowly nodding.

'So the bestie, lead and second lead know but not me???' Jungwon thinks to himself, looking at Jay.

"Someone.. someone she was very close to died this day a couple years ago in high school. It was a death out of her control completely but she got blamed for it. Others blame her, she blames herself too."

"How'd she get blamed for something out of her control?"

That's when the two who knew stayed silent. "Don't worry. What you need to know is that Noona blames herself for it too, right? So don't be obvious about it that you now know, we just need to make sure she's okay." Jungwon speaks up after analysing the situation, K looking down at him with a smile.

"He read my mind so let's just go find her for a bit longer okay?" K says, the rest nodding.


"What are we going to do?"

"I think we have to tell someone.. what if something happened?"

"Maybe we should tell Dr Choi.."

"Tell Dr Choi what?"

The 6 boys in their room turn towards the open door, seeing a girl slightly sniffle while looking at them confused.

The girl stood even more confused when one of them immediately went to her, wrapping their arms around her body. She widens her eyes slightly as Heeseung hugs her tighter, looking around the room.


"Where were you?" Jay asks, Hana raising a brow. As she doesn't answer she only gets more confused as it now turns into a big group hug.

"Guys I literally went to the shops?"

That doesn't stop the group hug. "I would say I was worried because I was noona but ain't no way you hearing me say that." Jungwon indirectly tells her, the boys laughing at his sudden confession.

"You sure you're okay?" Jay asks when they all pull away, the girl nodding. "Yeah just turned off my phone and walked around a bit. I ended up at the shops and got these."

She brought out random snacks, and these black bracelets.

(Smth like this but with a charm of two hands held in the middle)

"Oh don't these bracelets go to some cause or something?" K asks, remembering seeing these on tv. "Yeah to children in poverty." Sunghoon responds, also recognising it.

Hana never responded yet gave each of them one.

"Uh.. the thing is." She said, holding up the next plastic bag.

Jay burst out into laughter at the bag full of black bracelets, knowing she would do this. "You got us worried while you were spending all your money on little black bracelets?"

"Yah I didn't need the money anyways it was just lying there.. what else should I use my birthday money on? Rent?"

"Oh yeah what happened to your apartment?"

"Oh I didn't tell you. I just got a roommate right before and told her everything and basically she just pays for the apartment by herself like I did until after iland."


They didn't know what to say at the very random information.

"Anyways take extra's for family members." She puts the bag open, all of them taking whatever amount for how many were in their family.

"My family isn't even in Korea."

Hana looks at Jake. "Just take it anyways." She chuckles, giving him an extra one. "Okay then.."

She takes out specifically 17 other bracelets and puts them on the small table in their room. "What's that for noona?"

"Oh.. for the other contestants."

As they count the number of bracelets Jay immediately takes one and puts it back in the bag. "Did I count wrong?"

She counts again and frowns. "No.." she puts the bracelet back. "You're gonna give a man who nearly-."

"Yes Jay at least a man like him can somehow show support to children in poverty." She mumbles, eyeing Jay. "If I come back and there's 16 im blaming you."

"What if I just randomly took one?" Jake says, taking one of them. "Then I'll put another down." She says, putting another down.

He just sighs and gives it to Jungwon, jungwon giving the bracelet to K. "Okay now bye."

"Where are you going?" Heeseung asks, the girl just looking at all of them. "Uh giving some out to the staff.." she mumbles, Jay raising a brow. "That better be all."

"What else would I be doing with this?" She holds the bag up. "Mhmmmkay."

She raises a brow yet leaves the room. "Even if all she did was go shopping I'm still kinda worried." Heeseung states, everyone agreeing with him. "Did she buy these out of guilt because she blames herself?"

Jay shakes his head from Jake's comment. "No she's been doing this for ages. When I first met she gave me a ring that goes towards saving the Great Barrier Reef or something and then this necklace that goes towards awareness and stopping domestic violence and then another bracelet that it's donations go towards getting more ventilators in Australia because of covid?"

All but one stands there stunned. "Oh yeah when she came to visit when we were younger she gave me like 6 different ones for 6 different things. Each one of my family members have it and every time she shipped stuff over for birthdays she included it on the side."

"Oh.. so this is normal for her?" Sunghoon asks, the two nodding. "To be honest, not surprised she seems like the type of woman to fight for the rights or awareness of so many things."

"Yeah the amount of late night convo's I've had with her ranting about these things." Jay chuckles, frowning when seeing Sunghoon walk out of the room without telling anyone a reason why.

"Where is he going?" K asks, but no one answers. "Let's see-."

"Wait hyung, just leave him. He must've not said for a reason." Jay holds Heeseung back,  hoping the boy left to apologise.


"There's more information on this.." Hana smiles, taking something out of her pocket. "Here." She hands them a small paper.

"I hope you like them." She smiles, bowing her head down before turning around and leaving the staff room with a couple more bracelets left in her bag.

While looking down in her bag, she bumps into someone and let's out a small scream.

"Oh fuck you scared me."

As Hana turns to Sunghoon, her eyes widen. "Oh.. sorry." She chuckles awkwardly, opening her mouth to say something but stops. She just smiles while closing her mouth and turns away, taking a step forward to continue her journey.

'He doesn't want to talk to you, remember?'

As she walks down the hall away from him, she turns into the resting room and takes her large coat off, placing it down on the couch. She empties her bag onto the table and starts to count the bracelets left. While counting she stops in slight confusion when hearing the door open and her named being called.

"Hana.. can we talk?"

She frowns even more and turns around, facing a certain ice skater she thought didn't want to talk to her. "Uhm.. sure. What is it about?"

She just watches as the boy walks towards her, surprising her even more when he hugs her. Her arms stay by her side awkwardly and confused, soon slowly pulling them up to hug him back.

"I'm sorry."

She just looks at the floor as he says those words, their bodies so close that she feels his heartbeat against hers, feeling his get faster. "What for?" She asks, genuinely confused.

'I'm the one that has to apologise.'

As he pulls back, the girl immediately starts to speak. "I'm sorry for what I did. I still don't know what it is but whatever I've done I'm sorry S-."

"You never did anything wrong Hana."

The girl looks up at him and frowns. "Oh.. then am I just not that fun to be arou-."

Sunghoon chuckles and shakes his head. "I like your company."

"Well- I'm having a hard time believing that." She chuckles, not sure on what to be feeling right now. "There are.. other reasons as to why I've been.. avoiding you lately. None of which are your fault."

Hana frowns even more, getting curious.

"So.. what are those reasons?"

Sunghoon just stands there. "Uhh.... I'll tell you another time. Whether that's later today, tomorrow, next week, next month or year, some day?. Is it okay if I just think about it alone before telling you why?"

Hana looks up at the boy and nods with a smile. "You don't ever need to tell me if you aren't comfortable. I'm just happy to know I didn't do anything to hurt you."

Sunghoon gives her a smile that shows his teeth, shaking his head at the girl.

"You never did so don't worry."


2 days until ILAND part 2.

"YAH PARK JONGSEONG!!" Hana shouts, rolling around the floor again and whining. "You scared me oh my god." Jay holds his chest, walking over to the girl. "What."

She immediately sits up. "Yah you're my bestfriend your duty is to make sure I'm not embarrassing myself."

Jay raises a brow. "Yeah and?"

She points to the iPad that showed an iland episode of her reacting to Australian news then getting scared by most of the ILANDER's watching her.

"Oh that was funny."

"NO??? It was cringey oh my god Jay-ahhhh."

She lays back down and starts to whine like a baby. "What.. it's literally just your own personality."

"EXACTLY??" She sits back up and starts to groan. "This personality trait should be kept hidden."

"What? The you have too much energy in your body so you speak louder without realising and say random shit also without realising then get super embarrassed when realising?"

"YES EXACTL- that was too specific." She grumbles at the end, slightly glaring at the boy. "My own self is giving me 'I'm not like other girls Joshua, I'm one of the boys that's also so quirky oh my god I say fairy bread at the beach when scared' LIKE WHAT???"

Jay just bursts into laughter, a confused Jake coming into the room. "What are you two laughing about?"

Hana just groans and lays back down on the floor. "That's it, I can't even finish the second episode of ILAND I'm never watching this again." She turns the iPad off and passes it to Jay. "Thanks.. now will screen record it."

He suddenly runs out of the room and Hana gets up too, running to the door but stopping. "Yah Jay.. I'm not bothered for this please." She whines but all the boy does is poke his tongue out.


She runs back into the room, the boy also running back scared only to see the girl laying down on the floor again rolling around.

"What.. are you doing?"

Heeseung walks in the room and is also confused by the sight. "I heard shouting."

They just watch as she rolls around and ends up lying on her stomach. Jay stares for a little longer before sighing. "You're having period cramps aren't you?"

"Yeah no shit why else would I be laying on the floor for no reason."

"I never knew there was any reason to lay on the floor randomly.." Jake comments, the girl frowning at him.

"Shh.. go have that conversation with my uterus not me."

The three just chuckle at the girl, still watching her roll around the floor. "Sure you don't want a heat pack?"

"Naaaahhhhh it'll be over soon it's a breakthrough period hopefully it'll end tomorrow."

Jake frowns. "What does that mean?" He looks at both Heeseung and Jay. "Remember in iland she got that injection to stop periods? Yeah just sometimes her period will break through it that's all." Jay explains, Jake nodding along.

Heeseung then leaves the room.

"Why'd he even come in here? Added no lines to this situation." Hana sighs, rolling around again. "Yeah I only came here to get my jacket so..."

Jake gets his jacket and waves as he leaves. "Yah you better not leave me alone."

"If you remember I was practicing by myself before you came in so.." he says, going back to put the music on.

Hana just shuffles over to the side and watches Jay through the mirror as he practices. Soon enough the girl hears footsteps and looks at the door through the mirror, seeing Heeseung walk back in.

She doesn't say anything yet watches as he comes in and kneels behind her, putting his arm forward and pressing something warm against her stomach.

He then places a water bottle and some painkillers beside her head. "This is what Jihoon does for his girlfriend when she's on hers.." he mumbles, catching both Jay and Hana off guard.

Jay holds back a laugh and looks away to not show how wide his eyes were, Hana quickly hiding her shocked expression by nodding.

"Thank you.."

Jay couldn't hold it anymore. "Y-Yah does that mean you're treating her as if she were your girlfriend?"

The two watch Heeseung's ears turn red. "I-I need to call my mum." Is all he says while walking to the other side of the room, immediately calling his mother so they couldn't interrupt.

The two bestfriends just look at each other with a slight smug expression while holding back a laugh before looking at the older talking to his mother.

"At least say these things when I'm not around." Jay chuckles, Hana taking her slides half off and kicking it at the boy, the slide hitting his leg lightly.


"I thought you were practicing."

The boy just glares playfully before actually practicing.

Later on

"Heyyy don't leave me alone." Hana groans at Jay, holding onto his hand as he tries to leave the room. Jay just looks at the girl on the ground that he had just dragged from one side of the room to the other, and not by choice.

"Yah I need to go piss and Heeseungie Hyung is right there."

She immediately lets go when he says where he needs to go, rolling around on the ground. "Go, you can never hold it."


"GO OR YOU'RE GONNA PISS YOUR PANTS!" She shouts in Japanese, closing her eyes and rolling around the ground again.

The boy just leaves while shaking his head, Heeseung watching the girl roll around randomly. "Do you still have cramps?"

"No they ended 5 minutes ago it's just comfortable here im scared if I get up it'll hurt again."

Heeseung nods, watching the girl roll around and lay on her stomach, leaning on her elbows as she looked at him. "By the way you're very comfortable talking about.. your periods and stuff."

Hana raises a brow. "I mean before it was kinda weird until it was basically forced out of me, but now since I know who you are and like.. everyone else is chill I don't really care anymore. Like I'm a girl am I not supposed to get it?"

Heeseung just nods. "Nah I'm glad you're comfortable though. It'll be weird spending this much time with so many guys and not being comfortable in normal stuff. That'll just be hard."

"Exactly! You're getting smarter Heeseung-shi."

He nods with a smile before frowning. "Eh?"

"Heeseung oppa?? Heeseung hyung??? Heeseung?? Heeseung-ah. Yah."

"Yah??" He raises a brow slightly offended. "Last time I checked I was older than-."

"Yah, come here."

She uses her pointer finger to call him over and his jaw drops. "You did not."

"Sorry dude but this isn't disrespectful in Australia. Cant change my roots."

"Weren't you born in Japan then raised here for a bit?"

"Shhhh, Heeseung Heeseung Heeseung Yah Yah Yaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-."

She cuts herself off as she's met with Heeseung's face hovering over hers. "Aw cute little baby." She smiles as he's upside down for her, tapping his nose lightly.

"Y-yah.. cute? Little baby?"

She just smiles and slides away before sitting up. "Yes."

She stands up and turns around to him, watching him also stand up. "Like a little toddler on a swing oh so cute like those little reindeers."

At this point he knew she was saying those words just for fun. She knew he found it slightly annoying when people called him cute like a baby.

"Like a tiny baby goo goo ga ga."

Memories of their childhood resurface with those words, remembering how she'd always say them at the playground when he'd try to act like a tough boy.

She see's his slight taken aback smirk while poking his tongue into his cheek.

"Oh shit."

She turns around to try and run away but ends up getting pulled back from one hand by the waist. What took her by surprise was the sudden action that made her back hit the wall.

She looks up wide eyed at Heeseung as he looks down at her. "Oh now you're silent? C'mon, say it again."

She just stood there, not knowing what to say.

"Hm? I can't really hear you?" He tilts his head, a small smirk playing on his lips as he acts confused. He leans down and

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