A/N: dedicated to the lovely ificouldflywithniall for the votes :)
i have one question before you start reading. which cover would you prefer on the top/side? if you like the left one just say left, if you like right say right. i know they're both kind of bland and boring, but an opinion would really help. x
When I helped Harry inside my flat, I brought him over to the couch nearby and he sat down. He still had tears falling down his face, his body shaking as he sniffled.
The sight was heartbreaking, but I didn't know what to do. So I got two blankets and some pillows, bringing them out to the couch where the boy was sitting. I smiled lightly as he cuddled up into one of them, and I grabbed the other one and went to the opposite end of the couch.
I picked up the remote and glanced over at Harry who wasn't crying any longer, "What do you want to do?" I curiously asked.
"Whatever you want to do, I don't mind." He replied meekly, playing with the blanket between his thumb and forefinger.
I turned on the tv and went to the channel where you rent films, "Want to watch a film?" My eyes flicked towards Harry to see him already looking at me, a usual frown between his brows. His features softened though, and he nodded.
"Any film in particular?" I flipped through the column that had different movie genres, not knowing exactly what kind of film he liked.
He shrugged, "Uh, a comedy or horror film, I guess? I don't know much films, I only remember a few from my childhood." Harry admitted, embarrassed.
He fidgeted awkwardly as I thought about what to put on, and so I decided to pick a comedy to lighten the mood. Once we agreed on a film on which we both never seen, I paused it at the beginning and got up. "Would you like a drink? I have Pepsi, water, eh-some beer, and orange juice," I told the boy, remember what I bought recently.
"Just water, please." He gave me a small shy smile, and I nodded before going to the kitchen. I stuck a bag of popcorn in the microwave and opened my fridge to see the things I needed, where I pulled out a bottle of water for Harry and a can of beer for myself.
I knew that one beer wouldn't effect me much at all, and I wasn't planning on having anymore. When the popcorn was done, I poured it into a large plastic bowl and struggled as I lifted up all three things.
My hands struggled to carry it all, but thankfully I got ahold of the popcorn and water in one palm, other holding my drink.
I brought the popcorn and drinks out and passed one to Harry in which he thanked me. I then placed the popcorn bowl between us and got comfortable again, opening my beer and taking a sip before placing in onto the table.
I was watching the movie for about twenty minutes, when I noticed how quiet it was. I took a look over at Harry and was surprised when he was asleep, the boy cuddled up into the blankets with a relaxed expression.
I decided that maybe I should leave him be and not wake him up, where I could bring him to the spare room.
I shut off the television and turned on a lamp. I then fixed the blanket so it was covering him all and bit my lip as I glanced over his sleeping figure, and after a few seconds I turned around and went to my bedroom.
When I was in bed, I shut my eyes and found myself not getting much sleep at all that night. Because so many things were on my mind, and I couldn't get them to go away.
The next morning came slowly, and I realized I only got one hour of sleep when I woke up, the clock telling me it was eight in the morning.
I ended up falling asleep after hours of trying to get some rest, and that was at seven. I stretched and figured that I should probably get up, 'cause me trying to get back to sleep would be near impossible.
I stood up and groaned, letting out a yawn before exiting my room. The flat was silent, so I figured Harry was still asleep and made my way down the hall and into my kitchen. Not bothering to see if the boy was indeed asleep or not.
I brought out some eggs and butter from the fridge, and then got bacon and bread. I started the food and cooked breakfast for two, getting plates once finished.
It wasn't much but it would do. I put an equal amount on both of the porcelain plates and poured up two glasses of orange juice, carefully trying to carry out all two glasses and plates.
Which wasn't easy so I just decided to bring out Harry's breakfast and juice first.
"Hey Harry, I know it's-" I paused and froze mid sentence when my eyes landed on the couch, and he wasn't there. I scanned the room and placed the food and drink on the coffee table, resting my hand on my hip once done.
My face scrunched up as I noticed he was nowhere to be seen. "Harry?" I questioned out loud, completely lost as to where he could be.
I checked the bathroom that wasn't connected to my room and then even checked my own bedroom and bathroom.
I gave up and exhaled loudly when I didn't find him, figuring that he probably just went home. Or to the forest, cabin, shack, whatever you'd like to call that place where he stays.
Without Harry around, I had no one to talk too, and I couldn't think of much to do so I just relaxed and watched some television for a bit. Work didn't start for another hour anyways.
I picked a random show and watched an episode of it, and by the time it was over I realized I had exactly an hour until I had to leave.
I got a quick shower and pulled on a tanktop and jeans afterwards, letting my hair dry in it's usual style. Soon enough, I was driving to the one place that kept me alive.
Working at a bakery was actually a bad idea, and my mum wasn't very proud about the fact that I got something so simple. She wanted me to be something more, well, productive and overall better. But since I lived with Oliver, he basically stopped me from doing so.
I know I shouldn't be using him as an excuse, but he was a burden in my life and decided he got the well paying job and controlled what I did. He told me to stay at home and to just get a part time job, while he went out and got the money, paid for food, and paid rent.
That was all a lie though, and it was something he told me before we moved in with one another.
And I was so attached and in love that I only got a few months into University before I left and actually did move in since he told me he would take care of me, and we'd be happy there.
I shook my head of the thoughts and turned off my car, stepping out onto the wet pavement. I should've brought a sweater, but I didn't, sadly.
I quickly ran to the doors of the bakery and unlocked the door, turning the closed sign to open.
I went to the back to get my apron and then put my phone down, knowing it would be safe there since only the owner, Liam, and Zayn would possibly be back there.
Then I went back out to the front and waved as the two boys walked inside, hand in hand. A proud smile prominent on both of their faces.
"You lads seem happy," I smiled brightly, and it was nice seeing my best friends so joyful together.
"We are," Liam answered for the two, bringing Zayn's hand to his face so he could kiss it. Zayn then blushed and looked down, obviously not used to being affectionate out in public.
"Why is that?" I questioned, tapping my fingers on the granite counter as I leaned my face on my other hand. Seeming engrossed into the topic, even though I didn't care all too much. In fact I was quite jealous, wanting something like that for myself.
Zayn suddenly burst from his quietness and smiled larger than both me and Liam, "We're out!"
Liam looked over at his boyfriend with a grin, pecking his cheek. "Did all go well?" I asked questionably, raising a brow.
"Mum and Dad were very accepting on both parts, his dad called me and even warned me that if I broke his heart then he'd be breaking me," Liam chuckled but soon went serious when Zayn glared at him, "Which of course I wouldn't." He added.
I was about to reply and congratulate them until a voice inturupted, "Excuse me?"
I shot my head towards the front door where a lady stood, her hands clasped together in front of her short figure as her blue eyes stared at me with something I couldn't quite understand.
She looked familiar, but I couldn't think of where I've seen her before. Her hair was tied into a messy ponytail and she was wearing a jacket that had the name 'Lilian .S' sewed into the black fabric.
"Hello, what may I get for you today?" I ran behind the counter, sitting on the chair and waiting for her to come over.
She soon did and gave off a toothy smile, showing her teeth that she probably should brush at least a million times over.
"Oh, I wasn't looking to buy something, actually," She rested her hands onto the counter and let out a sigh, "Do you remember me?" I heard her question lowly, tilting her head.
"You look familiar, I've seen you somewhere before but I can't pinpoint where it was," I answered, wondering why the hell she was here. She clapped happily, her features cheering up and her expression changing from bored to excited.
"Good! Now can I have a word with you in the back?" The lady asked, Lilian I presumed her name was.
Lilian pointed her finger to the back doors, in which I glanced at and traced my eyes back to the woman. "Eh-Sure?" I awkwardly said, but it came out more as a question.
I followed her as she started moving to the back, and I looked over to the two boys who were staring with lost faces on what just happened.
I flicked my head towards the counter, silently asking one of them to watch over it in which Zayn nodded.
"You need to stop," Was the first thing the woman had said when we got inside the smaller room.
"Stop what?" I asked, completely confused.
"The forest, you're trespassing every time you step foot in there. It's a dangerous place, you know. You could get in deep trouble going into that god forsaken place." She muttered quietly, careful so no one would hear.
"I don't go inside whatever forest you're talking about, so stop assuming such things." I fought, about to leave until she used her foot to trip me, which thankfully I caught myself before falling.
"Oi! Do that to me again and you won't know what hit you," I threatened, making the lady scoff.
"Hit me and I'll tell your dirty little secret, which I know you wouldn't want that." She gave a nasty smirk, crossing her arms. "I was that lady walking her dog, remember?"
I thought back to the moment I almost got caught, and I realized that this was indeed the woman who gave me that warning, telling me to never go in the woods.
Little does she know, unless she does know somehow, of course. "Yeah, I-I remember," I said shakily, half creeped out, because was I being stalked?
"Well, listen to me, boy. Stop going inside there," She said, digging her finger into my chest.
"Anyways, that was a nice chat. Bye now," She waved, walking out of the room with a hum. I stepped back to the front after a few long seconds, still dumbfounded and trying to put everything that just happened together.
All I know is that nothing bad better happen to Harry, but I have a feeling something will. And I don't like it.
"What in the hell was that?" Liam asked as he cleaned a table, stopping what he was doing and watching through the window as Lilian, or whoever, got in her car and drove off.
"I don't really know," I said, shrugging.
"Oh," Liam's brows formed together, the man going back to cleaning. "Where is my key?"
The day was bland after that and nothing much happened.
Once my shift was over, I let out a sigh and yawn all in one. It was now four in the afternoon, and soon enough I was inside my car again, thankful of the now sunny weather.
I sat down and just relaxed for a minute, not knowing where to go or what to do. But I got an idea and decided to go with it, which was to visit someone I haven't seen for awhile.
Let's just say, I missed this person a lot. Plus I needed advice, and they were the perfect person to get it from.
The drive to the house took about half an hour because of traffic and all, but soon I was walking up the steps that lead to the familiar house I've been to many times.
I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it, and after a few seconds I heard footsteps and then the person I was looking for open the door with a smile.
"Louis? I've missed you so much, baby!"
* * *
A/N: this chapter was so short, but im going to try and make them longer ! i really hope you enjoyed that, even though it was a filler x
why do you think that woman wanted to talk to louis? and what advice do you think louis may need from whoever he may be seeing?
love you sm - bri xo
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