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( at sushi karaoke)

The grownups we're eating dinner as Charlotte was feeding CJ. The others were playing as Angelica was looking at the wrestlers.

" This place gots the biggest babies I ever sawed." Lil said.

"That's gotta be one stinky diapie." Phil said, as the wrestler bent down, showing his but and a bow on the back.

"When I came to France I had dreams of "bouillabaisse", "crêpe Suzette", chicken "cordon bleu"..." Didi said, trying to use the chopsticks.

"yeah, yeah, yeah. Well I had dreams of eating with a fork. Now pass the squid brains." CJ looked at her like she was crazy.

"It's karaoke time!"

Beginning of the sumos' song

Toot, toot, hya, bip, bip. Toot, toot, hya, bip, bip.

CJ,  Phil, Lil, Angelica and the other adults were smiling at the wrestlers. Angelica was dancing to the music.

Sumo Wrestler 1: Bad girl.

Sumo Wrestler 3: Talkin' 'bout the sad girl.

Sumo Wrestler 1: Hi baby!

Sumo Wrestler 3: Bad girl.

Sumo Wrestler 2: Talking 'bout the bad, bad girl.

Angelica: Eat all the cookies in plain sight.

Sumo Wrestlers: Chewin'.

Angelica: Pickin' on the dumb babies. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Sumo Wrestlers: Always have to be right.

Charlotte, CJ, and Drew gave Angelica a small smile before looking at each other.

Angelica: They're so easy to trick and tease.

Sumo Wrestlers: 'Cause they don't know a thing, baby.

" And when I seed the magic sprinklies in my hand, I knowed she was the one." Chuckie said, holding his Wawa closer.

" You mean you want the princess to be your new mommy?" CJ asked as she walked over, sitting next to Phil.

"Yep. She's everything I've been wishing for. She's real nice, she loves Reptar and bestest of all we could live happily forever after." Chuckie said

Stu tries to eat with chopsticks. Coco LaBouche comes up to them.

" Stewart, what a surprise." Said Coco, walking over to him.

"Everyone, this is Madame LaBouche." Stu introduced. "Uh, uh, uh, Mademoiselle. And who is this devastatingly handsome red head man you are trying to hide from me?" She asked, walking over to Chas.

"That's my good friend, uh, Chas Finster." Stu said, a little stunned.

" Enchantée." She pushes Didi, making Didi glare at her.

Chas tries to talk with food in his mouth. "Bonsoir, Mademoiselle."

"Call me Coco." She giggled and noticed Chuckie. " And that adorable misproportioned ragamuffin must be your son."

Kira walks with Kimi to Chas and Coco. "Madame LaBouche, Madame LaBouche?" Kira called out.

"Oh. Hi, Kira." Chas greeted with a smile. " What?!" Coco asked in jealousy.

" I'm sorry to interrupt Madame, but these need your signature." Kira said obliviously hearing what Coco said earlier.

" Can you join us for dinner?" Chas asked, Coco looked shocked.

"Why I..." Kira was about to accept, but Coco interrupting her. "Oh, you're much too busy, Kira." Coco said with a evil grin.

"Oh, that's too bad." Chas said sadly.

Kimi laughs as she walks up to the other babies and then turns her head to the grown-ups. " That must be Kimi!" Chas said, Kimi looked remarkably like Kira, except for the glasses.

"Who?" Coco asked.

"My daughter." Kira replied. "Oh. Of course." Coco said, rolling her eyes.

"So, Kimi. Do you and your mommy and daddy live in ReptarLand?" CJ asked. " Not exactly. It's just me and my mummy and we live in Paris. But I gets to come here all the time." Kimi replied, smiling at CJ.

" Kimi, you met the princess?" Chuckie asked "Sure. Lots of times. She lives up there in that castle on that bowlcano and comes out between explosions" Kimi replied, she took Chuckie's hand and used the other one to take CJ's.

The Rugrats look out the window and see the volcano and fireworks.

"Now we know where to find your new princess mum, Chuckie. Chuckie?" Tommy asked his best friend.

"Sorry. I stopped listening after explosions." Chuckie said.

"Hey, do you think Kimi would like to come to the park with me and the kids tomorrow?" Chas asked, looking at Kira for permission. " What a coincidence. I planned to spend the day with her there myself." Coco lied.

(Looks like we have a female Pinocchio)

" But, Madame. You never..." Kira said, but was cut off by Coco.

" ...tire of taking care of your daughter. So it's a date. It will be just you and me and that adorable swarm of infants." She said, leaning towards Chas.

( I like how Chas was more comfortable with Kira than he was with Coco. I swear I can't wait to do like a story with them, Chuckie, and Kimi all bonding together)

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