The purge day

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One year later.

It's the March and its morning. Everybody in America knows what a day is it: its the purge day. 12 hours you can legal kill someone. The police, the ambulances and the firecars are not activated.

Catherine close all the doors and at the windows are many wood boards. Unfortunately helps Maxim not Catherine to save their home. Since morning he is away and that's why helps Jolene her mum.
Cheryl sits meanwhile on her bed and she is a bit afraid what's going on. Her room is already dark because of the wood boards at the windows.

Few hours later comes finally the the purge day announcement. A big alarm is sounding whole America

*this is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 am when the Purfe concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.*

Catherine runs immediately to Cheryl:

"Cheryl! Come! Go now to the save basement! Please!"

Then she walks with her to the save basement and Jolene comes behind her:

"I stay with her here!"

Catherine turns around to her and lies her hands on Jolenes cheeks:

"No come with me outside...and purge some people...I need you.

Jolene looks to her mum for a while and cries then a bit as she heard that

"but I'm afraid...that I'm dead or you are dead."

Catherines sighs and strokes with her thumbs over her cheeks

"No matter what happens...I'm always proud of you...okay?"

She kisses her forehead and hears then outside already explosions and other sounds. Catherine looks to the direction from the sounds, then back to her little daughter and says then:

"Okay...Cheryl..go to the basement. I lock up the door and I free you again when its over."

Then she let Cheryl in the basement and lock up the door. Cheryl stands in front of the door and scares then everytime when she hears an explosion. Catherine and Jolene go outside and purge some people.

Many hours later and its 10 minutes before ending. Catherine and Jolene are coming back and they kill already many people. Catherine walks to the door from the basement and asks then:

"Cheryl? Everything okay?"

Cheryl hears her mum and walks to the door

"Yes I am!" Her voice trembles really much and her voice sounds a big fearness.
Catherine looks around because she wants looks if nobody is here. Then she let Cheryl out from the basement and lies her arms around her shoulders

"don't worry. The purge day is in 7 minutes over."

Suddenly comes a little scream from the livingroom:

"Noo!! Let me in silence! Please!!." Catherine looks to the direction and says then:

"Cheryl stay here again."

Then she runs up and takes her weapon. Cheryl is afraid what's going on and runs then back to the basement. Because of fearness she sits in an edge and makes her smaller.
Catherine sees that Maxim is in the livingroom

"Maxim! Go away from her! You do already enough!"

Maxim looks to her with a mean look and suddenly he shoot to Jolene with many shoots. Jolene screams really loud and falls on the floor.

Catherine screams:

"JOLENE!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!" she

looks to Maxim


Cheryl hears that from the basement and as she hears that her own sister is dead she is not moving anymore and sits there like a stone, her arms are around her legs and slowly are coming tears out from her eyes. But now she hears a shoot again and scares again, lies then her hands on her eyes and waits few seconds. Then she makes her hands slowly away and hears full silentness in the house except the shoots and explosions outside. Short she makes her tears away and decide to go up really carefully with trembling legs. She arrives upstairs and as she looks to the livingroom ,she sees how comes still smoke out Catherine's gun. Cheryl turns her head then to the direction a bit down and sees how Maxim lies dead on the floor.
Catherine makes her hand down with the weapon, looks still to Maxim and her breath really deep. But immediately she glance to Jolene. At once she runs to Jolene, lies the weapon away and lies then next to Jolene and starts to cry

"Oh Jolene...I'm so proud of you...I love you...I'm...I'm.." she sniffs and cries more "I'm so sorry...I'm so big big sorry."

Then comes a sound outside that the purge is over and Catherine cries then loud and Catherine strokes over her hairs. Shortly thereafter gives her Jolene a little cheek miss.
Cheryl comes closer to them and says nothing. As she recognize that Jolene is really dead, she shakes her head slowly and again coming tears out from her eyes. But for her is it nevertheless not understandable and asks that's why:

"Is Jolene...dead?"

Catherine cries only, looks after a while to her but she says nothing because she can't say a word. But for Cheryl is this answer enough.
Without a control she breaks out in tears and runs then into her room. But for Cheryl is her room an empty hole what she is falling down now and leans only against the door and looks into the void.
Since now change for Cheryl everything...

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