The Night Before

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for stumbling across here! I wrote this story for an English assignment last year, and I'm rather proud. Don't worry, it's not boring. The requirement was a mystery, so I can guarentee you a lot of suspense. Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks (: 

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"Welcome to my birthday party!" Savanna Lexington's sweet voice was injected with excitement as the microphone echoed her words across the large ballroom. The birthday girl stood on a stage at the front of the room, her long blonde hair tumbling down her shoulders in soft waves. She wore a short silver dress with a matching mask. Other masked partygoers stared up at her with expressions of awe and envy.

Savanna Lexington was the most popular girl at Eastwood Academy. She had perfect grades, was the female president of the student body, girlfriend of the captain of the boy's lacrosse team, and head of the Beckett House, the most coveted and exclusive group of girls on campus. All in all, Savanna Lexington was legendary. 

While Savanna spoke to her party guests, as masked man wearing a black tuxedo made his way to the stage. This was Landond Striker, Savanna's boyfriend of three years. He waited patiently at the foot of the stairs leading up to the stage. When Savanna finished the story of her childhood, Landon spoke up before Savanna could jump into another long monologue. 

"Savanna, can I make a toast?" he asked, looking up at Savanna earnestly. He removed his black mask, in case Savanna didn't recognize him.

"Um, can it wait, Landon?" asked Savanna sweetly, though there was an edge of annoyance to her voice.

"No," Landon replied, taking a step up the stairs. 

Savanna surveyed the crowd, who watched the exchange between boyfriend and girlfriend with renewed interest. "Fine," she said, her voice flat. She stepped back from the podium so Landond could occupy it.

Landon held a slim champagne flute, filled halfway. "A toast, to the best girlfriend I could ever have, Savanna Lexington," he started. He glanced back at Savanna, a boysih grin on his face. Savanna couldn't help but smile back. "I met Savanna three years ago, shortly after a hard break-up. She helped me recover from my previous relationship. I owe her so much, because I couldn't have gone through that hard time without her. I knew from the moment I saw her, that we were made for each other. I love Savanna with all my heart. She's one of the most incredible girls I've ever met. So, to Savanna, happy birthday." He said, lifting his glass to the crowd, and then to Savanna.

"To Savanna," the audience echoed, lifting their drinks as well. Savanna moved forward as if to take back her place at the podium, but Landon was suddenly, at her feet, kneeling down on one knee. The crowd gasped and whispers started rippling throughout the room. Savanna gasped as Landon retrieved a small box from his pocket. Her cheeks turned pink.

"What are you doing?" Savanna hissed quietly, so only Landon could hear. 

Landon ignored her, and opened the box. Inside, sitting on a black satin pillow, was the most beautiful ring Savanna ever saw. A large ruby was set in the middle, adorned by diamonds that sparkled like the sun, even under the dim lighting. 

"Savanna Noelle Lexington, you are the most gorgeous, smartest, loveliest girl I've ever met. I want to marry you, but I know you don't want to marry until you're 23. So I ask you to accept this promise ring. Wear it to symbolize our love. I'll wait for you, until you're ready to tie the knot," Landon said, his voice wavering slightly, "Savanna, will you accept this promise ring?" Landon looked up at Savanna with hopeful eyes.

Savanna's cheeks were flushed bright red by now and she looked at the crowd with an expression of delight and confusion. Then, she looked back at Landon. "Yes," she whispered, tears filling  her aquamarine eyes. She allowed Landon to slide the gorgeous ring on her ring finger. Landon stood up and the two kissed right there in front of everyone, looking like the happiest couple in the world. 

"I'll love you forever, S," whispered Landon to Savanna, holding her hands.

Savanna laughed slightly, tears streaming down her delicate cheeks. "Forever," she echoed, leaning in for another kiss.

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Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks (:

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