The Mystery: Day 3

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I woke up bright and early the next morning. Overnight, I had decided I would search Bree’s room first, so there’s where I went.

I found Bree just leaving her room for class, but she stopped when she saw me. “Detective Hemmings! What I nice surprise! What are you doing here?” she asked, abnormally cheery.

“Well, if it’s not Bree Carlton!” I exclaimed, matching her tone, “I was just going to snoop around in your room a bit,” I explained with a sweet smile.

Bree’s expression went from one of delight to one of anger in a split second. “Um, I’m sorry?” she laughed slightly, her eyes guarded.

I shrugged and grinned widely. “You heard me, I’m going to search your room,” I said nonchalantly, trying to step around her. A designer flat stopped me from moving any further. I looked up at Bree and smiled again, though my smile was rigid this time. ‘May I get through please?” I asked, trying to keep up my nice-girl act.

“You can’t search my room!” exclaimed Bree, sounding confused and agitated.

“Actually Bree, I can,” I said slowly, letting the words sink in. I waved my search warrant in her face.

“That’s illegal! I can call my daddy! He’s friends with many powerful lawyers,” Bree protested, moving her body to block me from entering her room. I tried to refrain myself from laughing. She sounded like a spoiled brat.

“This is a search warrant. It lets me search your room,” I told her, emphasizing each word carefully, “You don’t have anything to hide, do you?” I asked, blinking innocently.

“N-no,” Bree stuttered, finally letting me pass. She watched me enter her room with resentment.

“Have fun at class Bree!” I told her cheerfully with a wave before slamming the door shut in her face. I got to work immediately, searching through the neat room. I noticed that half of the room was empty, and I assumed that was Savanna’s side. It looked like someone had already been through Savanna’s stuff. I didn’t want to look at Savanna’s stuff though; I needed to see Bree’s.

I rummaged around her bed and closet. She was obviously a rich girl with way to much money to blow. Her closet was bursting with designer clothes, dresses, bags, everything. 

 A large jewelry box dominated her vanity. I opened it and found a tumble of gold and silver jewelry. I was about to close it again, when I noticed the little fabric strap at the bottom of the box. Intrigued, I pulled the strap up and the entire bottom of the jewelry box lifted up. I gasped. It was a secret compartment! Inside, there was only one thing. A ruby and diamond ring. I snatched it up and stared at the beautiful ring. It all made sense now. I just had to check one last thing.

I raced out to the car again, still clutching the ring. I drove to Berkley Hall and ran up to Landon’s room. I found it deserted, which just made things better. I had no idea what I was looking for, but I needed proof. I crawled under the bed, which was filled with boxes of various sizes. Pushing them out of the way, I spotted a small beat-up shoebox. I grabbed it and brought it out to the open. I lifted the lid to reveal stacks of pictures. Bingo.

I picked up one of the stacks and started rifling through pictures. There were pictures of Landon along, playing football, with his friends, and with Savanna, but none with Bree. I cursed, and shuffled through the pictures again. Still nothing. Then, I noticed a piece of folded up notebook paper sitting in the shoebox. Excited, I dropped the pictures and picked up the paper, unfolding it carefully. I smoothed out the paper. It was a picture of a heart with the names “Landon & Bree” in the middle. It was dated from nearly four years ago. This was the evidence I needed.

I stood and headed for the door. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Landon’s phone sitting on the dresser. I debated whether or not to look at it. My curiosity kicked in and I crossed the room to the dresser in a few short strides. I clicked on his messages and I saw an already read message from Bree. “Meet me in the back parking lot in 10. I have a surprise you’d just die for. Xoxo, Bree” It had been sent a few minutes ago. My eyes widened reading the text. Landon had already read it, which meant . . . he had already gone!

I sprinted out the door, the drawing in one hand and Landon’s phone in the other. I drove to Beckett Hall as fast as I could, praying I wasn’t too late. I dialed the police while my car speeded down the road. I saw Landon walking across the road and I nearly hit him, slamming on the brakes just in time.

“Landon! Landon, listen to me! Go home! Go home right now!” I shouted out my window. Landon had a confused look on his face. “Just go! It’s for your own safety!” I screamed before tearing off, hoping he would follow my directions. I continued down the road to Beckett Hall, my heart pounding at every second that passed.

Once at Beckett Hall, I jumped out and ran inside, hardly aware of the stares I was receiving. I took the stairs two at a time and rushed to Bree’s room. She was still there. I let out a sigh of relief and took a few seconds to regain my breath.

I stepped inside the room. Bree’s back was towards me as she sorted through her bag. I spotted her car keys on the night stand and picked them up, shaking them to create a quiet tinkling noise. Bree turned around at the sound of it, her eyes shocked.

“Looking for these?” I asked, my voice light. I couldn’t help but smirk at the look on Bree’s face. Shock was a rare expression for Bree Carlton.

Bree’s eyes hardened at the sight of me and her face melted into one of annoyance, or was it hatred? She rose to her feet and took a few steps forward. “Belle Hemmings, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked controversially. Her eyes looked at the keys in my hand with longing.

I dropped the keys and put on my poker face. “I know you did it,” I said softly, staring into her eyes, “And I’ll give you one chance to admit it yourself,” My voice was firm.

Bree’s face remained impassive. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said neutrally.

I smirked. “Fine, I’ll tell you what I know then. You can help me fill in the holes, can’t you?” I suggested with a cheeky smile. When Bree didn’t reply, I continued. “You were always jealous of Savanna. She was your best friend, but she was just always a tad better than you, right? She was prettier, more popular, everyone loved her,” My voice was mellow as I started to walk around the room in a carefree stroll, “I don’t blame you. Everyone would be jealous competing with that,”

Bree made a sudden lunge to the door, but I quickly but my foot out to stop her. “I wouldn’t, the police are on their way already,” I said softly, hearing the sirens in the distance. After making sure Bree wouldn’t try to escape again, I continued, “"Landon and Bree forever," I said, my voice slightly mocking as I showed Bree her drawing from four years ago. She blushed, a tinge of pink appearing on her cheeks. "You loved him. You thought he was the only one that loved you, not Savanna. But you were wrong. Landon left you to be with your best friend. It was the last straw for you. You wanted to kill them both, Savanna and Landon, for breaking your heart, didn't you? You bided your time for so long, waiting for the right moment to strike. When Landon proposed to Savanna, you were so heart-broken, and decided that it was time to kill Savanna. You wanted to make Landon pay for what he did to you. At the party, you waited until they were both drunk, and then you kissed Landon when you were sure Savanna was looking. You knew Tyler hid chloroform in his dorm," I paused in my speech to take out the gray t-shirt and bottle of chloroform, "You and Tyler had a secret relationship and you took it upon yourself to steal some of his chloroform supply while you were at his dorm one day. You brought the chloroform to the party, and when Savanna left, you surprised her and knocked her out with the chloroform. You dragged Savanna to the river, and before you threw her in, you stole the ring that Landon gave her because you still had feelings for him. You still loved Landon," I took out the ring and held it in the air. Bree's eyes looked at it longingly, "Then you tossed Savanna into the river. You waited until she sunk. You killed your best friend," My voice had become soft now, "You were going to kill Landon today. You asked him to come to the parking lot, and you were going to hit him with your car. A hit-and-run," I looked at Bree with a gentle look in my eyes. "Why would you do that? You would kill your best friend and her boyfriend over a boy? Was it just about Landon, or the popularity? Or was it all of it?" I left my questions lingering in the air.

By now, Bree had tears streaming silently down her pretty face. “You wouldn’t understand!” she screamed, her voice cracking. Her body sagged against the wall and she slid to the floor in a heap. It was pretty pathetic. “Savanna wasn’t completely innocent either! She made my life miserable! Everything was about Savanna!” Bree paused to sob for a few moments. When she composed herself, I was shocked to see that her eyes were red and angry-looking. She shook her head a few times, “She deserved it. I’m glad she’s dead. She took Landon from me. I loved him, and she just took him like she did with everything else in my life!” Bree said bitterly, looking down.

I felt the presence of the police behind me. They stood patiently, waiting for us to finish. “Do you regret it?” I asked quietly.

Bree looked up at me, her eyes still fierce despite being bloodshot, “No. It was worth it,” she said was a simpering smile. Then, she stood, brushing herself off. I was amazed to see her transform from emotional wreck to calm Beckett Girl in a matter of seconds. She stepped past me, towards the cops, and held out her hands. They cuffed her and took her outside to the squad car. I watched as she stepped daintily inside the back of the police car.

As the cops drove away into the sunset, I couldn’t help but smile slightly. Case closed. 

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A/N: Well, that's the end! I hope you enjoyed the story. Don't forget to comment / vote / fan! Thank you for reading (:

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