Chapter 7: Part of something

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Leo pov:

Y/N's warm body was amazing. She made my whole face flush.

I've never been this unconfident in my life. I had kissed her cheek before and brought her gifts and now she's- she's on me-

I- I want more. More of her. It... I've never felt this desire.

I slide my hand down her waist a little and I feel her breathing hitch.

She doesn't stop me though. I feel her smile and keep watching the movie.

I smile softly and move my hand from her knee so I don't overwhelm her with too much.

My hand reaches the space between her shirt and her shorts. I bite my tongue and slide my hand into her shirt to feel her skin.

She laughs. "Leo~"

I scoff playfully. "Whatttt what why do you say my name is something wrong doll?" I purr, leaning forward to face her, my hand pressing more.

Y/N looks at me briefly and then giggles and looks away. "You know what. don't be dumb."

I use my other hand go gently hold her chin and turn her towards me. Her beautiful eyes are mesmerizing. If my brothers saw me being this romantic they'd hound me until the cows came home.

I know she can tell by the look on my face she enchants me.

My body leans over hers slightly.

"Y/N." I whisper. "Can you- you know I'm head over heels for you, right?"

Y/N puts a hand on my arm hesitantly. "I think I might be putting that together."

I smirk. "Yeah well, just wanna make sure we're on the same page. I want you to tell me if I ever do something to make you uncomfortable or if I take anything too far. The kiss or the gifts or. My hands." I let go of her chin and move my hand to hold hers.

Y/N watches my hand. "That's... really nice Leo. I will. I really like everything you've done so far, honestly. It's embarrassing you made me admit that." She chuckles softly.

I do too. "Look I don't know if you've pieced this together either but I'm totally new to all of this. Young strapping mutant turtles don't fare too well with the ladies." I sigh light heartedly.

Y/N leans in and kisses me.

My mind goes blank and I feel the spike of an adrenaline rush. She holds my face to her and I kiss her back as soon as I remember my name and where I am.

After a moment she pulls back and I'm staring dumbly. The only person to ever get me to shut the hell up.

"So I get you all to myself then?" She says, kissing me again.

I mumble "mhm" into our kiss and pull her close to me, nearly all the way on my lap.

We take breaks for air, but we are glued to each other for a few more moments. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her waist. I move my hands in sensual motions on her skin.

She feels so good.

She finally sits back and I move my hands away and blink at her. "Where did that come from?? I-I mean- wow- Y/N- you! You're so sexy- what's going on?" My mouth is still trying to keep up with my brain.

Y/N moves off me a little too. "Who can say for sure. I am just... I've never had a kiss before and- I don't really know when the best moments are but that seemed like a good one. Did I do okay?" She says innocently.

I know I look like a total loser but I'm so flustered.

"Y/N you're soooo good." I breathe, smiling sheepishly.

Y/N flashes her pretty smile.

"Y/N. I wanna show you something." I stammer, standing up. "I'm gonna take you to my favorite spot in all of New York."

Y/N smiled and laughed. "By portal??"

I smirked. "Only the quickest most convenient transportation for you princess."

This makes her blush. Yes.

"You know how I feel about the pet names Leo." She sighs and stands up with me.

I glance to the side. "Yeah I know."

I reach for her hand and we portal.

We step out onto a rooftop. It's overlooking Times Square.

Y/N squeals and clings to me. "LEO!"

I chuckle and hold her close. "Whatttt is this too scary for you- Y/N." I say quickly.

Y/N let's go of me slightly so I can see her teasing glance. She hesitantly inches towards the edge to see.

I reach for her arm and go with her. "Any guesses why this is my favorite spot in all of New York?"

She is silent for a moment. "I like Times Square because of the lights. It's cool to see them from up here. The scary people can't bother ya."

I chuckle and pull her closer to me. She willingly lets me and she puts her hand on my arm.

"I feel like I'm a part of something bigger up here. Dumb I know." I say quietly.

Y/N shakes her head against my arm. "You're not dumb Leo. I think you're... the most brave and kind and handsome mutant turtle I've ever met."

I laugh louder. "You haven't met my brother Donnie."

She laughs too. "Maybe I should meet them?"

I blush. "Yeah you should. If I show up with a hot chic like you they're gonna finally respect me."

She playfully scoffs. "You care a lot what they think."

I pause and look at her. "I do."

"Why did you want to show me this?" She asks and gestures towards Times Square.

I smile softly. "Because I want you to know there's more to me than being super kind and handsome and brave."

She smiles back, our bodies pressed together under the New York sky. "I love that there is."

Y/N shivered.

I notice and rub her arm. "Ah man you're cold aren't you sweetheart."

She rolls her eyes. "Well maybe I'm a little cold on this rooftop at night in New York in shorts and a sweatshirt."

I smirk and move away from her. "If you're only a little cold why don't we stay longer~?"

Her eyes widen. "Wait- no."

I wink and swing us a portal. "Just jokin you know how I be."

I hold her and we walk through.

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