Chapter 5: take a pic, it'll last longer

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Y/N Pov:

He was right- it was fast.

I couldn't blink or process before we were inside my apartment.

"What? What?" I say dumbly, looking around.

Leo swings his blade over his shoulder. "Yeah yeah I know. I wasn't always this good with it but with practice I've become a master."

I look at him for a second. "Well- welcome to my apartment."

Leo smirks and puts his blade away. "Ohoho Y/N me likey. No roaches or nothin." He looks around for a second.

Theo appears reluctantly from under the table.

Leo freezes as my cat pads up to him.

"That's my cat! Leo, meet Theodore." I say sweetly, leaning against the couch.

Leo audibly swallows. "Oh Y/N- sweet sweet Y/N I- don't think I can be around cats." He croaks, backing up slowly while Theo demands pets.

I quickly get up and move to get in front of him, picking Theo up and backing away. "Oh no are you allergic??"

Leo taps his fingers together and looks at Theo nervously. "Wellll the thing is I've never been this close to a cat before, and my dad always told us that cats were horrible blood sucking savage beasts." His eyes look up to mine.

I burst into laughter and he jumps back.

"Theodore is scared of bugs Leo. He wouldn't hurt you. He hasn't scratched me a single time since I got him. And anyway even if he weren't friendly-" I look him up and down. "Couldnt a ninja turtle handle that?"

Leo puffs his chest. "Now hold on a minute. I just needed to assess my surrounds that's all. You need to have more faith in my ninja precautions." He retorts.

I hold out Theo who meows. "Does this really require precautions tough guy?" I coo.

Leo tries to hide his flinch. "Now that I've assessed my surroundings- uh- no."

I laugh and set Theo down, who takes the hint and leaves the room.

"You should know I've battled and won battles with bigger and scarier things than cats." Leo huffs, trying to regain his confidence.

I raise an eyebrow. "Geez didn't realize I was talking to a champion."

Leo blushed slightly and shrugged his shoulders. "You could say that.."

"Would you like a tour?" I ask, nodding to the hallway.

Leo perks up. "Led by you? I would follow you anywhere Y/N!" He throws an arm around my shoulder nearly knocking me over.

"Guiee sorry." He says, stepping back.

I laugh and stand straight again. "All good Leo I just- yeah let's go." It's my turn to blush.

It makes me nervous. I'm not sure if.. I'm allowed to have a crush on him.

I show him my one bedroom apartment- it's not all that impressive. But I've never in my life seen someone more invested.

we finally arrive at my bedroom.

"Ahhh the queen's chambers. What a pleasure your highness." Leo purrs, stretching as he takes in my room.

I blush and laugh a little. "It's not much but it's home yeah."

He points a finger at some photos I've made a collage of. "Y/N did you take these?"

"Yeah! I took a Polaroid camera on a trip to Colorado and took those." I say, feeling a little pride.

Leo looks at me with stars in his eyes. "This is incredible Y/N. I wanna go to Colorado with you!"

I smile. "Sure Leo let's do that. Wanna see my camera collection?"

He nods enthusiastically.

If he was faking he was doing a good job.

I show him my cameras, including my Polaroid.

I pick it up and turn it on. "See this is a Polaroid. Watch this. Smile!" I point it at him.

He hesitates for a moment before striking a funny pose.

I giggle and snap the photo.

Leo stared in awe as the photo printed.

I pull it out and begin waving it. "It prints out immediately. It starts out totally white see? Then in a few moments your image will appear."

Leo reaches a hand out. "Can I see it?"

He reminds me of a little kid, in a cute way.

"Yeah!" I hold it out to him.

Our fingers brush for a short, sensual moment.

Maybe I'm the only one who noticed, because his attention was on the photo.

"Ohoho I can see it showing up! Y/N you're amazing!" He says, waving it more.

I smile and sit on my bed. "You can play with my cameras if you want just don't actually take a picture."

Leo grins at the photo as it's fully developed. "I feel it's only fair I have a picture of you though, don't you think sweetheart?"

I feel the heat in my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach. Those puppy names were getting to be too much...

"Um, I guess if you really want one. Let's take one together?" I suggest, blushing.

He lowers his eyelids, I think he sees my blush. "Terrific. Two hot people in one photo." He says quietly, coming beside me and kneeling down to my level. He hands the camera to me.

I take it with slightly shaky hands. "Cheese!" I say, leaning in towards him. He smiles big.

I snap it.

It prints and I begin waving it. "We can go back into the living room if you want Leo, I know it's roomier."

Leo raises an eyebrow. "But I like looking at your personal stuff. I learn more about you." He wines.

I smile a little nervously. "Why do you wanna learn about me?"

He looks offended and stands back up. "Uhhh because you're the most beautiful, talented, and funniest woman in the entire world?? I want to know everything about you."

I look down at the devolving picture, my blush hot on my face. "Yeah well you're the first to think that."

Leo is quiet for a moment before he sits down next to me on my bed. "Whatdya mean?"

I look at him. His eyes are sincere. "Yeah I've never had a boyfriend." I bite my lip.

Leo's eyes widen. "WHAAAAT?" He exclaims, and I hear scurrying from a frightened Theo in the hall.

I can't help but laugh.

"That makes no sense Y/N. You're perfect." He says finally, genuinely in disbelief.

I turn my body to face his more on the bed. "Seriously it's not a big deal. I'm not much of a romantic so it's never really bothered me."

Leo forwardly takes both my hands in his and I feel heat shoot through my body.

"Y/N that has nothing to do with who you are. You deserve someone who treats you like the queen you are, and puts you before anyone and anything else." He whispers.

I tried looking in his eyes but I couldn't. He lets go of one hand and puts it on my chin, turning me towards him.

Phewww good thing I'm sitting down.

"You believe what I'm saying right?" He asks, his eyes drooping towards my lips.

I blink at his eyes and notice he has a blush too. "Yeah Leo, thanks." I finally breathe out.

He lets go and sits back, putting his hands in his lap. "Y/N I... psh. My brothers saw me staring at you during the parade and they encouraged me to come talk to you."

"Oh-" I start, but he puts a finger up.

"We like to go to human events. We like to... get in our heads and do human stuff. I wish I was a human so I could... not scare you." He finished, his breath catching in his throat.

He looks away now, tapping his fingers near my leg, close enough to brush against me.

"Leo you don't scare me. Forget what happened the first time I met you it was just a lot to take in but... I'm not scared you of you okay? You don't have to be human for me to like you." I reassure him, getting closer.

Where is this coming from? Did I do something to make him self conscious? This is a vulnerable moment for him.

He looks genuinely surprised, which surprised me too. Did he really need me to say that?

"I-I ahem. I don't talk to human women often so... sorry if I'm fumbling this." He stutters, a noticeable blush on his cheeks.

I chuckle softly. "Leo you've called me beautiful every time you've seen me, you're doing all the right things."

He smiles gently. "So I'm killing it, as per usual."

He seems to have snapped out of whatever that was about.

"Y/N I wanna take one more picture."

He holds the camera this time, knowing what to do after watching me.

"Just relax and smile." He whispers near my ear, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me in to kiss my cheek.

Before I could even react, he snapped the photo.

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