Chapter 6: The best view of all

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Y/N's pov

"Okay this one's mine." You say, shivering. Even the xtra layer barely helps in this weather. Luckily, it's not snowing and the roads are good because it hasn't snowed in a few days.

You unlock your red Honda civic. There's snow on the windshield and you sigh, a burr escaping you again.

Donnie notices your frustration. "Do not fret Y/N I will take care of your situation." He grins, extending a robo limb with a brush that sweeps all the old snow off in one satisfying chunk.

You laugh and clap for him. "Okay great trick now let's get in the car and warm it up!"

Once you both are in, Donnie puts his hands in his lap like he's nervous to touch anything.

You frantically get the heat on.

"D-Don't worry the seats heat up." You shiver.

"You don't have much of a tolerance for the cold do you? Florida is a very warm state all year round. But Colorado, Illinois and Ireland can get cold." He points out factually.

You are kinda surprised he remembered. "Yeah well I lived in Florida last so I need to get used to it again."

Donnie peeks at you, trying not to give away too much concern. "If you're truly uncomfortable I will offer up the hoodie you lended to me now that we are in an enclosed automobile."

You laugh again, your breath losing its fog now that the car is heating up. "You have thick skin?"

Donnie flashes a charming smile again. Lovely.

"I feel the cold yes, but my tolerance is much much thicker than yours. As well as my skin I suppose."

He still seems kinda wound up, he won't relax fully in the passenger seat.

While the car was heating up you keep asking questions. "Do you guys have drivers licenses?"

Donnie playfully rolls his eyes. "No human would assign me a license to operate a vehicle. But you no doubt won't be shocked that I know how to drive one."

"So can you tell me a good route to drive around the city?" You question, giving him a sweet smile of your own.

"Sure. I will send you the route now." He says, trying to ignore your own charm.

You get the notification that he sent you a route.

"Scenic I like it! What music are we feelin?" You sing, opening up your music to choose a playlist.

That gets a reaction. "I-I'm kinda picky about music so you may select." Donnie stutters.

You wag your finger at him. "Let's do music we both like cmon we might like something in common."

Donnie's head seemingly sinks into his shell slightly. "Well I- I really only listen to techno music." He blurts out.

You stifle a laugh. That's actually hilarious but he's being open so don't laugh.

"Well let me put you on some night drive music then!" You announce, playing your 'night drive' music.

You put the car in drive and drive down the path Donnie sent. The city lights illuminating the car.

Donnie's pov:

Just relax just relax! You're the one making this weird. Keep up your bad boy image!

I was slightly panicking on the inside. I felt like I was in brand new territory I had never discovered or learnt about or- knew anything about!

Women! How do I act around women! A woman I- maybe might end up liking far in the future and not now!

Then why did you accept her offer to join her for a joyride dumb dumb??

Omigosh she's so pretty. I love her shark nails so much. I want her to scratch my shell with her hands.

Her glasses are so cute. She's so cute. I need to get it together or I'm gonna lose it.

Cant. Handle. Emotion!

"Central park is really in the center of New York right?"

Y/N's voice snaps me out of my head.

I look out her window and see the park in all its glory.

"It is in the center of Manhattan." I correct her, trying to regain myself.

She clicks her tongue. "I still don't know the difference."

I smile at her. I always thought I would fall for the smartest most achieved woman in the world. Someone to challenge me academically.

I've fallen for this woman instead. A marketer.

Hey! You haven't fallen for her stop that!

It's kinda fun to be around someone who is impressed by your genius. Y/N is fun. She would get along well with my brothers.

"This route is great but, I feel like there's better scenery that we just can't get to right now." Y/N hums.

I feel my smile widen. That gives me an idea.

"Y/N, find a parking spot and I will show you my personal favorite view of New York City."

Y/N's eyes sparkle and she nods excitedly. After she parks she gives a dramatic sigh.

"It's so cold I don't want to walk anywhere though." She whines.

I give her my 'I know what I'm doing' face.

"We won't walk." Is all I say as I get out of her car and open her door for her.

I help her get out of the car.

Okay don't lose your confidence. You got this.

You the man Donnie!!

I place my right hand on her back and I scoop my left arm under her legs, pressing her against my chest. She could definitely definitely (that's two definitelys) feel my heart racing.

She makes a soft gasp/squeak noise when I do this that makes my legs weak.

"Trust me, I've got you." I say calmly, while my battleshell unfurls into a hover jet. She wasn't even that heavy. Maybe I was just that strong~

"Donnie I don't kn-" she begins but I don't let her think so hard. I wasn't going to let any harm come to her again.


I take off, at a medium rate of speed. I want to get us high enough where we won't attract attention and then I will slow down. I hope this doesn't spook Y/N any worse but I give her a gentle squeeze to let her know I'm not dropping her.

Her body is so tense in my arms. She doesn't scream or anything. She just hid her face in my plastron.

We are a good distance up now, not high enough nearly to make it hard for us to breath. High enough to land on top of the Brooklyn bridge.

"Okay Y/N I'm gonna set you down not but you cannot panic or freak out because you could... fall." I say, trying to be as gentle as I can.

Y/N turns from my chest and looks at where she is.

Good thing I didn't set her down yet.

"DONNIE! OH GOD OH GOD." She yells, clinging onto my arms and burying her face in me again.

"Y/N you won't fall look there's plenty of room up here. How about I just sit down and you can let go whenever you feel comfortable? I promised you the best view of New York." I say sweetly.

Something about having her cling to me boosted my confidence like crazy.

I feel her nod.

I sit down gently and slowly, my battleshell giving me a backrest to lean back on so Y/N can sit up if she wants to.

"Donnie you're crazy bringing me up here this is so dangerous what if a strong wind comes or I slip or..." she says panicked, trailing off as she lifts her head slightly to finally see the view I was giving her.

There's a moment of silence. The sound of sirens and the bustle of city night life fills the air. The lights seem to mesmerize her. I feel her body slightly relax against mine.

All of a sudden she isn't cold...

There, this is the moment right now.

I had Y/N safe in my arms, our bodies keeping us warm as we soaked in the beautiful city.

I was never going to forget this. If only Leo could  see this- I definitely definitely (two definitelys) have more 'rizz'.

"In all your travels my friend, have you ever seen something so beautiful?" I asked her, giving her my attention. My arms stayed loosely wrapped around her, she didn't fight it.

I was also asking myself.

"This skyline is unreal... seriously I have no words." She whispers, not looking at you.

This gives me the opportunity to study her features with my analytical mind.

Maybe she won't notice.

She is beautiful.

She seems to remember where she is all of a sudden: in my lap.

For saftey reasons of course.

Y/N carefully untangles herself and sits right next to me, our sides pressing together. My battleshell retracts.

"No Donnie, keep your arm around me."

My face lights up in a blush. She was telling me what to do??

I obey and give her a wonky smile while I put my arm behind her back, giving her something to lean on. She leans into my side instead.

"Actually this is pretty safe." Y/N sighs. "Thanks for taking me up here."

I don't even know if I have a voice. "Y-yeah totally." I croak.

She looks at me finally. I think I might combust.

"You're not used to being around girls are you?" She teases.

Ack! She's onto me!

"Your hypothesis is accurate. B-but you don't seem like you're used to being alone with a male either." I stammer.

She laughs a little. She sits up to face me more.

Aw man.

"I haven't been alone with a boy in... like two years or something. Not since my ex boyfriend."

"I've been out of the game longer than you, try 20 years." I retort, cocking an eyebrow.

Y/N smiles.

"I'm honestly shocked an above average looking human woman such as yourself has not been seeing anyone lately." I try, but I just sound like a nerd. Now I don't want Leo here.

Her smiles fades slightly. "He was... a little scarring. It's been hard to trust any men since."

I give her a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

She nods sadly and faces the city again. "He just wanted things from me and I couldn't give myself to him. He moved things way too fast and I think there's a lot more than... okay yeah sex to a relationship. He... made me really uncomfortable..."

I hear the emotion in her voice. I tossed my bad boy image. (For then)

"Y/N." I say sternly. She looks at me with watery eyes.

"As long as I'm around, that will never happen to you again."

I move my hand up her back to place on her head, but she goes in for a hug.

Panic! Panic! Sound the alarm! What do we do? What's my play? What's my line?

Every inch of me panicked- and then relaxed.

And I knew what to do. I hugged her back. She was so soft. So delicate. She climbed back into my lap and we stayed like that for a while.

And then it began to softly snow.

We look at each other with wonder.

Thank pizza supreme in the sky it's not any harder.

"You wish to stand?" I ask, smiling.

She nods and I help me stand up. Her legs are shaking and she's nervous. I don't let go of her fully. I love how she feels.

Y/N opens her mouth and eats them.

I laugh. "Did you know you're eating 200 ice crystals?"

She pretends to lick food off her fingers. "It's delicious science man."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Ah yes, my favorite, crystallized water."

"Mutant turtle men surely aren't picky eaters." She teases, as snowflakes pile on her hair and shoulders. So cute.

"For you, dear Y/N, I will eat water." I say taking a bow before opening my mouth to have some land on my tongue.

"Mmm delicious." I tease, putting my hands on my hips and pretending to swallow.

She makes me feel playful.

The moment comes to a screeching hault when I get a call.

We both jump.

"Uhhh it's my brother sorry one moment... you're conversing with Donatello?" I answer, turning away and facing the city as I answer.

Raph doesn't sound too happy. "Donnie where are you? It's been way too long and I haven't heard from you. You know Raph worries. I asked you to tell me when you're coming back."

I flinch. "Uh yeah well the thing is I'm just now returning so that's why I haven't told you I'm returning. So... hey Raph, I'm coming back now." I hang up and don't give him a chance to answer.

I know why he's worried but... I want to be with Y/N as long as I can.

"You gotta go?" She asks, a little sadness in her tone.

I feel my heart squeeze. "Unfortunately I must retire to my humble sewer." I extend my arms.

She nods and steps to me as I lift her up again.

Right before I take off she cups my face and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for bringing me here." She whispers.

Oh banana pancakes x20

My knees feel weak.

My heart is bursting.

My face is burning up and my stomach feels like a butterfly nest.

And yet, I'm speechless.

"No probbles." I finally choke out. "Let's get you back safe and sound."

I leap off the bridge and my jet hovers kick in and we fly back to her car.

Some genius you are! You get kissed by the most beautiful woman in the world and you say no probbles??? You don't deserve your tech you dumb dumb!

My thoughts are ruthless. Y/N sits up more now, taking in the lights as we approach and slow down.

You land softly and let her go. Once there's distance between the two of you her body begins to shiver.

"Y/N- I- I-I'm sorry I'm really bad at handling emotion and I-" you stammer, and she just gives you the sweetest most understanding smile.

She's perfect.

"Don't worry about it Donnie. Goodnight." She simply says, opening her car door.

No don't leave.

My feet move without me telling to and I shut her door.

"Y/N, you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen." You tell her, looking at her eyes.


Now Y/N blushes. She just sheepishly smiles. "Aw thanks Dee. I'll see you soon okay? Text me."

I nod and step back, my battleshell unfurling again. "I promise I will."

We split off and I return to my room, punching the air.

It's a win for purple! Tech god and rizz god!!

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