Epi: 2 years later

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Roswell takes a deep breath and touches her stomach as she stares into the mirror in front of her. She's been waiting for this day for a while now. A lot of planning. A lot of issues. But it's now finally happening. She smiles a little and glances up. Her eyes catching something in her reflection that has her spinning on the spot.

"Sam?" Roswell asks staring at her brother. He raises a hand and waves at her. Roswell lifts the bottom of her dress and runs to him, his arms instantly wrapping around her tightly. Dean had filled him in on everything that happened whilst he was....soulless. It's why they put off telling her Sam was back, he didn't want to drag her into his mess whilst he was recovering. Roswell is his baby sister and he just wanted to protect her from what he had become. He wanted to be all of himself when he saw her again. And what better day than her 'wedding day'. It's not a real wedding as marrying two guys is illegal, it's more of a spiritual blessing. Thor had actually given the trio the idea, that is was legal and common ground on Asgard. They agreed it was a good idea, and here they are. Getting Asgardian married. Sam looks over Roswell and smiles. If any of them had a shot at getting some form of normality, it was always going to be Roswell. And here she is.

"You look...beautiful" He assures her, she smiles and looks at her dress.

"How are you back?" she asks him, he sighs and shrugs.

"Very long story, that can wait....today is all about you...." he brushes her hair back and smiles.

"Hey" Wanda greets from the doorway, Sam and Roswell both turn to look at her. Roswell's relationship with Wanda did eventually heal. Though it took time. Months of forced lunches and dinners and training together to get them back to where they were. But they are better now. Closer now.

"Sam, this is my sister..." Roswell offers.

"Wanda, right?" Sam asks Roswell who nods. "And Pietro is the brother...." He explains to himself. Wanda smiles slightly. "Dean's been catching me up" Sam offers as he rubs the back of his neck and then raises an eyebrow at the pram that Wanda is pushing, a three-year-old girl hanging off the side of it. Wanda and Natasha's adopted daughter, the child of a mutant that was killed, Wanda just knew she and Natasha had to take on the girl, that she should be raised by and around mutants.

"Don't worry" Wanda teases. "They're not all mine" She picks up the girl. "Just this one" She looks at her daughter. Sam looks at Roswell, who nods to answer the question in his eyes.

"My sons" Roswell admits, Sam nods and crouches in front of the two six-month-old twin boys. "Johnny and Alex" She offers. Sam smiles at the boys. Dean has a photo of them in the Impala. Tacked to the dash, probably the only incident of vandalism he'll ever allow in the car, but it sits pride of place. Dean loves his nephews, even if they are not by blood, they are still family. And getting new family, baby family, is hard to come by nowadays.

"They look just like their dads" Sam comments staring at the two boys. One is the spitting image of Steve. The other Bucky. "They're twins?"

"Yeah" She answers as she watches him. "It happens, apparently" she shrugs. Not that she, Steve, or Bucky are complaining. She had been a little worried about how one of them would take it if their first child was fathered by the other. But she didn't need to worry about it. Steve got his son as Bucky got his son. They were both happy.


Roswell sits on a bench between Steve and Bucky, the two of them sharing a drink in the gardens of the facility. Roswell slips off her heels and runs her toes through the grass beneath her feet. Steve touches her arm with a smile. They did it. They sort of got married. Surrounded by their friends and family. A few members of the press. It was beautiful. Bright. Floral. Of course, it was going floral given Roswell's love of anything that grows out of the ground.

"Who saw your brother coming back from the dead coming?" Bucky asks as he wraps an around her shoulders, she smirks and shrugs.

"Not the first time" She teases. "And it wasn't without issue according to Dean..." she shakes her head. "It doesn't matter today" she scolds and turns to Bucky. "We got married..." She takes Steve's hand on her other side.

"Sort of" Bucky argues. "I mean....we got blessed" she shrugs.

"It's as good as we're going to get" she points out, he nods and kisses her as Steve squeezes her hand. She leans back into his side. "What now?" she asks them.

"So this is it, huh?" Steve asks them.

"Happily ever after?" Bucky counters, Roswell hums as Steve nods. "Is it?" He counters, Roswell cocks her head. "As long as there are no equal rights for mutants..." She chuckles a little.

"Okay...." She stops him. "It's better....you know, it's getting better. Change doesn't come overnight. And I have you two...and two beautiful babies....great friends, my brother back, my family...." Bucky smiles and nods. "Right now, this is our happily ever after....and if anything comes....we'll deal with it, together..." Bucky touches her cheek. Steve kisses her head and smiles. She's right. Right now. As they are. What they have. This is their happily ever after. Their family. Their friends. The people that they love. Steve reaches around Roswell and squeezes Bucky's shoulder, the two friends sharing a look. Neither of them ever thought they would get anything like this. Not after everything they've been through. But here they are. Happy. Winning. They finally won. 

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