The golden reptile.

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A/N I know, it's a short chapter. I wrote it at 12 am. Probably should also warn that this chapter uses a reference to the bible to describe the serpent. This isn't too important to the lore but he will make appearances. His personality will changed for reasons that will be specified in the future as the story progresses.

I stared at the boy on the swing. I learned his name was Naruto. We are both still children new to the program. I was walking towards him before I stopped in my tracks. Something ran in front of me. It was something quick like a..golden rabbit?

It stood on its hind legs in front of me, eyes oozing with red and its body like fresh gold ore. I heard its bones snap and crack as its fur turned to scales. It grew a tail as it contorted into a creature.

It was a snake not yet condemned to lie on its belly and swallow dirt for its dirty little life. It had four legs which it used. It could stand on its hind legs as well. If I had known of biblical angels he would have been compared to Satan.

He spoke with a hiss "Ssstay" its tongue protruded from his mouth like a snakes. I stared at it, backing up slightly. No one had noticed me over here yet. It moved and gripped onto my arm. I couldn't move or yell in protest as it forced its body down my throat. It adjusted its size to do so, but it still made me gag and cough. I gripped my throat as I took deep breaths.
What was that?

I ran from the playground where the swing was, pushing through people. I panted as I ran, people looked at me with worry. I need to tell someone don't I? I rushed into my apartment with Kakashi. He was rarely here but I hoped he would be.
Sadly he wasn't. I tried to talk to myself, say a snake didn't just crawl down my throat. I couldn't say anything related to it.. oh this was bad wasn't it?

Entering my room I sighed, plopping down into my bed. I didn't have the stamina to run that much yet. I would soon though, I hoped.
That night, all I could hear was that snake. "No one needsss zisss knowledgee" his words dragged. It felt like he was in my head. I covered my head with my pillow, being a scared child.
"Zu will be fineesss" it hissed out. It assured me throughout the darkness that no one would find out. This never eased my mind. I want people to know. I want to get this snake separated from me.

"No one would believe the outcast girl." Thats weird, it spoke perfectly clear. It was however hushed and quick but there were no continued words or extra syllables. I felt it shift to nestle itself between my lungs as it spoke.

I shut my eyes tightly as my arms wrapped around myself. I pulled the covers up further as I heard Kakashi come home. He checked on me and went to bed himself. I lied in my room terrified to sleep. At this point I don't know if I passed out or dissociated.

I woke up the next day. I felt fine today, the snake didn't speak. I hope I had imagined it. I dislike the reptile. I don't even know if it is a snake, a rabbit, or a large lizard.

I guess we will find out one day.

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