Ramen with Iruka-sensei

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  [A/N]: So, the art is a really quick sketch of Kanes new hair. Also, Naruto and Kane bond are lil here ^^

  While cleaning the statues, I was bothered with a question by Naruto the entire time. "Why do you always wear gloves?" And sadly even after I ignored and avoided it he kept asking. We were at the Ramen shop now. I haven't been here before so it was unfamiliar to me.

   I glanced over to Naruto when he asked again. Then to Iruka who had a nervous expression. Sensei knew my curse and how much of a sensitive topic it was.  I sighed and gave up avoiding the question. The entire headband discussion had ended as well, sad. I was hoping that would make him forget. "Because I'm a monster." I half joked, chuckling to myself.

  Naruto's expression seemed to drop when I said this "I don't think you are." He reached for my hand, holding it up slightly "Gloves don't make you a monster!"

I deadpanned at this fact. It isn't the gloves, its me. Tensing up and yanking my hand away "can we talk about something else?" I looked away.

"Sure!" He responded, the grin reappearing on his face "Why do you always dress like a boy?" He asked the innocent and meaningless question.
  Why that question? He could've asked anything else.. I looked down at my ramen, I had finished it already. "Because I am one, Naruto." I responded. Iruka knew my secret but looked at me shocked. He didn't expect me to tell Naruto I guess.

  Naruto looked bamboozled and I didn't want to talk anymore. I was worried about what he would think of me now. I stood, looking over to Iruka "Thank you for the food, sensei."

  I left the shop, hearing Naruto look at Iruka in confusion and practically beg for answers. He was just a big ball of energy wasn't he?

  I entered my residence, plopping down onto my bed when I got to my room. Kakashi wasn't home yet. He probably would not be home for a while either.

  I stared up at the ceiling. I was in bed, holding a plush close to me as I attempted to sleep. "How can you succeed with everyone watching me as if you are a girl?" The snake slithered out of my chest as I rested my hand on it. It contorted into a gold rabbit with red eyes and whispered profanities into my ears. How was I to succeed? "You're just a frail child. A woman shouldn't be a shinobi." I glanced at it as it spoke.

  Oh god so first the reptile is transphobic and now it's sexist? What a wonderful life. I rolled my eyes at it and flipped over to my side so I couldn't see the hideous creature.

It hopped in front of me "you can't ignore me. I am you." It hissed with its little rabbit mouth.  "You don't even have the will to cut your hair."

   I didn't want to acknowledge it. I just stood and walked to the bathroom. I locked myself in there hoping it wouldn't follow. I gripped a pair of scissors, raising it to my hair. My other hand held my hair up as I cut it. The front two strands were untouched. I looked like a botched jellyfish.
I had cut my hair all my life. I can fix this, right? I hoped I'd look fine the next day. I felt my heart sting as a boy looked back at me in the mirror. I wanted this for years. I can't stand the rabbit's comments anymore. I needed to prove the bastardoues reptile truly wrong.

I am a boy and that thing wont stop me from being one. Im telling Kakashi or well, dad tomorrow when he wakes up and before he leaves the house. Tomorrow is the genin exam and I refuse to fail it. Tomorrow I'm becoming a new me. A me that I like. From this point on I vow to be me.

I heard the rabbit hiss from outside my room. I can tell it dislikes this change in me. In his mind talking to Naruto made me well, have the courage to act out against him. Maybe he was right.

I looked over to the mask Dad had given me for my birthday a while back.  It was identical to his. I smiled softly, even though he adopted me I still considered him to be my father. Weirdly enough we even look similar. Same hair, same beauty marks on our face, a lot of things are similar.

  The night was spent staying up, cutting and texturing my hair. It finally looked decent. I looked like me. The snake had finally stopped hissing and I could go to bed in peace without it bothering me with its nasty voice.

(Heres his hair)

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