Annika's eyes looked up at her saviour and saw Shivaay with a small gun in his hand. She was shocked and trembled. Shivaay held her up and pushed her behind him and went towards the eve teasers. One of them was unconscious but no blood was spotted. Shivaay spoke in a cold and heavy voice 'This time it was just a trailer , next time I will aim and shoot. And keep in mind , Shivaay Singh Oberoi doesn't miss his target. The group of boys looked at him and took their bikes and fled from their. Shivaay walked towards Annika and said with eyes full of concern 'Annika are you alright. There is no need to be scared now. They have gone.'
Annika was still shaking with fear but she spoke harshly and shoved Shivaay 'You are a gangster. You bought a gun to a date. Did you plan to kill me with it if I rejected you? How did I even expect you to be a good person? You disgust me. Get out from here before I call someone.'
She went on rambling and was sweating profusely. That gun shot was still ringing in her ears.As she went on shouting , Shivaay pressed his hand to her lips and said 'Ssshhhhh. Now just shut up for a minute and come and sit down'
With his hand still blocking her lips he took her to his car and made her sit there. He gave her bottle of water and said 'Here you drink this and while you drink , listen to me very attentively. And don't you dare interrupt me. I had planned to give this speech in a more romantic setting but you demand it now , so be it.'
Shivaay took a deep breath and said 'I saw you more than a year ago. And I don't believe in love at first sight but you changed my perception. When you first walked in through those doors , you opened the much rusted gates of my heart. Maybe it was just attraction at first but the more I interacted with you , I got to know what a wonderful person you are. You are smart and intelligent. You have a respectable job and people look up to you in the society. As compared to that, the job and the family that I belong to has no ounce of respect. We do the dirty jobs. But I have always wanted to break free of my family business. And when I met you I the urge to do something good grew even more , because I wanted to be worthy enough for you. I wanted to be someone whom you would be proud of and for the past year I have been striving to be a better person. I really like you Annika , actually no , I love you. I really do. And if I see you in trouble I will go to every extent to bring you out of it. I don't want you to be scared of me. I will never harm you if you reject me. I will always respect your wishes. Maybe I will pursue you for some time but never hurt or embarrass you.I just want you to give me a chance to prove my worth and my love to you. This gun , is a licensed one. I learnt to shoot from a young age due to our family traditions. I didn't bring this to threaten you , I would never do that. But if you want , I can burn it right away and never pick up a gun. Please Annika , trust me.'
Shivaay finished and looked at Annika for a reaction. She was still sipping her water bottle and looked at Shivaay with no expression.
Shivaay took the water bottle from her hand and said 'If you want to say something , now would be a great time.'
Annika said 'How will you burn the gun. It's metal.'
Shivaay rolled his eyes and said 'After everything I said , only that part got into your head. I meant I will get it destroyed.'
Annika said 'Fine ,then get it destroyed. And I am usually free at three in the afternoon.'
With that she went out of the car and Shivaay thought 'I confessed my love and she walked away. But told me that she is free at three, so she is interested in me but doesn't want to show it. Women , are really confusing.'
He started the car and drove away.
Annika blushed and gushed in her car. Shivaay was so amazing. The way he said I love you was enough to sweep anyone off their feet. She thought , I want to spend more time with him and get to know him. She giggled like a punch drunk girl and drove back to her clinic. As she worked , she realised that after a long time her work didn't seem monotonous. People were wrong about love distracting people, sometimes love could do wonders with you work. After midnight her work finally finished and she went on happy with a smile still stuck to her face. She saw Ayan waiting for her. She said 'You didn't sleep? It's late.'
Ayan said 'I wanted to know about your date with that smuggler.'
Annika sat down and said 'He is a good man Ayan. Honestly, he is nothing like his family. He is kind , gentle and sophisticated but if trouble comes upon me he can kill too.' She told him the whole incident. She said 'Ayan, after a long time I am this happy. Please let me see him.'
Ayan said 'If you are happy then I am happy too. I just worry about you. There is no one other than you for me to look after. You are the world to me and I don't want you to ever get hurt. But if this man keeps you happy then I have no complaints. After you get serious about him , I would like to meet him too.'
Annika hugged him and said 'I love you, you are the best brother, now did you have something to eat?'
Ayan shook his head and Annika fixed something for him to eat and they went to sleep, feeling more content than they had ever had been. Things were going well.
Shivaay stayed up the whole night taking to Mri and gave her the detailed analysis of everything. He said 'But I would have been happier had she said something.'
Mri said 'Bhaiya,she likes you and that's why gave you the hint to meet her everyday at three. I suggest that tomorrow you cook something for her and take that to her clinic. And you could make something for me too.'
Shivaay punched her playfully and said 'Fine Mri as you say. Tomorrow Chef Shivaay will be there to feed the two most important women in his life.'
Mri said 'I hate sharing you with anyone else.' and hugged him tight.
Shivaay stroked her hair and said 'My love for you will always be the same. It won't be less you know that.'
Mri said 'I know. Did you destroy the gun? It was your favourite toy , right'
Shivaay showed her the broken remains of once a very handsome gun and said 'If Annika doesn't like something, then out it will go.'
Mri laughed and said 'I love you bhaiya. You are simply adorable.'
Shivaay kissed her forehead and put her to sleep. He thought tomorrow Annika will eat my first dish for her. He smiled at the thought of her liking his food and went to sleep.
So guys how did you find this chapter? Are you liking the way the story is moving or is it slow ? Do let me know your views and do vote. Lots of love .
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