It was another day inside of Heartslaybul but things weren't the same for you as you awoken by your red-head on his throne that reminded you of the Queen Of Hearts.
"Come on my Lovely Strawberry~! Don't be afriad and come to your King!!! AHA~! You can't escape me or i'll send all these students to find you and drag you back straight towards me...!"
He'd grab you by your Chin lifting your head up to face him as he smirked. "I can't be king without a queen after all~"
"Now then~! Let the tea party begin my Lovely Strawberry~!" He's chuckle out as Trey came in placing a sickening amount of sweets on the table as Riddle had used his magic to pour they're tea.
"....S-Stop Rose...This is too much for me!" You'd had turn around to run away and escape.
"Your not going anywhere my Lovely Strawberry~!" He'd use thorns to make you sit still in the chair across from him as he stood up and approached you grabbing your chin as he'd lift it up for you to face him. "I'll make sure to reform you into the perfect image for me...They've tainted you too much my Lovely Strawberry~"
"I'll make sure your the perfect image again~! No longer tainted by them~!" He'd let out a small laugh as he'd contiune. "Just let me reform you into that perfect non rulebreaking girl my Lovely Strawberry!!!"
"N-No! You've gone insane Riddle! Just let me go Rose!" You'd struggle to get out of the thorns.
"Me....? Insane...? No Lovely Rose~You've got it all wrong...! I've been trying to protect you from being tainted by those rulebreakers! Rulebreakers aren't allowed in my world! you've got to be perfect!" He'd giggle.
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