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Clarissa Newman's death was an extremely unfortunate and unforeseen event. To take place on a day like today and under the circumstances, we're sure we can agree that this death must be tied to the murder of Holly Cassia's parents, and we are making every effort to understand who the culprit could be, as this is now considerably more difficult to narrow down seeing as every guest who attended the birthday party has also attended the Cassia's funeral.

Attached to this report is an audio clip we managed to save when Clarissa called Holly in an attempt to tell her something, which was planned to be told today at the funeral, seeing as she was more comfortable talking face-to-face at the time. It would be much appreciated if you could send us any shots and detailed information on the latest murder, and we will also keep in touch with you if we uncover anything concerning this case.

Email sent at 14.47, Wednesday, by Tyrel Trust - a private investigative agency that traces, identifies and solves felonies issued by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Sent to Joseph Brunsley, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Received and read: Joseph Brunsley

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