Wild Camping Trip and Revelations

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Hey Guys! Hope you all like this new chapter. I don't own the pictures or show unfortunately. If I did I would've met Zach Callison by now. *Cries*

Third Person POV

It was dusk, the smell of ashes was in the air. The group made up a nice camping site with the RV in the center. There were multiple sleeping tents around the campsite with designated occupants. There was tent that was blue and purple, which was Amethyst and Pearl. Another tent was Purple, which was Garnet. Another tent was red with a yellow star, which was Steven. While the last tent was pink and black, Greg and Rose's.

Steven walked out of his tent to see the gems asking Greg how to use a campfire. It was pretty funny to say the least.

"So we use 'lighter fluid' on the wood to make it burn?" asked Pearl. Greg nodded, "Yeah, once we do that, we light a match on it and it burns! Then we can cook the campfire classic meals. Mmmmm, like hot dogs, and hamburgers. Then at night, we'll make s'mores!" At this point Greg was drooling, a whole waterfall was practically coming out of his mouth. Rose was giggling to the side, she enjoyed human traditions so much.

Garnet had a better idea for a fire though. "How about we save some time with this." Garnet held a plank a wood and set on on fire, she put it with the others and soon the pile of wood became a huge roaring fire.

"WOAH!" yelled Greg. Amethyst and Steven nodded with approval with awe in their eyes. "YEAH! FIRE FIRE FIRE!"

"Honestly Amethyst, let's at least try to behave ourselves." said Pearl. At Pearl's comment, Amethyst simply stuck her tongue out. Pearl scoffed at that, however Rose saw a small distinct smile on her face.

'I'm glad I'm here to enjoy this with them' thought Rose. Being with her son and husband, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. It was her family, and she would always protect them. Even from her sis- 'Let's not think about that now.'

Soon everyone was settled sitting on logs around the campfire and eating, well, Steven,Greg, and Amethyst were. The rest were fine with just talking and not consuming food.

Steven put down his hot dog he was eating and looked over at the gems. "Hey guys, I wanted to ask you guys something" said Steven. The gems looked over to see Steven with a semi-serious face. That was uncommon for him, so they knew it was serious.

"What is it Steven?" "Yeah, what is it?"

"I-I want to talk about Peridot and Lapis." said Steven. While Pearl and Garnet were slightly shocked (even though Garnet doesn't show it), Amethyst was indifferent and Rose had a look of understanding.

'We shouldn't be surprised, he's just like me. Always looking out for others before himself.' thought Rose.

"I'll tell you what Steven. I need to get back into things and we need all the information we can get from them, especially Peridot. The gems may have been dealt with for now, but from I've seen so far. Homeworld's technology is advancing quickly surpassing us. When we head home, me and you will talk with Peridot." Rose looked over to the others. "Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst. I need you three to track Malachite." Rose said.

"What?! Are you sure?! Steven could get hurt! If it was up to me, he would never see them again." said Greg frantically. He had just had to go through his son almost dying to aliens and his wife coming back to life. He didn't know if he could take all this at once. Having his son and wife talking to a hostile alien didn't help at all.

"I know it's dangerous Greg. If I had it my way, I would talk to Peridot alone. However, from what Steven and Garnet told me, Steven has made good progress with talking to her and giving her doubts about Homeworld. My presence alone could erase that entirely." Rose then stood up and summoned her shield. "Besides, Peridot will have to go through me before she even thinks of harming Steven." Steven stared at everyone in happiness.

Steven got up as well and got everyone in a group hug. Which proved to be too much since everyone fell. But they all didn't care, and everyone started to laugh. Steven was so relieved, he felt his life was just getting better and better. He laid with everyone by the roaring fire, under the twinkling night sky. 'I wonder what will happen next.' Steven thought with a smile on his face.

Hope you guys liked it! :)

Until next time

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