"Where the fuck did you rush off to after school?"
Before he took his shoes off, Hyunjin glanced at his roommate questioning him up on entering the dorm at 11pm.
"Why are you awake? I was with Felix." Hyunjin replied, taking his coat off and tossing it onto the hatstand.
"I can't sleep.. I've been swearing under every breath." Jeongin sighed, "and I miss Minnie.."
Hyunjin lifted an eyebrow, "Who's that? Your girlfriend?" He walked over to his bed and sat.
"My boyfriend- wow dude you okay?" Jeongin couldn't help but chuckle at the taller choking on air, "You know Seungmin? He's your age but a sophomore. He's told me a lot about everyone here. I know a few dudes like Bang Chan, Woojin, and um.. The pretty one that's always with Chan. Mina?"
"Oh it's 'Minho'. But I think Seungmin's on my basketball team," Hyunjin said, "Is he the reason you came here all the way from Busan?"
A smile crept up Jeongin's face, "Yes.. Once this year ends, we're gonna move into the same apartment."
Hyunjin chuckled enviously, "That's cute.. I want a boyfriend too."
"Why the frown on your face? Maybe you'll meet someone soon."
Hyunjin sighed deeply. "I kinda like someone but he's not good.. It feels wrong to crush on him. You know how opposites attract?" Hyunjin looked at Jeongin listening intently to his words, "If I'm tall and would never hurt people for nothing, he's.."
"...the opposite? Short and would hurt people?" Jeongin continued.
Hyunjin nodded, "and I can't shoot three pointers in basketball."
"You're describing Seo Changbin. Right?" Jeongin asked knowingly, "he's short, kind of a bitch who hurts people, and is best at three-pointers." Jeongin stated, counting the facts in his fingers.
"You must be disappointed." Hyunjin frowned, "He's messed with both my best friends. I beat him up the first time but today he was already all bruised and had no fight in him. And we kinda talked.."
"That's- unexpected.. What did he say?"
"He apologised, said he didn't want to touch Felix but had something against someone else. And that now we're even because he's paid the price. I don't think I can forgive him for hurting Jisung or Felix but," Hyunjin breathed. He furrowed, looking at Jeongin in confusion, "Is it normal to blush while apologising?"
Jeongin laughed at the words, "I bet you by next month you'd probably be head over heels for each other."
"Why do you say that?"
"Dunno, just feel it. Seungmin noticed him acting all weird once you joined the team. Now that I think about it, you're the only freshman he hasn't bullied."
"Wait- what did he do to you?"
"Um he doesn't know I'm a freshman.. He walked past me and was like, 'what's a high schooler doing here?' Like- the audacity that short fucker had."
Hyunjin cackled, "where's the lie though? You're a literal baby." His words made Jeongin pout with a frown.
"I'm not a baby, I'm grown. And I have a boyfriend, unlike you." Jeongin stuck his tongue out at Hyunjin, to which the other rolled his eyes.
"But maybe you'll be the reason Changbin finally changes.."
There's this person I want to get closer to but I'm kinda scared bc whenever I get close to someone, I lose them so I'm afraid I'd lose this PWECIOUS person but I really wanna get close--
Nvm we're confirmed to be soul mates
Seagull mates*
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